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was pretty much our last resort.

“Okay, I can kinda see why you might think that. But probably the biggest weakness of your ex-people, is that they think they’re so fucking superior to everyone else. Luckily for us, it’s an outlook that’s allowed us to continually kick their asses every time we meet. And if you don’t mind me saying so, you’re kinda displaying that very same arrogance. I mean, show a bit of respect. We didn’t get this far by accident.”

I heard Ember snort and realized I hadn’t done a particularly good job of wooing our potential allies. I just couldn’t help myself sometimes. Fiekela looked offended, which didn’t surprise me in the least, but Jezai looked deep in thought before replying. “Very well, I apologize for my assumptions. Would you care to tell us how you managed to face down 40 elite level Fystr?”

“Led by the great Heiliun, whose name is known to us from nearly seven thousand years ago?” Fiekela added, face neutral but words dripping with scorn.

“Simple,” I answered. “He invaded my Mindscape and I fought him to a standstill. My friends here joined my Mindscape, hence why he fucked off very quickly. Later we fought again, but in normal-state. I’ll be honest, the bastard was tough, and if I hadn’t killed his wife, I might have needed help to finish him off. As for everyone else, my little army killed the lot of them.”

“You have transcended, and you let people wander in your mind? It does not seem possible.” Fiekela looked confused.

“Up to now, me and a few other crew members have transcended, but no, I don’t let people wander freely in my mind, other than Ember. The others I invited for a critical event.” I smiled.

Jezai spoke once more “This is all very interesting.”. “And there is no doubt you have genuine strength. Yet your intention of facing the Fystr fleet someday is a gross underestimation on your part of what you face. Should they bring their full war machine to bear, I doubt there is a force in the universe that could stop them.”

“Still, that’s the plan, my man, and if we can’t smash the bastards up completely, which I admit seems a little farfetched,” I chuckled, “we’re still gonna attempt to cause as much trouble for them as we can.”

“Be that as it may, our immediate concern now is how close to our borders you have led them. We may have to ask you all to leave again to prevent them from discovering our home,” Jezai said, looking troubled.

“I get you, and sorry if we have brought trouble to your doorstep. We can just get out of here now if you’re that worried,” I offered.

“As I said earlier, you need do nothing so hasty. If you are willing to bring the caretaker to our medical facility, his recovery time will be greatly reduced. Until we have spoken with him and conferred among our number, you are welcome to remain here. It will not take long to bring him back to full health.”

“Well, thanks for not just sending us back on our way, and for what help you are offering, even if it goes no further,” I said with genuine gratitude. Then I turned to Wulek. “You wanna have Ogun brought down?”

They nodded, before speaking into their comm. After a brief exchange with someone on the Photia, they spoke to both Jezai and me. “My crew are preparing to move him, they will bring him down as soon as they are able.”

“Cheers, Wulek, you’re a star,” I said, offering a thumbs up. Turning to Jezai, I said, “I probably should have mentioned that he has had both his hands and feet severed. Do you have any… like… robot feet? We can pay.”

“Robot feet?” he asked curiously.

Ember laughed out loud. “I think he is asking if you can give Ogun prosthetic limbs, so he can walk and function as before.”

“Oh, of course. We can do better than that, I would like to think. We have technology capable of repairing and regrowing limbs so there is no cause for concern with that aspect of recovery. I am confident that we will have Ogun back to his former self in no time.”

“I just hope he hasn’t lost his mind, too.”

“I’m almost certain we can help with that.” Jezai smiled gently.

“Goddamn it, I’m amazed. We will be grateful for all you can do. I only ask that you let us know when you're ready to wake him. The poor fucker won’t know where he is, or what the hell's going on. Seeing a friendly face when he wakes has got to help.”

“If that is your wish, we will arrange it. Now, to lighter subjects. How did you find our cuisine?” Jezai asked, beaming and clapping his hands.

“It was a pretty decent spread,” Ember answered with approval.

While William abruptly, shouted, “Yae need ta ferment wot ever tha’ juice is. Wud go down a charm with a wee kick te it.”

The Apochros, as one, looked confused by William. It made me smile to see.

We spent another half-hour chatting with the Council of Elders about their planet and the Dark Sector, or the Apochros Alliance Sector as they described the area, before making our way back to the ship.

Chapter 2

Handy Skills

Back on the Uprising, we made our way to our quarters. As soon as I walked into the room, Havok bombarded my mind. “You’re back! Finally! I really don’t like being parted, Shaun.”

“Nor me, mate, but it was the right decision. They wouldn’t have appreciated me strolling around with you out there and we need to make a good impression.”

“So no one to kill yet? Give them time, I’m sure they’ll piss you off.”

I chuckled in response. “You're probably right, Havok, but for now we will try to be friends.”

I switched my attention back to Ember, who had started talking to me. “Well, that didn’t go at all how I imagined, but at least they seem decent enough.”

“Let’s hope they

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