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really. I fell down the stairs, broke my ankleand miscarried,” I explained, weakly.

“Geezus, fuck!When did this happen?”

“Monday, justpast. I was in hospital pretty much all last week.”

“Right. I’mcoming over there.”

“No. Iactually just want to be with Bryce, Carls. But thank you.”

“Oh, poorBryce. He was really looking forward to being a dad. How ishe?”

“He’s coping.Anyway, Hun, as you can imagine, I need to call a few people, andnext on my list is Tash. I will need a moment to prepare myself, soI better get going.”

Carls laughed,mildly. “I understand. Okay, if you need me for anything, pleasecall. I love you, you know.”

“I do know. Ilove you too. Bye.”

I hung up andwiped a tear from my eye. Carly Josephine Henkley never cried.

I realised Iwas just a bit too emotional to call Tash after calling Mum andCarls, so I decided I would ring her later after I had gatheredsome semblance of composure.

I proppedmyself up on my crutches and hopped back into the kitchen whereBryce was cooking something that smelled insanely fucking good.Twitching my nose like a sniffer dog, I sat myself down on thestool at the bench.

“How did itgo?” he asked while stirring a pot. Man, he makes cooking lookdamn sexy.

“Sorry? Oh,two down, one to go. I figured I needed to brace myself beforecalling Tash. I will do it after dinner.”

“That’sprobably a good idea,” he agreed.

“What are youcooking?” I extended my upper body so that I could peek into thepot.

“Well, I knowyou like Thai food, so I thought I would try a Massaman Curry withCoconut Rice.”

“Is this yourway of saying sorry for earlier?” I probed.

“Hunny, mymethods of apology normally involve you moaning. This is analternative.”

I sniffed in abig breath and licked my lips. “Oh, trust me, I’m pretty sure thatwill make me moan.”

His eyetwitched and I smiled.

As we sat downto eat dinner, the buzzer to the door sounded. Bryce got up andanswered it, letting Samantha into the penthouse. She was holdingan enormous bunch of flowers.

“Hi, Alexis.These came for you just now.”

“Oh.” Imanoeuvred my chair backward, so that they would fit on my lap.

She handedthem over. “I’ll get going, I don’t mean to interrupt. And, Alexis,I’m very sorry for what happened to you.” She smiled sheepishly andquickly made her way to the door. Bryce let her out.

By the time hemade his way back, I had found the card:

I’m so sorry,Lexi.

Am I still a bitch? -Carls ♥

I smiled,replaced the card back into the bouquet and sniffed the pinkroses.

“Who are theflowers from?”

“Carls,” Ireplied while reaching into my pocket for my phone. I pulled it outand typed her one word in response:

No - Lexi ♥

After dinner,I called Tash. She had been angry, sad, quiet, shocked, sad again,and eventually numb. I’d run through all those emotions again withher, feeling her deep sincerity at my loss. We cried together, andshe insisted on coming to see me. But again, like I had with Carls,I informed Tash that I just wanted time with Bryce. She reluctantlyrespected my decision, but made me promise that when I was readyfor visitors to let her know.

I promised herI would.

After hangingup from Tash I sat on my own in silence, allowing my mind to filterin and out of my current environment, therefore granting morememories of my fall to present themselves for deliberation. Icouldn’t erase the visions, and as a result I couldn’t shake thefeeling of something sinister being involved in the wholeordeal.

At first, Ithought it was my mind’s natural defence mechanism kicking in,reassuring me once again that I was not to blame and insteadsomething or someone else was. But the more vivid the feelings andsenses became, the more I felt they were not a result of my guiltyconscience. Instead they were more the result of a physicalwarning—an alarm even.

I couldn’tfathom what they really meant, so I just pushed them back into mymind.


The followingday Bryce and I went for a walk together through the shoppingprecinct. I really liked the idea of getting out of the apartment,but I could not walk far. My skinny, muscleless arms were not fondof supporting crutches.

I perseveredthough, and enjoyed my new surroundings.

“Do you feelproud when you walk through this complex?” I asked, personallyimpressed with his accomplishments.

He looked downat me. “Yeah, of course I do. Look at the place. It’s fuckingawesome.”

I laughed athim and looked around once again. “Yeah, it kind of is.”

During thescan of my surroundings, I noticed a shop attendant in Pradaquickly look away, pretending she was not just caught staring atme. Um, hello, you were as obvious as dog’s balls. Ownit.

I ignored her,but it bothered me.

We keptwalking—or in my case, hobbled—and I soon became more aware ofpeople watching us. I hated it.

My hands hadbecome sweaty, and I started to feel a little clammy.

“Alexis,what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, I’mjust hot. Are you hot?” I removed the light scarf I had around myneck, but it didn’t help.

“No, Hunny,”he replied, concerned. “Let’s go to the lobby and take a seat.”

We made ourway to the City Towers front office and Bryce made me take a seatnext to the water feature that sat in the middle of the extravagantlobby. I took deep breaths but felt a sudden surge of helplessnesscourse through me.

“I thinkyou’re having a panic attack. Just breathe.” He began rubbing myback and I noticed him motion Charlie over.

“Yes, Sir?” heasked, as he awaited Bryce’s instruction while looking at meconcerned.

“Can youplease get Alexis a glass of water?”

“Of course.”Charlie hurried off.

Almostinstantly, Abigail was crouched down at my side, Samantha standingbeside her and Chelsea next to Bryce.

“What’s wrong,Dear?” Abigail asked.

I couldn’tanswer her. I tried, but my mouth wouldn’t open. I honestly feltthat everyone was staring at me, secretly thinking that my losingthe baby was a result of Karma, and they thought I deserved it. Itfilled me with such dread that I started to feel light headed then,all of a sudden, there was black—nothing.


We I came to,I was laying on the sofa in our apartment. Bryce, Abigail andJanette were all standing in the lounge room not too far fromme.

I opened myeyes. “What happened?” I murmured, confused.

Bryce cameover and sat on the seat next to

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