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Book online «Strawberry Kisses Phavy Prieto (bookstand for reading TXT) 📖». Author Phavy Prieto

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That meant fooling ourselves and others! Whether that game had any meaning to him, I could not make head nor tail. Although in one respect I agreed with him: in my life I might never meet the right person to live with.

"I'm not a coward," I replied, studying his reactions.

"Then accept to live these two weeks as if everything was truly real, with all the consequences," he said so seriously and with such conviction that even I felt my legs tremble because I knew he meant it.

What could happen? Probably nothing of what I didn’t know already. Denying myself this chance would confirm that it was true that I always did things with extreme caution, that I never embarked on an adventure. In fact, I lived in a kind of fortress from which I rarely went out. My excuse was that no one ever came to take me out of my comfort zone. Since I met Damian Devoir, my comfort zone began to wobble and I lived those days with him more intensely than ever in my life. Somehow Adonis made me feel alive, and I knew perfectly well that I would never refuse his offer.

"I'll be entirely yours for two weeks, Mr. Devoir," I agreed, returning that intriguing glance. "I accept your proposal."

"Then I must remind you that, as my future bride, you will never forbid me to kiss you again," he answered, brushing my lips with his. "Our agreement will be in effect from tomorrow, when we make an official announcement at the company to inform about the new entry into the Devoir family."

Official announcement? Oh, no! I was going to have a heart attack. When he said "real", he really meant it. My God, where have I ended up? But I knew there was no going back.

Chapter XV

To my great disappointment, Damian did not kiss me. He simply moved away from me and, as promised, took me straight home without stopping at his place. I knew that insisting on asking him to do the opposite wouldn't work. That man was always able to get what he wanted from me, in one way or another, and made me feel like a puppet in his hands. I wondered if it was better to run away before I ended up in the wolf's mouth.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at a quarter to eight. Do you want me to wake you up?" he asked once we arrived in front of the entrance of my building. There was no light coming from the windows of our apartment, and I thought Nerea was already in bed or hanging out with her boyfriend.

"Wake me up?" I asked without understanding why.

"You always set the alarm for the next day before going to bed, but your planner is in the car."

How many things did that man know about my life? Surely he also knew what days I waxed or which underwear I was wearing.

"Ah, yes. Don't bother, it’s not necessary."

Mental note: Maria, don't you dare forget to set the alarm!

"It's no trouble and it doesn't cost me anything," he whispered. "I'd like to hear your voice when you wake up."

"Kiss me! I want you to kiss me!" I screamed inside my head looking at how those sensual lips moved and how close they were.

"Well, yes, in that case, you can... you..."

Am I an idiot? Of course, I am! I don't even know why I’m asking myself.

"I'll call you tomorrow, Miss Acosta. I’d better go and rest now. From tomorrow you will be officially my fiancée."

"That sounds good!" I murmured, as I slowly opened the door and tried to get out of the car. My legs were shaking. I hoped he would stop me to kiss me goodnight, but he didn't, and I knew that at least this time he wasn't going to.

"See you tomorrow, Mr. Devoir," I replied biting my lip.

He didn’t leave until I entered the building even this time. Once inside, I put a hand on my head thinking about all the mess I got myself into.

To my surprise, I found Nerea at home. She was in the living room, with the lights off, sitting on the sofa and watching a film on TV.

"Hi!" I said, leaving my bag on a kitchen stool and walking over to the sofa.

As I took off my shoes, I saw that Nerea was eating ice cream.

"Hi," she replied seriously. Then she put a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth. That could mean only one thing: love problems. And behind a broken heart there was always a man.

"Tell me what happened?" I asked, sitting on the sofa next to her and covering myself with the same blanket she had on her legs.

"I argued with Mathews," she said concisely as if she wanted me to ask more questions. I imagined she needed to get that weight off her shoulders and, whether she liked it or not, I was the only one to vent with in that house.

"Men, right?" I said.

"Isn't it normal that I want a change in our relationship? I'm tired of never being alone with him and of always going out with his friends or that pesky cousin of his."

"Oh, now you say he is pesky? Wasn't he a sweetheart?" I answered ironically.

"But you hated him from the minute you met him!" she exclaimed as I put my finger in her ice cream to taste it. I was hungry since I had not eaten yet.

"Did you guys break up?" I asked since I didn't know how serious things were.

"No, we just argued and I came home," she said taking another spoonful of ice cream.

"What's the problem? From what you told me, it seemed that Mathews was the perfect man."

"Yes," she admitted, "the perfect man, except that I’m tired of spending

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