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to our cause. Councilors from other areas, and others that are well respected among our people. And before you ask, yes, that’s the group with me now, whom you have just insulted repeatedly.”

I looked around at the faces of these apparently important people, and shrugged. “Come on, guys, you're the first Apochros I’ve seen since I got my memories back. You can’t blame me really, can you?” I reasoned, meeting each of their eyes. “My people trusted you and you kinda crapped on us from a really great height. I’m going to take some convincing you're on the level.”

They just looked confused by my words. “On the level?” Melik asked.

“It means, not hiding anything, what I see is what I get. Capiche?”

Only further looks of confusion came back at me. That was fine, I didn’t think I’d ever really trust the pricks again, anyway. But if they did everything that they were indicating, then it would help smooth the rift over enough.

“We are being honest with you, Shaun. The council tried to put a leash on you, and it has failed catastrophically, as I told them it would at some point. But I also told you in the tearoom that I would help you and support your growth, whilst trying to avoid the eyes of the Fystr. Those present with me now at least recognize the eventual danger they pose. It shouldn’t surprise you that many of us still harbor a deep resentment against them for the crimes they have committed against our people. Your people. I never believed we would have a chance to right those wrongs, but your arrival gives me hope.”

“What? You’re willing to fight them now?” I raised an eyebrow at him in disbelief. This was a vastly different stance than before.

“Yes,” he answered, and took a deep breath. “Maybe not to the extent you would wish, but we here are willing to make a move against them. Would you like to hear our plan?”

“Of course I wanna hear the damn plan. Why would I not want to hear that plan?”

“We know the Fystr have sent a substantial fleet to recapture you,” he said, taking the insult on the chin. “We are considering drawing them into our defense network. Our reports on the fleet’s size suggest that our defenses could defeat them, if not necessarily comfortably.”

“Go on,” I said, interested in where this was going.

“We could in theory put a huge dent in the Fystr war machine. I must emphasize, we are not intending to strike back at the Fystr Empire in their own territory. We are just not strong enough. But a large victory here may even provoke them to send a second fleet to exact revenge. We would hope to beat that too, given the distance they would travel to fight here. If that happens, we could seriously destabilize their empire, giving you a chance of achieving something within their territory.”

“Goddamn it, Jezai, that’s some fucking 180 you just pulled there. What happened to ‘not our fight’?”

“I am unsure as to what you mean by 180, but you said it yourself, it is very much our fight. Despite the Apochros wishing only a life of peace and prosperity, in some ways we are as guilty as the Fystr of the crimes committed by not doing anything. Perhaps at first it was prudent to leave, as we had nowhere near enough strength to act against the Fystr hierarchy. We most certainly would have been executed as traitors. But at some point, we should have fought back in some way. Instead we have hidden like cowards behind a wall, while the rest of the galaxy suffered. Your arrival, for us at least,” he said, gesturing to his friends, “is the catalyst for a change. You herald the end of hiding.”

“But you destroyed all of our ships. Do the Fystr not already think we are dead now?”

“I don’t know what they think. But I do know if you suddenly reappear, they will come for you and I want you to lead them to us,” Jezai said seriously. His face took on a look I’d not seen on him before. One of long suppressed anger. It left just as soon as it arrived, and he smiled gently at me.

“And this is all because of my Potential, yeah? And I hope you’re going to sort us out with some new ships, if you’re planning on using us as bait?”

“Providing I can bring the rest of the council on board. Either way, yes, we will arrange something. As a minimum you can take the Uprising.”

“What the what, and the what, what! You said you blew up the ships?”

“Just the Fystr ones. The Uprising wouldn’t have been traceable.”

“Hold the fucking phone, Jezai. We need to go there right now! Please! I’ll be a helluva lot more compliant if you do.”

“Okay,” he said slowly and looked at me with uncertainty.

“Is it close?”

“It should still be in the storage section of the docking bay you arrived in.”

“Good. Let's go now.”

“What about the link?” he asked, confused by my change of pace.

“Can it be set up from the ship?”

“Yes, but I hope you're not planning to fly off in the ship before we clear everything up. You must understand that they will not hesitate in shooting you down?”

“Nah, I can't fly ships anyway. As long as you set me off to get the rest of Uprising today, I’ll be happy to go along with what you're asking. But I’ll warn you, there’s no more concessions. I’ll not bargain for freedom that should never have been taken in the first place. If we do anything together from this point onwards, it’s as partners. Not as me being your little pet.”

“Honestly, Shaun, there are incredibly good reasons for me to agree to your wishes. I just hope I can convince the council of that too. Now quickly, if you wish to visit your ship we must go now. It will not be long before we have

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