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Book online «The Godsend Backfire: The Beginning Harold Straugh (bearly read books TXT) 📖». Author Harold Straugh

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laughed to myself, by my laughter was short lived as my time to approach the table was coming up.  There was no room on the table anything. I noticed people setting their food off to the side and a pile of bread next.  The people were shaking hands with Jesus and he was blessing them.  The other disciples ignored the people and ate, and Jesus blessed people.

It was my turn, I sat my bread down and took Jesus’s hands. I leaned to his ear and said, “You have to leave, they’re coming for you…” I went to say more, but what Jesus said next, floored me.

“I know,” he whispered back, “it’s what must be done,” he then patted my shoulder, “It’s okay!’ and he smiled.

I stepped back as a few more people cut in front of me.  He nodded and I stepped back in the crowd, where my mind wandered off.  Jesus finished eating then spoke, but I can’t remember anything he said.  I was reeling on the fact that he said he knew they were coming for him and that “it’s what needed to be done.”  I stood there, even after everyone left, even after Jesus left. I just stood there.  Lucifer sent me to here to protect someone who knew what was going to happen all along.

I stayed in the Upper Room until the break of dawn.  I wanted to go back to killing vampires, it was easy I didn’t feel like I was failing. As I sat there in the Upper Room, I realized I was failing, I didn’t know the outcome yet, but whatever it was, it was going to happen regardless.

I needed to find Judas, I needed to talk to him. I went looking again for him.  I had a feeling be was probably gone already to the high-priest’s.  I had no idea where that was at and everyone I asked, didn’t want to tell me.  I finally found one person with loose lips and they told me of Caiaphas’s place.  It was located just on the edge of the town I originally visited when I returned, now known as Abu Tor.

I did to use my abilities during that day, but I felt as if I had no choice. I raced towards where I was told and found the massive tent house that I was told he was staying in.  I got up close to the tent and listened. I could hear talking inside and adjusted my hearing.

“I know for a fact he will be in the garden, he will have three of his disciples there, he has a feeling something is wrong.” I heard Judas say, “How much will you pay me to betray him?”

“I will give you thirty, silver pieces, but first I want to know how you are going to betray him?” Caiaphas said.

“With a kiss,” Judas said.

Judas was indeed a worthless pile of shit. I needed to stop him from betraying Jesus.  As I went to go into the tent, I was frozen I couldn’t move, then I heard a voice, it was Jehovah’s voice.

“Do not interfere with this Roldian,” he said, his voice brought a both a smile to my face and angered thoughts, “If you do, you will no longer be able exist in Paradise.”

“Do I still?” I asked in retort, only to receive silence.  I was able to move but the threat lingered in my head. I wanted to flee, I wanted to get away from there and not witness, but another part of me wanted to watch.

I fled from the tented area and sat down near the bush I had my clothes and weapon buried by and grew angry.  I was angry that Jehovah still had hold over me, still was able to control me in sorts.  It angered me he was there and never was when I needed him.  He let me suffer through out the years and when I tried to do something, I thought I was good, he showed up and stopped me.

I felt Lucifer around me and when I looked to my side, there he stood in mortal form, “Mind if I sit?”

“Go ahead!” I said and scooted over a little bit.

“He was here, wasn’t he?”

“Yes, he was,” I said not wanting to talk about him.

“I came as soon I felt him, I guess I wasn’t fast enough.”

“Why is he so great that you want to rush to see him? You know what he did? He banned me from helping, told me if I interfered, I would never be allowed to step foot in Paradise again. I’m half-tempted to stop this madness,” I said, tears rolling down my cheeks, but they weren’t sad tears, they were anger tears.

“I wouldn’t do that, I don’t agree with him most the times, but there has to be a reason behind this, there has to be,” he said.

“You hope there is,” I said and sat there not looking anymore in his direction. I didn’t understand, Lucifer had suffered the most at the hands of Jehovah, but still considered him a good guy. I was simply confused.

We sat in silence for a few more minutes, before he got up and left, I should say he disappeared.  He was gone by the time I looked up.  I didn’t know what else to do that day, so I dug up my bow and arrows and started shooting again.  This time I did not grow tired of it, I ended up putting arrow through arrow until I was out.

I tossed my bow down and walked angrily back to the inner city I asked about the Garden of Gethsemane and was pointed to its direction.  It was nice little garden, packed with olive trees and some little plants, believed to be herbs.  There were walkways there, made of limestone, spaced out every fourth tree. There were six walkways total,

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