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Book online «Rayna's Sacrifice (The Katori Chronicles Book 3) A. Lombardo (best smutty novels txt) 📖». Author A. Lombardo

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Anahita. I have heard of those places. What are they like? Which is your favorite?”

“While I love my home in Diu, Port Anahita’s beaches are stunning. There is a town near Diu, Henley, which I enjoy visiting. Although if I had to pick a favorite, Chenowith is a very picturesque city nestled in the foothills.”

Senina curled in close as they walked, ever-attentive to his every word. Her hand gently rubbed his arm. “What do you think of the Hiowind Tribe?”

Kai thought of the welcome he’d received so far. “People are people. They are the same everywhere.”

“What do you think of me?” she interrupted him.

Caught off guard by the question, Kai hesitated in his response. “Senina, you are very sweet, but I am…” He stumbled through his answer.

A few yards from the main walkway, Senina stopped. Kai watched the stragglers slip into the dimly illuminated Agora. A tightness clutched at Kai’s stomach. Senina stepped in front of him, her face close to his.

“Kai, I am interested in you. Let me be honest, I wish you to be mine.”

Senina leaned in close, her head tilted to kiss him. Kai placed his hand over her lips. “You cannot own a person. You cannot make me yours because you wish it so. I am with Rayna, she is my future. I knew you were pursuing me. I had hoped you would see I was with her and let it go.”

Calm and collected, Senina pulled Kai’s hand away from her mouth. She held his hand against her chest. “I appreciate you being honest. Kind, even. But I am still interested, should you change your mind.” She graced the side of Kai’s face with her other hand. “I will be waiting.”

Confident and proud, she took his arm and they continued to the Agora. Everyone was inside, quietly meditating. Through the din, Senina found her sisters and took her place. Kai looked for Rayna in their usual spot. Third row from the back.

She sat straight and tall, eyes closed. He quietly approached. Legs crossed, he lowered himself onto a cushion beside her. He exhaled slowly, centering himself into his meditation. Before he closed his eyes, he heard Rayna sniff. He glanced over as she wiped the corner of her eye. Kai saw the moist streak on her cheek.

A lump formed in his throat. They had been so happy these many months. What could possibly bring a tear to Rayna’s eye? No, no, no! he clenched his jaw in frustration. Rayna had seen him with Senina, he was sure of it. He could only imagine how they must have looked. Alone in the dark, her face near his, her hand on his face.

There was no way he could explain. Now they had to sit there for over an hour before he could possibly speak with her. All the while, Rayna would imagine the worst. He wiggled on his cushion. His mind raced with how to calm her worries. He thought to touch her arm, but that would bring unwanted attention.

If they left, they would be noticed. Being respectful of Katori practices was essential to their way of life. Although he wanted to go, he held his place. It was the most challenging sit of his life. The minutes crawled and his bottom ached. He shifted again on his cushion, anxious for the time to end, but there was no way to make it go faster.

Restless, he opened his eyes. Sunlight streamed into the Agora. Kai glanced towards the chiefs and the unie. They remained steady and silent. Everyone would wait on their cue to depart. Every second pounded on Kai’s heart. He looked to Rayna. She still sat straight and tall, her legs crossed in front of her, palms resting on her knees.

The eldest chief stood, then the unie. One by one they rose, oldest to youngest. Hands pressed together in prayer, they bowed to each other, then they nodded to the group. From a seated position, the people bowed back. After the chiefs and unie walked to the entrance, they turned and bowed to the room, to the spirit of Alenga.

The crowd rose, collected their cushions, and secured them over one shoulder with a long strap. Like their leaders, they bowed to the Agora before they departed. Kai followed suit, attempting to keep up with Rayna. Her smaller frame allowed her to slip through the crowd. She instantly put distance between them.

Dawn splashed over the gardens, and he caught sight of her scurrying between the windmills. She was not headed home. Not wanting to draw attention to himself, Kai quickened his pace. He darted down the first path to step out of the crowd. He made his way through the gardens. Hidden in the cherry blossom trees, he found her.

“Rayna, please let me explain.” He reached for her arm, but she backed away.

Tears streamed down her face. “How could you? Especially with her. I didn’t believe you were courting her. Ciera and Linnea, they showed me. I saw her in your arms. Her hand on your face. I couldn’t bear to watch anything more.” She slapped his hand away.

Kai took a breath. “I love you, Rayna, no one else. Period. Those are the only words that matter to me in this world. Senina tried to kiss me. That is true. I stopped her. She wants to come between us.”

“You let her come between us. You’re too nice to her. Her sisters said you take morning strolls in the garden. Now I see you together myself.” She turned away.

“I was clear with her today. I told her I am with you. Please believe me, nothing happened.” Kai brushed the back of her shoulder.

Rayna held firm, then turned on her heels to look at him. Kai took her hand. “Nothing happened, I speak the truth. If she had kissed me, unwarranted or not, I would be honest. It seems to me those three planned this. They wanted you to see us together, though I am sure she had hoped

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