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Book online «Condition Evolution 4 Kevin Sinclair (top 100 novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kevin Sinclair

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decide we can stay around for a while. I really don’t want to head back out just yet. I reckon we could learn a lot from these guys, if they’d be willing to teach us a thing or two,” I replied.

“If we can make some kind of agreement with them,” Ember said, dropping down onto the couch, while I took a seat on the edge of the bed.

“We’ll see. I hate all this uncertainty and it feels almost like we’re waiting for a death sentence.”

“Come on, Shaun, stop being so dramatic. We’ve managed okay before meeting the Apochros and we’ll be fine again,” she replied with a soothing smile.

“I know, it’s just that little flame of hope that we don’t have to keep doing this alone. One plus is that Ogun’s getting fixed up properly. That in itself is a pure stroke of luck. He’s gonna get a big fucking surprise when he wakes up. I can’t wait to see his face.”

“Most people would get a surprise, if the first thing they see is your mug, Shaun.”

“I’ll have you know, I’m extraordinarily good-looking.”

“And a prat too! Congratulations,” she laughed.

“So what now? It feels odd just waiting around,” I said to her as I lay back on the bed and stretched out.

Unfortunately, Ember knew exactly what to do with the spare time. “Let's clear some inventory!”

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” I said, rolling over in mock dismay.

“Yes, Shaun. If we do get kicked out of the Dark Sector, it would be nice to think we’ve used this time wisely rather than pissing it away.”

“I suppose we need to look at where we’d go from here too. If, or rather when, we leave. I mean, we kinda fucked the whole mercenary contractor thing up for starters.”

“Yeah, you did. Maybe if we get Ogun back fit and well, he’ll have some insights, but for now let's just try to relax a little, and by relax, I mean inventory!” She shouted out the last word with glee at my reluctance.

“Okay, I submit to your badgering. But after we see Ogun, I wanna go for a walk around if we're allowed. It's too bloody gorgeous here, isn’t it?”

“Oh, a romantic walk? Sounds nice. It would uplift the crew if they could have a wander around too, except maybe William,” Ember added, and we both laughed at the thought of the captain of the Flying Scotsman.

After a tedious hour of working on ordering inventory in the Mindscape, we made our way to the canteen and then bridge just to show our faces, chat, and generally mingle to get a sense of the mood on board. That was until we received a communication from Jezai.

“Hello, Captain Shaun. Our doctor, having opened Ogun’s stasis chamber, has assessed his condition and administered care. He has been held in a coma, but they are now ready to awaken him. His wounds are healed, though his hands and feet are still in the process of being repaired. I am advised the estimated time for full regrowth is approximately one week.”

“So, are you growing them in a tub or something and then attaching them?” I interrupted, struggling to comprehend exactly what they were doing with Ogun.

Jezai laughed. “No, no. They will be grown from Ogun’s own cells using their genetic code. We just provide the engineering, materials, and encouragement. Please feel free to discuss the finer details with our doctor, if you would still like to be present when he comes around?”

“Yes, we do,” I replied. “We’ll make our way over right now and I’ll inform the other ship captains, Astrid and Rufus. They will want to be there for him.”

“Can I suggest keeping visitors down to a minimum for the initial awakening? The doctor shares your concerns that he may not be quite himself.”

“I see. Probably best not to overload him. Only Ember and I will come for now.”

“I assure you, it will be for the best. I will meet you at the facility,” Jezai replied, then ended the communication.

“Come on then,” I said, turning to Ember.

“We should at least let Astrid and Rufus know what’s happening and why. We don’t want this causing a divide.”

“Sure, you’re right. It's the sensible thing to do. I’ll contact Astrid, if you break it to Rufus. I don’t want the prick to ruin my good mood,” I mumbled.

“But you don’t mind if he ruins mine instead? Real considerate, Shaun.”

“For fuck’s sake, I’ll do Rufus then,” I grumbled, raising my arms in frustration before connecting to Rufus through the comm on my chair.

“Captain?” came Rufus’s clipped tone through the speaker. There was still obvious awkwardness between us.

“Hey there, Rufus,” I said cheerily, trying to cut through the tension. “They are about to bring Ogun around, but we don't quite know what his mental state’s gonna be. I’ve insisted I be there for him waking, but understandably their doctor suggests we don’t have too many people present. As soon as I know he is up to visitors, I’ll let you know.”

“Why you, Captain? I’ve known him a lot longer. Surely I should be there,” he replied.

I gritted my teeth and ignored what he’d said. “So, as soon as he is awake and ready for visitors, I will let you know. Goodbye, Rufus.” I closed the line with an angry stab of my finger.

Ember, sitting back in her chair, was watching me with a self-satisfied smirk. “How’d it go then, partner?”

“How you’d expect. The prick said he should be the one to go. What about Astrid?”

“Oh, she said that it’s totally fine, and she wasn't sure what she’d say to him anyway after he fucked off and left them in the arse-end of the galaxy, without so much as a word.”

“No way Astrid said arse-end of the Galaxy,” I laughed.

“I summarized it for you using language you’d understand.”

“Well, at least one of them is bearable. I swear, I’m trusting Rufus less and less. We should get one of the Veiletians on his ship to watch the dodgy bastard.”

“It would cause a

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