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Book online «David Bishop and the Mystic of Creation T.C. Crawford (icecream ebook reader txt) 📖». Author T.C. Crawford

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into the air at the flying beasts and into the rushing enemy lines, causing huge explosions that would send enemies flying into the air and off the cliffside.

Large catapults were also sending an endless rain of combustible pots filled with ignited oil, each exploding upon impact and creating large swaths of flame that would send the enemy screaming and flailing off the cliffs. But no matter how much destruction and carnage they inflicted on the enemy forces, they seemed to just keep coming. More and more demon soldiers would take their place, filling the voids like water fills an area scooped away by a bucket.

Meanwhile, Rex was busy swinging his double-sided battle axe with terrifying effectiveness. Anything that met his blade fell under its deadly strike. He roared with rage as he kicked another ladder from the walls, sending its occupants scrambling before falling backward into the mass of bodies below.

Seeing an undead soldier climbing over the wall in the distance, he quickly ran to confront him and fill the gap where the previous soldier had been wounded and was being taken away. He swung his axe and lopped off the head of the incoming soldier, his body falling to the side in a lifeless heap, only to have another take his place. The bodies were beginning to stack up into enormous piles of stinking flesh leaning against the walls. The enemy began using these mounds as ramps, climbing up the dead to get to the top of the walls much quicker and in greater numbers.

Rex saw General Owen in the distance making his way to him, blood streaked across his face. It wasn’t human blood – but the black sticky ichor that spilled from the demons and undead. Rex could barely make him out from behind the mask.

“My King! They are breaking over the West wall!” he screamed, kicking over another ladder as soon as it landed on the walls.

Rex looked around, his men were being overwhelmed, but they were doing their best to hold the line. Despite their valor, he knew it was only a matter of time before their line would break and they would have to retreat to the inner walls.

“Lead the way!” screamed Rex, and they quickly ran off down the wall towards the area getting overrun. Rex wasn’t about to let those demons through just yet, not on his watch.

Chapter XXII

How much longer until we get to the surface?” asked King Tybrin Hammerclaw.

The dwarven army was making its way up the foot paths towards the opening at Draco’s Pass. There weren’t enough carts to efficiently transport the entire Dwarven army to the surface, so instead they had to take the route less traveled by foot, and Tybrin, or any dwarf for that matter, was not very patient.

They had been walking for several hours and he was eager to get to the surface for a good fight. He hadn’t been in one since the last great battles of the Mystic Wars where he had fought alongside his grandfather and father, both of which had perished in the conflict, leaving him king of the Dwarven Empire.

He remembered his oath that day. He had promised to avenge their deaths by destroying any demon to ever set foot on the surface again – and he held true to that promise. He had been responsible for sending thousands of demons back to the depths from whence they came by the time the war had ended. And he was eager to do it once again.

At last, the bright light began to shine through the darkness of the tunnel system, revealing they had finally reached the last stretch before the end.

Tybrin could feel the rush of air from the mountains blowing through the tunnel. It felt good on his skin and even better in his lungs as he filled them with the cool, fresh air.

When they reached the secondary opening, they came out a couple hundred feet above Draco’s Pass and their eyes opened wide at the sight beneath them.

Thousands of demons were marching through the snow littered pass, led by a company of few hundred Wolf Guard. They were winding up the mountain road through Draco’s Pass and headed towards the Land of the Immortals.

To the East in the distance down the mountain they could see a huge mass of figures in shining armor headed their way – it was the elves, and they were clad for battle, headed to the pass to meet the enemy head on!

Tybrin Hammerclaw looked at his brethren, lifted up his battle hammer and screamed at the top of his lungs, “CHARGE!” before running full speed down the side of the mountain and clashing into the flank of the completely surprised demons, breaking the enemy forces in two.

He swung his massive battle hammer around his head like a twirling baton, knocking enemies to the ground and smashing their skulls under the weight of his mighty blows. The rest of the dwarves began picking off the demons, one by one, scattering them into a frenzied mass, completely unprepared for the ferocity of the unsuspected attack.

The enemy finally gathered their composure and attacked with renewed ferocity, tearing into the flesh of the Dwarves with their sharp teeth and claws and swinging wildly at them with their jagged weapons. The Dwarves fell by the hundreds, but not without taking out ten times as many demons.

Darryn Faircloth was one of the dwarves who had volunteered to join the army on their march to the surface. He wasn’t skilled in battle, but like all Dwarves, it was in his blood to fight such vile creatures.

When he reached the opening and saw the demon army marching below, something within his blood boiled and a righteous rage flowed through his veins.

He watched as his mighty King plowed into the flank of the enemy roaring like a lion, and he rushed after his King and brethren, eager to join the fight.

When he got to the level ground of Draco’s

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