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to focus on Amsterdam.”

“I don’t feel so good about this, Mr.Navan. Lemme see what I could do.” Sam focused on his own laptop.

Armun and Sidius are off to Location, and Navan deliberately missed the first flight as he has some doubts tingling in his mind. He and Sam are waiting at lounge at Shimla Airport. Sam’s an agile programmer and web expert, his pro hands are continuously running on keyboards. He seemed quite jittery as he’s suspecting each passenger passing by.

“Here it is” Sam handed over the laptop bashfully to Navan. “I generated a ghost profile and through algorithms I gained access to the main server. What you gonna do? Please don’t kill me!”

Navan’s plan was to make a backdoor entry to the hotel at Italy. He checked the past bookings and reserved occupancies, downloading the hotels server.

“Suspicious about something, eh?” Sam was irresolute.

“The rooms previously booked for some guy named Markus Till, and our suspects name is Dylan S. as mentioned in hotel directory. Could you seek the possible information about this Markus guy?”

“In a minute.” Sam inclined towards the laptop screen.

“You’re from India Sam? Don’t think Sam is an Indian name.” Navan questioned.

“Ahh, yes Mr.Navan. My full name is Victor Samrat Ray. My mom is a Bengali.” Sam smiled at Navan.

Navan recalled, Adik used to visit India once every 4 months. He had an immense disposition towards their delicacies, art and culture. Bollywood films are his favourite, used to say no film industry could portray such romanticism in their picture.

“There you go”. Sam exhales. “Markus Till is dead by a car accident 2 months ago.but whats with him?”

“…God, what are you up to?” Navan murmured. “Sam, do one thing, take the next flight to Netherlands. I have some unfinished business.”

“Wwwhat? Hudson’s going to take serious actions against you if you don’t stick to the plan! Nada! We have to report over there to Sidius and we already missed one light! Have you got insane?”

“I know what I am doing, Sam. And tell Sidius that he might be in charge, but I have previous experience. If anything happens to me in Italy, I shall send you all my findings before that and pass on to Hudson. You’re a brave man Sam, I know but I have to take this risk.”

Sam was perplexed for a moment. “Okay then, I’ll go with you. I could help you with adequate assistance. You can count on me”.

“Youre not understanding Sam. Anything could happen. And you will be in grave danger if Hudson finds out. Have to take this risk, my intuition says”

“Leave that to me. Not more than a couple of minutes will take to divert the tracks”. Sam smiled.

Catch him if you can!

Location: Leonardo Da Vinci International Airport, Italy

Time: 9:56 am

“Mr. Navan, do you copy, Mr Navan?”

“In position, Sam. Notify me each minute.”

Few hours ago, Navan and Sam dropped off at Leonardo Da Vinci International Airport. Navan felt a little awkward amidst the pandemonium as he spent in exile for the past 3 years. His motions are surprisingly normal and ordinary like a normal pedestrian. No wonder innovation has reached to such epochal triumph in past few years and will flourish further. Theres no MomN pop stores now, no standing in queues at theatres and restaurants. People spent most of their time glued their eyes to smartcells. Traffic guards are demoded, population nearly decreased by 8% after the deadly pandemic of 2020 and Zombie apocalypse of 2028. He retrospected how Adik saved him from that ambush of dead people that night just with one magazine left in his holster. Freaking hero that Adik was!

The apocalypse nearly ended with a bedlam. The Zombie corpses produced a new type of disease produced from the decomposed torso. Scientists have named it Dermatoxia and till now no inoculation methods been invented. Consequences were catastrophic. Symptoms were hyperactive at regions where corpses get decomposed. The apocalypse mitigated in the past 4 years but still some zombies been sighted across the world. To get rid off the carcasses, hundreds and thousand gallons of petroleum were wasted to extirpate the corpses and for this Antarctica was turned into Dumpster of radioactive materials and zombie corpses. For this the inhabitants of Antarctica had been shifted to Asia Pacific regions. Half of the countries are indebted to UAE, Kazakhstan, Dubai and its sub territories. For this Petroleum prices exceeds the price of diamond and fuels cease to exist these days. Unearthing of fossil fuels have exacerbated. Electric cars, hover-carriers, shuttle trains couldn’t be of that much help instead, only affluents could afford them now. Wall Street collapsed, stock market was decimated, Acid rains and smog permeates most tropical countries. In brief, it is a dystopian world to thrive on.

“Yes, Sam, are you in position? Don’t attract people’s attention.”

“I am not getting signal of his cell from my position, I’m in a public toilet beside the hotel.”

“Okay. Disrupt the power and share the frequency of Dylans cell.”

“Copy that.” Sam was palpitating. He initiates a cryptographic frequency analyser to trace the phone. “The signals getting jammed! What shall I do now!”

“Disrupt the ground floor first!” Navan yelled! He was sneaking from a mile away opposite to hotel ‘EU GRANOI’ from a balcony.

“I…I can’t! Oh god! Someone is jamming the signal!” Sam shuddered. “From inside! Bloody freak! He’s about to unleash an EMP!”

He didn’t finish his sentence, the lampposts vibrated, and the glasses shattered, the cars crashed to each other, the wires sparked and ripped.

“Scums! I’m so dead! Mr Navan I’m all out now!”

“Time to test myself, sport!” Navan took a leap from balcony and rushed.

12 Years ago…

“Always remember Van, fear is just a state of mind. It’s not your inability, it’s the contender’s capability you get stupor of. It’s just a bug that tests your conscience.”

“But dad, Garund was so strong. He punched my nose and made me bleed, and I fled away.”

“Absconding from the situation is sometimes, not the right option. Face your fear.”

Those words still jingle in

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