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Book online «Tarnished Crown (Gravestone Elite #2) Caitlyn Dare (old books to read TXT) 📖». Author Caitlyn Dare

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home waiting for them. The whole place transforms into one big orgy, of which Cade, Ashton and Brandon are right in the middle of, having the time of their lives.

I, however, just want to leave as soon as possible.

Ignoring the chaos behind me, I head to the bathroom, hoping for a little reprieve. The shots of whiskey I've had are doing little to numb anything right now, and I'm desperate to have something stronger, but I also know that I need to keep a clear head.

If I let my guard down, even for a second, then that asshole is going to exploit it. I've seen him watch me, watching and waiting for me to do something that I'm sure he'd take great pleasure in reporting straight back to Mia, but it's not going to happen.

She's mine. And as far as I'm concerned, she’s the only girl in the world. I don't care about the women out there flaunting what they've got for all to see. I am not interested in sharing them with any of those assholes.

My fists curl as I push through the men's bathroom door, but unlike I'm expecting, it doesn't close behind me. Glancing over my shoulder, I find a man has followed me inside. There's something familiar about him, but it's hard to pinpoint with the whiskey fogging my brain.

"Bexley," he commands, and my body immediately does as it's told.

"Do I know you?" I ask, turning to look at him.

"No. Not yet. But I understand that you know my daughter."

Realization dawns the second those words fall from his lips. "You're Mia's dad?"

Reaching behind him, he flips the lock on the bathroom door. But unlike most of the men on the other side of the door, he doesn't make me nervous despite the fact that he probably should, seeing as he's just followed me in here.

"I am," he confirms.

Silence falls between us as we stare at each other.

"I'm working security here tonight as Phillip was short a few men."

"O-okay," I stutter, trying to figure out what he really wants.

"Mia's Coglio is next weekend…" he starts, as if I need a fucking reminder. "And I know you're both suspicious." My brows rise. How the fuck does he know this?

Who the fuck is Mia's dad?

"But you have to let things play out as they've been planned. You have to allow it to happen."


"Bexley, please. I know this is hard. Trust me, I do.” His brows pinch, and he seems genuinely uncomfortable. “But this is bigger than you and Mia. Your time will come, I promise you that, but right now is not it."

My lips part to respond, but he continues. "I know that she's been sneaking around, poking her nose where it doesn’t belong, and I need you to stop her. She's already in enough danger right now. If she pokes too deep, I'm afraid that I will no longer be able to protect her."

I scrub my hand down my face as his words start to sink in.

"You have to let this play out, and I need you to do everything you can to keep her safe."

"Jesus, Mr. Thomp—"

"It's Garth. I know you don't know me, but I know you care about my daughter, and I know we're on the same side. I promise you I will do everything I can, but I can't do it alone."

"I need you to give me more information. Why is she even in this position? Did you have something to do with it?"

He hesitates before he answers, making me think that deep down, he really wants to tell me the truth. But when he finally speaks, I realize it's going to take a little more to get the details I need.

"I've already said too much. If anyone knew we even had this conversation, then…" He trails off and I'm grateful, because I really don't need any ideas about what could happen should Q know that Mia and I have been sniffing around to find the truth.

"Please, Bexley. I'm begging you, just look after my little girl." Pain etches into his expression and dread floods me.

"I'll do my best."

"You have to trust that everything is happening for a reason."

"Even at your daughter's expense?"

He pales, guilt shining bright in his eyes and telling me everything I need to know about his involvement in this.

"You're not just Phillip's security, are you?"

"That's my main job, yes."

"But not your only one?"

"Bexley, you're going to make a great leader one day. You'll be a part of making this town great again, I have no doubt. But for now, you need to play the game. There is an end, and we all just need to pray that it comes sooner rather than later."

"For Mia's sake?"

He releases a heavy sigh, a dark look crossing his expression. "For everyone's sake. Enjoy the rest of your night." He nods at me and has disappeared back through the door before I've even registered that he’s gone.

What the hell was that?

Locking myself in one of the stalls, I drop down onto the toilet and lower my head into my hands, replaying the entire conversation over in my head.

So he knows about Mia and me, and he knows we've been digging.

Why do I get the suspicion that he knows just as much as Q and James?

If not more.

Has his entire life been a lie, a cover-up for his true part in Q? And should we have been looking closer to home for the answers this whole time?

My cell burns a hole in my pocket. I desperately want to call Mia and tell her, but I can't. She's spending the night with Annabel. The last thing I want to do is ruin it… more than I'm sure it already is, knowing who I'm spending mine with.



“Oh, that one is stunning,” Mom says as I emerge from behind the velvet curtain. “Isn’t it beautiful, Annabel?”

“It’s something, Mrs. Thompson.”

“Oh, please, I’ve told you time and time again, call me Temperance.”

“Sorry, Mrs. Thom—Temperance.”

“How do you feel, sweetheart?”

“It doesn’t

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