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Book online «Strawberry Kisses Phavy Prieto (bookstand for reading TXT) 📖». Author Phavy Prieto

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reach for the damned device to turn it off. It began to ring again and I realized that it was not the alarm but a call. I swiped my finger across the screen to answer.

"Yes?" I moaned still half asleep.

"Good morning, my beautiful and charming fiancée. Time to wake up." The tone of that soft voice caressed my ears and made my heart beat faster.

"Damian?" I asked, opening my eyes and moving the phone away to check on the screen if it was actually him who uttered those sweet words.

"In person, honey. I'll come to pick you up in an hour," he said and hung up.

As he said the night before, he would do what he had promised to the letter. I was about to lose my mind just because he called me honey.

"My God! Please, don't make me fall madly in love with this man !" I begged before getting into the shower.

Apparently for Damian Devoir an hour was not made of sixty minutes since at 7:42 a.m. my phone started ringing again, although his previous call ended at 6:49 a.m. Seven minutes could seem little to some, but to me it was the difference between having both eyes perfectly made up instead of just one, between wearing perfume and smelling like a chimpanzee, between brushing my teeth thoroughly and having to chew a whole pack of chewing gum so as not to asphyxiate anyone I spoke to. Seven minutes made a difference between my dignity and shame.

"Good morning, honey! I'm downstairs," he said as soon as I answered the phone.

Really? You didn't have to say it, I could figure it out myself.

"You said in an hour and there are still seven minutes left," I replied without even saying a simple "good morning", while I was outlining the second eye, but the fact that Damian was waiting for me downstairs didn’t make it any easier.

"I came a little earlier to help you carry the suitcases downstairs. Can I come up?" he asked as if he wasn't bothered by my attitude.

I looked around my room and saw the unmade bed and my clothes scattered everywhere. It was a disaster.

"It’s not necessary!" I shouted, thinking at that moment how I could have left my room in that state.

Probably because you pulled everything out of the wardrobe to check what to bring and you forgot to put it back, because you were tired.

"Okay, honey. I'll wait for you downstairs," he answered before hanging up.

I brushed my teeth thoroughly in exactly two minutes, wondering if he would kiss me since I was now theoretically his fiancée. So I brushed them a little longer. I took the perfume from my room to spray some on my neck and the top of my hair as I always did, but this time I sprayed a little more on my décolleté, before putting it in my bag and pushing the suitcases towards the hall.

"Nerea, I'm going out!" I yelled in the hall where she stumbled out of her room half asleep. "You are not working today?" I asked surprised.

"No, I asked for a day off because I have some errands to run and I'll take the opportunity to go for some routine medical checkups. Won't I see you for two weeks?" she asked opening her arms as she approached me with crazy hair.

The situation was absurd because I wasn’t really going on a trip, I wasn’t leaving the city, and I wasn’t even moving. So I didn’t feel like saying goodbye either.

"Maybe I'll come one of these afternoons to get some clothes or to get away from my fiancée," I replied with a smile, "but I'll call you first if I do, okay? So you can take advantage of these two weeks to be alone with Mathews."

"Thank you, Maria," she whispered, squeezing me in her arms, when we heard someone honking.

"I’d better get going or half the city will collapse," I said before separating from Nerea and pushing the two suitcases, one large and one small, towards the elevator.

As I walked out of the building, I saw Adonis leaning on the body of his brand new car, as if he was not in a hurry, as if he could spend his whole life there waiting for me. I realized that it wasn’t him who honked, since his car was parked in a regular way.

"Are you going to stand there and stare at me all day long instead of helping me?" I said sarcastically, pushing the two suitcases with my feet, carrying my handbag filled with everything I had found on my way, my gym bag and the sunglasses on my head that were about to fall.

"Sorry," he replied, joining me. "I was just admiring how incredibly beautiful my bride-to-be is," he said so promptly that my heart thumped.

Good God! What should I answer him?

Let’s see, Maria: breathe, count to three and think about what you would do if he was really your fiancée.

Blank mind.

You can go to hell, fucking neurons! For once I need a decent answer!

"So incredibly beautiful that you see me loaded like a mule and don't even flinch," I answered ironically.

"Look how you manage to cloud my judgment, honey," he said so calmly that he left me speechless again. I looked up to contemplate his dark brown eyes that revealed one thousand and one nights of burning desire.

He relieved me of the weight of my gym bag and handbag and put his arm around my waist and drew me near him. His face approached mine closer and closer until his lips delicately brushed mine and I involuntarily closed my eyes because of the wave of pleasure.

"We'll be late," I whispered as he parted his lips from mine.

"I don't care about anything as long as I'm with you," he whispered

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