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Book online «Condition Evolution 4 Kevin Sinclair (top 100 novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kevin Sinclair

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I wasn’t complaining about. I initially thought that future energy me had been wrong, until I reached 76% Mental Clarity. The same damn Clarity I had before these dirty mofos took my memories. Which meant my original Intelligence and Wisdom, which had dropped, had now been replaced. Now I still had all that damn inventory to do. I’m not going to lie, that hurt more than I cared to admit. Now to business! I thought.

Coming out of my Mindscape, I looked around. The bodies of Fiekela and Kirel lay lifeless on the floor. I hadn’t liked them much when I had no clue who the hell I was. Now I only grieved the opportunity I’d lost to kick off with the two of them. I noticed Ialos next, standing across the facility looking shocked and possibly worried for her own safety. “What happened?” she stammered.

“I am not 100 percent sure, but basically when they opened that door, they got more than they bargained for. Something about universal energies and stuff. Anyway they got hit with a massive overload from it.”

“Is that what the glowing was?”


“A golden glow covered you all. It killed Fiekela and Kirel, whereas you’ve survived for some reason.”

“Ah right, yes. They took the bulk of the surge because they were the daft shits that opened the door. The amount I took just made me…” I paused; I didn’t actually know how much I could trust Ialos now. I mean, I suspected she was okay, and that Jezai wasn’t actually responsible for any of this, but why the fuck was I answering all of her questions when she should be answering mine!

“Vakuna?” she probed, as I’d fallen silent, lost in my own thoughts. That fucking name was definitely enough to snap me out of it though. I almost growled at her. “If I ever hear that goddamn name again, I swear I’ll probably kill someone.”

Her hand clasped her mouth. “You remember.”

“Yes, I fucking remember everything! Now you best start answering my questions, or should I say question. Where the fuck is my Ember?”

“She is alive! They are held captive on a Beler Station.”

“What! The one the empire is attacking?” I shouted at her.

“No, this one is far from the fighting. We’ve thousands of Beler Stations protecting our borders.”

“I need to get there now.”

“That won’t be so easy, this…” she said, pointing at the bodies, “it’s a huge incident. We must deal with the rest of the Council. Jezai is on his way, he will be able to help clear everything up, hopefully. He will object if they wish to purge your memories again. Without Fiekela standing in opposition he should be able to convince everyone, especially after what has occurred here. I am sure they will now consider it too dangerous to continue.”

I had no choice but to laugh. “You think I’m gonna just wait for them to discuss whether they want to wipe my memories again? Are you fucking serious? I trusted Jezai once and all this bloody happened. I’m sure, after this,” I gestured to the dead bodies, “I’ll just be killed. If you give half a shit about what’s happened to me, then help me get off this damn planet, or stay out of my way.”

“You won’t make it! If you try, then you’ll be killed.”

“And where’s Havok?”

“Havok? I don’t know who you are talking about,” she replied frantically, which was an odd look on the beautiful, ageless Apochros.

“My bloody axe, Havok!”

“Again, I haven’t seen or heard about an axe.”

“Great, then he must still be on the ship.”

“Oh,” Ialos said, looking rather uncomfortable, “your ships were destroyed on the border.”

“I hope you’re fucking joking. If you have killed Havok I don’t know what I’m going to do. But it will be bad,” I said menacingly.

“Killed your axe?”

“He was alive.”

“A sentient weapon?” she asked in awe.

“Yes, and you all killed him. Ah, fuck this, I’m going. I need to find Ember and the others.”

“Stop, please wait for Jezai. Trust me, your chances of success will be far greater. Try to remember, every last person on this planet is far stronger than you and our technology is vastly different. Not only will you not make it to one of our ships, even if you did, you wouldn’t be able to fly it. I want you to have the best chance at success. I know if he can, my father will make up to you. He had such high hopes for the Apochros to work with you. He fought vehemently in the council against their decision and felt so strongly he resigned over it. Since then, he has been building a following to free you and give you back your memories.”

“Ialos is telling the truth, Shaun,” a deep voice said from behind me. “This whole thing was taken out of my hands.” It was Jezai, slowly floating down through the opening, accompanied by several Apochros. They all could not help but stare at the dead bodies.

“What has happened?” Jezai asked, to a chorus of hurried whispers from his company.

“They fucked with something in my mind that they shouldn’t have. I warned them and tried to hold the door closed to them, but they were too strong and now they’re dead.”

“I see,” he replied. “I always feared this method would result in strife. I am only sad that I could not free you before people had to die. This will cause quite the uproar.”

“I’ve no sympathy for them after they took everything from me and filled my head with lies. Now, before we talk any further, you owe me my crew back.”

“I will ensure you are reunited, Shaun. Not only that, but I also offer you my full support. If the council does not fall in line with fair and proper treatment of you, then I will fight alongside you against them in word and deed. I promise, there will be no repeat of what was done. Or at the very least, it will be over my dead body.

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