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Book online «Tarnished Crown (Gravestone Elite #2) Caitlyn Dare (old books to read TXT) 📖». Author Caitlyn Dare

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she kinda scares me.”

Narrowing my eyes on my best friend, the one girl I thought I could trust in all this, I smile sadly. “You should have thought about that before you sided with the devil.”



The house is remarkably quiet all weekend. I guess I shouldn't be surprised after the events of Friday night.

We didn't get out of that place until long after the sun had come up. Then Cade, Ashton and Brandon dragged a group of the girls with them and disappeared into the den the second we got back. Of course Alex followed like a good little sheep. Apparently banging one of the strippers in full view of every motherfucker in that place wasn't enough for him for one night.

I, however, had more than had my fill of debauchery.

Watching all those old and apparently well-respected and powerful men act like complete fucking animals was not my idea of fun. The way they treated the women as if they were nothing more than a piece of meat or a plaything while their wives, the women they supposedly loved, were at home turned my stomach.

I'd choose a night in with Mia over that any fucking night of the week.

The conversation with her father played on repeat for the entire weekend, and I argued with myself as to whether I should tell Mia about it or not. He didn't really give me any new information, just confirmed what we already knew. Something bigger is at play than we originally suspected, and Garth Thompson is very much involved in the whole thing. I can't help wondering what Phillip or Q as a whole have over him to make him agree to sell his daughter's soul and body to the devil. He's not a stupid man, so why would he do that to her? It's obvious he loves her, I could see it in his expression as he talked about her.

So why?

Why would he do this to her?

I roll over in bed and turn my alarm clock off. I don't want to go to class today. I don't want to sit there and stare at her, knowing that in only a few days she's going to be officially engaged to another man. No, not just a man. The fucking devil.

On Friday night, I'll be forced to watch the woman I've given my heart to tie herself to another. How the fuck am I meant to watch that, knowing what's going to happen after?

Anger stiffens my muscles and my teeth grind as I think of the way Cade treats women. Mia doesn't deserve to be touched like that. He'll fucking break her, and the worst thing about it?

That sick fuck will enjoy it.

"Jesus," I mutter, dragging myself up so I'm sitting on the edge of my bed.

I glance over at the cold space next to me. She should be laying there. Friday night should be our night. But it's not. And something tells me that while it's going to be the beginning of things changing for Mia and Cade, it's going to be the final nail in the coffin for the two of us.

We can keep saying things like 'it's going to be fine' or 'we'll find a way out,' but the reality is that we're just two people who are mostly naïve to the workings of Q and have no fucking clue what we're really up against.

Running my fingers through my hair, I tug until it hurts before I make my way to my bathroom to get ready for the day.

I'm the last one down to the kitchen, and every set of eyes turns my way as I step into the room.

"Ah look, it's the miserable fuck who refused to get his dick wet Friday night."

"Fuck off, Ash."

"Not all of us want the STIs that comes with fucking those whores," Channing mutters, standing up for me.

"I didn't hear you saying that while you had one on her knees," Brandon offers, making Channing's face twist in anger.

"Whatever, asshole.”

"Bacon and eggs, Mr. Easton?" Mulligan asks.

I want to say no and escape instead, but my stomach growls loud enough for him to hear and I don't get a chance to argue.

The guys remain silent as he lowers a plate before me and pours me a coffee.

"So Cade, you ready for your last week as a single man?" Ashton asks, briefly glancing at me, ensuring that I'm aware that his question is purely for my benefit.

My grip on the fork in my hand becomes painful as I lift a piece of bacon to my mouth. I force it past my lips and chew, but I barely taste it as a wicked smirk curls at Cade's lips.

"I can't wait. Friday night is going to be fucking banging."

"Someone will be banging alright," Ashton barks out before laughing at his own joke.

Everyone aside from Channing and I join in. He's the only one who has any fucking clue how I feel right now, and I couldn't be more grateful for him trusting me with the truth about him and Sasha, proving that we're on the same team here.

"There are going to be people in and out of the house all week getting things ready, setting the bedroom up, all that shit. But I expect you all here Thursday night. No fucking excuses."

"Why?" I ask, dread already sitting heavy in my stomach.

"Just want to spend some time with my nearest and dearest before the big night. That okay with you, Easton?" He raises a brow as he waits for me to argue about my attendance.

"I need to get to class," I say, shoving my mostly full plate away and standing from the table.

I might have been hungry when I first walked in, but it's safe to say that my appetite has well and truly been ruined now.

"Bex, wait," a familiar voice calls before I get to the front door.

I don't bother looking over my shoulder. I don't want to see the pity on his face or the hurt when

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