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and delineate as per the adversity. Its seamless integrity spurs up your stamina, agility and dexterity in defence mode. Synced with your bone marrow, the exoskeleton and the epidermis are augmented also leaving no human tissue and flesh beneath. You can feel the same reflexes like before Mr.Navan. Slowly get up and try to stand.”

Navan still could not believe that he could put steps on floor without any support. He slowly tried to stand on his new limbs, trembling, yet a sheer excitement was working inside him.

“You’ve been out of consciousness for two days Mr. Navan. Take your steps slowly sir, don’t rush’” one surgeon commented.

Navan felt like an infant, trembling, yet walking on two legs. A bit difficulty he suffered at first as for 3 long years he didn’t had pressure on his feet. It Normalises within minutes.

“Accompany us to weapon testing facility, Mr Navan” Lucy’s eyes were gleaming with success.

The Viper Protocol

Location: COD Simulation course

Time: 10:21 am

Navan’s vivaciousness touched the infinite. With great ardour and zeal, he took a speedy sprint. Life has given him a second chance, to seek his retribution against adversaries. He dashed through the obstacles, sprang through the gaps, and slicked with maximum effort at the simulation.

A mixed reality hologramed inside a hall made up of shielded 4-inch fibre glasses. Navan’s objective was to seek points in all the exercises according to rising difficulty level.

“305 Kw as per the speed and dash; My god we haven’t really expected something like this!” one official exclaimed.

“It all comes from will. Endeavours of what you yearn for.” Lucy smirked.

Navan was prancing in heaven, destructing all debris of his past life. His stance to stand for the nation, to protect the country from pernicious situation just got refurbished. He expressed his gratitude to all surgeons and engineers.

“Couldn’t thank enough for this” Navan said humbly.

“Always happy to give assistance to the protectors of the nation, Mr Navan; Adik would be pleased if hes alive today that you’ve disposed off the dreadful lifestyle and back with a bang.”

“Adik surely would dance like a madman if he had survived. The miscreants caused this, must have to pay the price. Nemesis is unleashed upon them.”

“This will act like a normal human body part Mr.Navan, unlike prosthetics and robotic extensions. The decryptions of programming wont affect the conditioned and unconditioned reflex. To camouflage amidst public, we’ll attach a cloaking device, unable for detectors to identify.”

“So Im a cyborg now, huh?” Navan sneered.

“That’s a primitive term to heed upon, Mr.Navan. We focus mostly on cerebral capacity of humans and try to upgrade with necessary defensive tactics. Robotics comes as a supporting tool to align with our experiments. Reminiscent to Euri Gellers will power, Darwinism, self-adaptation, Biotechnology is sacrosanct for us to achieve the impregnable. No tapeworm or virus could erase the programming of your accelerators; its subverted and consolidated as a memory in your gyrux. Difference from a robotic arm is not just providing capacity but also adapt to the changing circumstances. Also, the blood circulation is normal in your limbs as the transfusion with your Group is successful.”

Navan questioned, “Can it survive external physical threats like gunshot, chopper slices and all?”

“Just our body heals from minor cuts and wounds, this will too except you won’t feel a pain. The outer layer is made up with a concoction of gallium and poly alloy, which has a regenerative ability. In case of Gunfights, the nanobots programmed to create a strong epidermis so that the bullets cannot penetrate.”

“Woaah! Just have to save my body I presume…”

“Your brain will send possible information to your reflexes and motion. Just like your eye blink, sensitivity to heat and other unconditioned reflexes, this will act as your own body part, including analysing external threats.”

“Mm-Hmm.” Navan was checking his balance on ground standing on one leg.

“Good luck for your mission, Soldier. By god’s grace may you achieve success. “Lucy escorted him to the central office.

“Welcome back, Soldier Navan. Men like you are our prized possession.” Hudson nodded.

“Kid just found out the happenings of Amsterdam.” Sidius commented.

“8 of the targets just arrived at Harleem, just a bit far from Amsterdam in a resort located beside the red-light district. 32 Henchmen and bodyguards are in position guarding the resort. A conference might take place within a couple of days.” Sam handed over the intel to Hudson.

Armun explained, “As On our previous mission we came through a business meet that took place at Greece’s Cleocorp resembling this conference. It took 8 consecutive hours to identify the explosive and defuse the device installed in the air vents of parking spot. But the chemical components are still mind boggling to us experts. Most components are off the periodic table and could not be assessed. No leftovers from the Mumbai blast could be recovered either. What sort of chemical attachment instilled as a pocket with that device we are still in oblivion.”

“I didn’t join when this took place or else I could have assessed their location more precisely.” Sam setted his nerdy glasses on his nose.

“Sidius continued, most of them has been identified previously. They belong to some affluent business class or marked as deceased in official records.”

“Let’s not waste any more time” Hudson retorted. “I transpire that the current boss might be present somewhere at Harleem. Secure all the industries and offices over there. Alert their polices and security officials to sent teams to guard and track all offices 24/7. Do the requisites immediately and ACTIVATE THE VIPER PROTOCOL!”

Just a doubt…

Location: Shimla Airport, India

Time: 2:13 pm

“Hey Sam.”

“Y-Yes? Me? You need some help? Is something wrong?”

“Calm down Sam. Listen this is against the protocol, but I want full access over the Vipers report retrieved plus the location tracers on each suspect. I surmise whatever going on at Amsterdam is a sham.”

“Bb-but I could lose my job. Its against the compliance.”

“Do you want another blast to take place? And I do not think Sidius works with full patriotism. Yesterday hes constantly polarizing us

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