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Book online «Johnny & I : The Island Daria Paus (fun books to read for adults txt) 📖». Author Daria Paus

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up. Who was gonna save me now? Johnny wasn’t here, he didn't know I’d gone after Sean. And I hoped he wouldn't notice that I was missing. The last thing I wanted was him coming looking for me. Heading out alone had seemed like a good idea at the time, but trapped under Sean's heavy body and with his stinking mouth just inches from my face, I realized I’d made a huge mistake.

Think, my inner voice urged. Do something! 

I racked my brain. This was the time for a mind-blowing solution, the kind that happened in the movies. The thing the hero did in the last minute before they were crushed. No matter how I tried I couldn't think of one thing, I couldn't even move; my body was pressed down into the cold sand. Little pebbles dug into my skin from the pressure. My hands tingled, it was just a matter of time before they would grow numb from the cut-off circulation. For a moment, I closed my eyes and focused on the sounds of the waves. The rhythmical sound as they kept coming and going taunted me with their peace. How could they keep on doing their thing when my whole world was falling apart around me?

The usually comforting sound triggered my anger. My eyes opened and took in the face hovering above me. His pig eyes shone with lust that made me want to vomit, and the smirk on his thin lips told me—killing me was only one of the options. He wanted to do more than just kill me. I couldn't stand looking at him. If he touched me—I couldn’t finish the thought. What could I offer him? What was more tempting than my body?

It suddenly hit me and I shouted it in his face. "Money!"

As the word left my mouth I was stunned at the stupidity.

Money? My mind echoed. How can money save you now? You don't even have any. But as soon as the thought crossed my mind, I knew the answer. It could.

A look of confusion came over Sean's face. The impulse had paid off. He was listening to me instead of undressing me with his eyes.

"I can get it for you."

I had his attention, but I only had seconds before I’d lose it again.


"Johnny," I said. "He's a freakin’ millionaire; he’ll pay you."

The laugh was so unexpected it made me flinch. Then he snorted and added in a dry voice, "Nice try, bitch."

"No really." I squirmed under him. "Let me go. I'll make him pay anythin’ you want." I tugged at my arms but he tightened his hold, leaning down over me so his face hovered directly over mine.


"No, I—"

His free hand grabbed my face, pinching my chin between rough fingers.

"You've been nothing but trouble the whole time." Spit flew from his mouth as he spoke. "Give me one reason why I should believe you now?"

I hesitated, and he was quick to jump to conclusions.

"Bitch," he muttered. "Fucking waste of time.” His fist tightened and my heart leaped in anticipation of the blow.

"She's right!" I blurted it without thinking. "Nancy."

Sean’s hand froze mid air. I went on. "He did it to me, too."

The hand dropped and a frown came over his face.

"What are you talking about?"

"He's not who I thought," I managed to whisper the words. "He's unstable as hell; he hurt me, forced me to—" My voice broke. I couldn't say it. I didn't even wanna think it.

Sean straightened but kept my arms in a tight grip.

"You look like someone who's more than willing to fuck someone like Grey," he said, and I cringed.

I swallowed down a lump in my throat. “Yes. But—" Tears burned behind my eyes. "But not like that. He’s a psychopath; I was wrong about him. I found out the hard way."

Sean scoffed. "You're fucking lying."

I shook my head, fighting back the tears. There was no time to cry, this was my only chance of getting out of this alive. I wasn’t going to let emotions get in the way. Not this time.

"There's a knife in the waistband of my bikini. Take it. Let me up."

He hesitated but followed my instruction and I tried to not shiver as his rough hand found its way into my dress. I held my breath. He found it, and let his fingers linger on my skin far longer than necessary before removing them.

The pressure finally loosed and as soon as I could tug my hands free, I scrambled to sit. For a few seconds, I considered running, but then quickly discarded the idea. I'd never be able to outrun him, and where would I run? Not back to Johnny. That was the worst thing I could do. Being stuck on an island, there weren't many options available.

My eyes drifted to the man in front of me, trying not to shudder at the sight. He held the knife, and a sick grin played on his lips. I silently prayed I’d made the right decision.

“My life’s in your hands." My voice trembled but I went on. "I need you to trust me, too. I'm not lyin’.”

He let out a short laugh. "Fucking hard to trust you after this." He waved his injured hand in front of my face. "You were fighting like a wildcat for the man who raped you? That's what you want me to believe? Stupid bitch."

I forced myself to nod. "I had to."


"I needed him to trust me; to think I'm on his side."


I scoffed. "Well, you two ruined my plans." I looked down at my hands, taking a deep quivering breath. "But I have enough to bring him down."

"Like what?"

"That’s my leverage. I can't tell you."

He laughed. "Clever." Then his face turned skeptical. "And why would you do this?"

"I told you. Money."

He still looked doubtful, and I went on.

"I didn't know anythin’ when I came here. I was just a stupid fan and he used it against me. He used me. I want him to pay for that. And he

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