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Book online «Fulfillment Golland, M. (best classic literature TXT) 📖». Author Golland, M.

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tobecome an angel in this little garden kind of made the wholemiscarriage final, and that was incredibly difficult to accept. Iknew I had to accept it though, so I took in a deep breath whiletrying to still my hands which were shaking uncontrollably as theygripped and tipped the small urn. As I tipped, the breeze picked upslightly, carrying the ashes across the garden. I matched thewhisper of the breeze with a whisper of my own. “You will beforever in our hearts, little angel. You will always be remembered,cherished, treasured and missed. We love you.”

Tears felldown my cheeks as Bryce and I watched our precious baby’s ashesmagically flow through the air, once again becoming a part oflife—a part of nature. It was terribly hard to do, but at the sametime it gave me a sense of calm, knowing that so many other littlespirits were surrounding us, helping us, and welcoming our preciousone into their midst.


After sayinggoodbye to Baby Clark, I was handed a small envelope by a nurse.She explained that when I was ready—and only if I wanted to openit—that it contained a picture of my baby and the details of his orher gender. I didn’t know what to do with it, so I handed it toBryce then was discharged and allowed to go home.

We pulled intothe basement carpark in the Cadillac ATS Coupe. I knew straightaway why he chose the Caddy, because it was probably the mostcomfortable of all his cars, and it definitely had the most legroom.

Quicklyclimbing out of his side of the car, he made his way to my door,opened it and helped me twist around. Then, without any hesitation,he placed one arm behind me and the other under my legs, lifting meup.

“Bryce, I havecrutches,” I said, half rolling my eyes and half smiling.

“I know, but Ihave arms and I enjoy it when you’re in them.”

“I need to getused to the crutches, you know.”

“Hunny, I’mcarrying you. You’ve got six weeks to get used to thosecrutches.”

I groaned.“Don’t remind me.”

I decidedarguing with him at that particular moment was not going to benefitme. Clearly I was not going to win, so I rested my head on hisshoulder and watched him close the car door with his foot and headfor the elevator.


When the doorsto the apartment opened and we entered, I felt a strangedisconcerting feeling upon looking at the stairs. I couldn’texplain it. It just made me feel ill, to the point where I feltthey were evil, which was incredibly stupid. First of all, stairsare not evil; Freddie Kruger is evil, and so is that hunter thatkilled Bambi’s mum. Secondly, I fell down them; they didn’tsecretly trip me up.

After staringat the stairs for several seconds, another flashback entered myhead. Again, in my recall, I hopped along the walkway that led tothe top of stairs, bending down and putting my heels on as Istepped. I recalled stopping, bracing the railing, and wiggling myfoot into my shoe, making sure it was perfectly secure. I recalledsmiling and looking out over the lounge area in search of Bryce. Irecalled taking my first step without a problem. I recalled takingmy second step, again without any difficulties. The third stephowever, I was falling forward—fast—but not tripping. I definitelydid not trip.

Bryce’s voicebroke through my recall. “Alexis, are you with me? What is it?”

“Um...sorry,did you say something?” I stuttered, coming back to the presenttime.

“Yes, I askedwhere you wanted me to take you. Are you okay? You look a littlepale.”

“I justremembered something. I didn’t trip, Bryce. I know I didn’t trip.My shoes were on just fine. I must’ve had some kind of imbalance orsomething, but I know I didn’t trip.” I was speaking fast,desperate to voice what I had just visualised.

“It’s okay,Hunny. Like you said, maybe you had a moment of imbalance. Eitherway, it still wasn’t your fault. Stop torturing yourself, you can’tchange it.”

I nodded athim then looked back at the stairs, not wanting to go near them.“Please don’t carry me up them.”

“I wasn’tgoing to,” he said softly as he kissed my head. “Where do you wantgo, though?”

“I don’t know.I might just stay where I am,” I raised my eyebrow at him.

“Suits me justfine.” Of course it does. I wouldn’t put it past you actuallycarrying me all day.

“No, I’mkidding. Anyway, what are your plans for today? Do you have towork?”

“No, I’m allyours. Arthur has taken on more responsibility, so don’t worryabout my work. Whatever you want or need, I’m here for you. I’m atyour beck and call.”

He remainedstanding there, holding me in his arms waiting for myinstructions.

“Oh...” Isaid, bemused. I really shouldn’t be bemused. This is Mr.Perfect-Loving-Caring Clark we are talking about. “Well then,in that case take me wherever you want to take me. I’m basically asuseless as tits on a bull at the moment.”

He raised hiseyebrow. I didn’t think he meant to do it seductively. He was kindof being a perfect gentleman. The thing was, this man could notraise an eyebrow without it being seductive.

“I doubt thatis true, Alexis. I can think of many things we can do without theuse of your leg.” Okay, he definitely meant itseductively.

“I’m sure youcan, but don’t forget, I can’t have sex—”

He laughed. “Ihaven’t forgotten, and no...I wasn’t insinuating that.”

“Oh. Well whatdid you have in mind?”

Hismischievous, almost child-like grin appeared, and he carried meinto the man-cave, placing me gently onto the sofa.

I grabbed hisface. “You are not going to carry me around everywhere.”

“You do nothave a choice if I choose to leave your crutches in the car.” Hestood back up and winked at me before heading for the door.

“Bryce, whatif I need to pee...or even worse?”

He didn’t lookback, just laughed. “I’ll carry you,” he asserted.

“Bryce, youcan’t—”

He exited theroom. Grrr, talk about taking advantage of my inability towalk.

I shuffleduncomfortably on the couch, feeling the effects of my pain killerswearing off. I quickly calculated when I could take some more.Two, four, six hours...now. Good!

I pulled outmy phone and sent Bryce a text:

Seeing as u wish 2 bmy immobility-bitch,

Can u please bring mesome water & painkillers ♥ - Alexis

I received areply straight away:

Did u

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