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Book online «David Bishop and the Mystic of Creation T.C. Crawford (icecream ebook reader txt) 📖». Author T.C. Crawford

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Pass and joined into the fray, he was confronted with a group of snarling demons with great fangs and piercing claws. For a moment, his heart dropped as he second guessed his decision to join in the battle, but then he remembered his friends and what he was fighting for, and his confidence returned full force.

“Bring it on ye stinky bastards!” he yelled, much to his own surprise – he was always such a gentle Dwarf!

He rushed towards the enemy with the strength and vigor of a lifelong warrior, plowing into the enemy while swinging his battle hammer wildly. It crashed into the sides of the demons with incredible speed and efficiency, sending them flying like rag dolls.

“This is easier than I thought!” he said, laughing hysterically as he proceeded to pummel a nearby demon that had tried to flee from the raging dwarf.

The Dwarves were mighty folk, and they were not to be easily dismissed!

Meanwhile, King Tybrin was surrounded by a group of large demons with great, spiked clubs. They were slowly closing in on him, placing him in a dire situation. He tried to swing at one, but their clubs were too long, and he was easily pushed back.

Seeing their King’s desperate situation, Darryn and a few others quickly rallied and rushed to his aid in a ferocious charge while screaming at the top of their lungs.

The brutes, surprised by the sudden attack at their flanks, turned their attention to the incoming dwarves. King Tybrin used their distraction to his advantage and rushed towards the nearest brute, his back now to the King. He swung his mighty battle hammer with all his strength, crashing it into the back of the demon’s knee and knocking its feet right out from under him. When the beast fell backwards and to the ground, King Tybrin smashed his hammer into its head, squashing it like a bug.

He quickly joined in the fray with his defenders, helping them take on the remaining demons. They had recovered from their sudden confusion and had now cornered the rest of the dwarves with their backs against the far wall of the mountain pass.

The King rushed towards the nearest demon, diverting its attention long enough to give the others a chance to make their desperate break through its legs. The brutes were large and strong, but they were slow to react to the smaller and faster moving dwarves.

Once they regrouped, they charged the demons together in a ferocious attack, catching them off guard and swiftly taking them out one at a time.

The ebb and flow of the battle continued on for hours as more and more demons flowed in from the Great Plains below and into the narrow mountain pass. The losses were staggering on both sides, but at last, as the sun started to sink lower in the Western sky, the giant battle hammer of King Tybrin Hammerclaw struck down the final demon in the pass. Its devilish howls echoed through the cool mountain air, ending in a dramatic gurgling before it fell motionless to the ground.

He lifted his great hammer into the air and let out a hearty cry, “FOR THE CREATOR!” he said, shouting their customary victory cheer.

An enormous cheer erupted from the Dwarves as they watched the final enemy fall, echoing their leader and King’s triumphant call, each raising their weapons to the air as they chanted.


Reingard and Holzer, watching as the enemy marched towards them down the Eastern slope of Draco’s Pass, suddenly saw a flash of metal rushing down the slopes just above the demon army. They could barely hear the roar and clashing of battle in the distance at the top of the mountain pass.

He pointed to the commotion and Gilric Ellisar only smiled. His elf eyes and ears better than theirs, he could see and hear what it truly was – the Dwarves had come out of their holes.

“Charge!” he screamed, and they all drew their swords and broke out into a full sprint towards the advancing enemy lines.

The Wolves, seeing them coming and hearing the commotion in the flanks behind them, broke out into a run on all fours, bounding down the road and across the foothills at incredible speed, with the bulk of the demon army following closely behind.

The two armies clashed with great force, sending demons, wolves, and elves flying backwards with the impact. The two sides quickly melted into each other, breaking the once distinguishable forces into a huge mass of brutal combat. Swords and shields were crashing against flesh and teeth and the long scythe-like weapons of the Wolf Guard.

Reingard and Holzer fought side by side with great tenacity, swinging their newly forged battle axes with a strength they had never known before, sending demons and wolves flying backward and in pieces with every mighty swing of their axes.

They fought with all of their might, determined to send each and every one of the enemy hordes back to the dark halls of the Dark Abyss from whence they came.

Gilric Ellisar, his long, curved blade flashing left and right with incredible speed and precision, was dispatching enemies as quickly as they came, tearing through their ranks at the front of the battle, leaving a wake of death and destruction trailing behind him that was quickly filled with forces from both sides, locked in combat.

Eventually he caught up with the leader of the Wolf Guard who snarled fiercely as he approached, bearing his big yellow fangs threateningly before jumping toward him at breakneck speeds.

Their blades clashed as they met, sending sparks flying in every direction. Their attacks were a flurry of steel and fur, hammering again and again in an endless rhythmic dance.

More than once the wolf’s blade struck home, but Gilric’s armor proved to be the stronger of the two metals and deflected the attacks.

Emboldened by his seeming superiority, the Wolf lunged ferociously at Gilric, but he had been anticipating this moment and side-stepped quickly out of the way before bringing the full might of

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