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Book online «Johnny & I : The Island Daria Paus (fun books to read for adults txt) 📖». Author Daria Paus

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from my lips again. “It’s the whiskey!”

Johnny groaned, and I managed to move of off him.

“I can’t do this,” he sighed. “It fucking hurts too much to move.”

I reached out a hand, brushing my fingers against his bruised body, and the laughter died away.


"I wish. . . "

I knew exactly what he was wishing for. “So do I.” I sighed but then grinned as I saw the miserable look on his face, and the unmistakable bulge in his pants.

"You shouldn't have kissed me like that then,” I said. "You've only got yourself to blame."

“You wanted me to show you."

"No," I protested. "You were too shy to tell me."

"But you wanted to know in the first place."

I had to agree. "So, it’s my fault then?"

He grinned, and I couldn't help but laugh out loud. "You know what?" I said.

He raised an eyebrow in question.

"It ain’t stoppin’ me from playin’ with you."

After a few seconds of confusion, it seemed to dawn on him. Before he could speak, I took the bottle, gulping down the remaining liquid before reaching to set it aside on the bedside table. I lost my balance and tumbled to the floor. For a moment, I sat there, then I started to laugh again, grinning up at his astounded face.

Crawling back onto the bed, I sat on my knees and with one hand on each of his thighs, I leaned in to kiss him.

“I'll make you feel better.”

Instead of returning my lips to his, I let them trail kisses down his chest. In this whiskey-induced haze, I couldn't remember why we weren’t supposed to do more than kissing. Bruises and blood were the last things on my mind as I let my mouth ever so slowly tease its way down his body.


The moon shone from a clear sky when I stumbled through the woods down to the beach. My pulse still throbbed as blood rushed through my veins, and it had nothing to do with the ghostly sounds of the island’s nightlife. If I’d been in my right sense of mind, I would’ve been afraid. Back in the house, the creeps were just one door away from us, and Johnny was asleep on the bed. And here I was, all alone in the darkness, and yet I didn’t feel any of the fear that in a normal situation would’ve made me run back to the safety of the house.

I couldn’t think of anything else than how smooth and warm his skin felt under my lips; how his moans could make my entire body tingle with excitement. That was the reason I was here and not snuggled up next to him back at the house. I needed the cold air, now more than I'd ever needed it before. A few moments away from Johnny was the only way to breathe again.

The water was warmer than the sand as the soft waves stroked my naked feet. In the distance, a night-bird chirped and I smiled into the dark.

I didn’t know how much time had passed since I’d gotten here, but it felt too long and too short at the same time. In reality, I guess it hadn’t been more than a week. It was amazing how such a short time could have such a huge impact on my life.

My thoughts drifted back to the night I sat on his bed and watched him sleep. I’d had the exact same thoughts at that time, and now they were back. Enjoy the moment I had told myself. And I had. Ever since I’d arrived on the island, I'd been through both heaven and hell. It had been a nightmare many times, but despite it all, the awe of sharing those moments with Johnny was overpowering all the other feelings that battled inside if me. I didn’t want it to end.

How many days until his team would come searching for him? He’d said they would, and I believed him. For sure, the world wouldn't leave him alone for too long, whether he wanted it or not. I had a feeling that the day would come sooner rather than later. The thought of being shipped off the island to never see Johnny again made my heart sink, and the lust drained from my body. Nothing better than a harsh reality check to quench the fire. I let out a deep sigh as the need to get away from him suddenly felt ridiculous in comparison to what was awaiting. Thinking of the inevitable goodbye made me regret ever leaving his side. How much time we had left, I had no way of knowing, but one thing I was sure of, I didn’t want to spend one more minute if it wasn’t in his arms.

When I was about to turn and head back, something caught my attention. I stopped and looked out across the endless ocean. First, I couldn’t see anything, but as I scanned the horizon my eyes landed on a dark spot that could only be a boat far out on the water. I watched it for a moment, then I continued to walk. Before I stepped off the beach to enter the sand path that would take me back to the house, I threw a quick look over my shoulder, and froze.

The boat was closer. So close that I was sure the crew could hear me if I yelled. I turned in slow motion to stare at it. It seemed to have anchored and rolled gently with the waves. I heard voices from afar and a soft light shone from the cabin. The unmistakable sound of a baby crying reached my ears and I relaxed. It was an innocent family who’d been trapped in the storm and survived. Maybe they were on their way home and took rest close to the nearest island during the night. Then, as I was about to move again, another thought crossed my mind and my mouth fell opened. How was it possible I hadn't thought of it sooner?

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