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and repeat after me.”

“Okay.” Kas took Preyna’s hands and closed her eyes.

Whereas Kas’ magic appeared as red sparkles, and Asta’s appeared as silver sparkles, Preyna’s was the same beautiful yellow color as her hair.

The red and yellow magic swirled together and then encapsulated all of us for a split second before disappearing.

“Did it work?” Eira asked.

“I assure you, it worked,” Preyna laughed.

I smiled at the master sorceress. Her abilities were already coming in handy.

Kas was wonderful with her magic, but she was still young and learning. Preyna had centuries of experience and training, and she’d reached an incredibly high level of skill that Kas hadn’t reached quite yet.

I knew the strawberry-blonde would get there in her own time, but I also figured it probably helped to have Preyna around to show her a thing or two every now and then. Part of me hoped Preyna traveling with us would become more of a normal occurrence, but I doubted it.

The sorceress had plenty of other duties to tend to with the council.

“This way,” Kas said, and she held up the map and walked straight ahead on the road.

Inger and Blar flew ahead while we walked, but Uffe rode on Kas’ shoulder, and Svass rode on Eira’s.

It didn’t take long before we reached a huge golden gate to the side of the road. There was a large white brick fence surrounding it, and even from the outside it looked expensive.

“Don’t tell me this is the place.” Eira frowned.

“It looks like it.” Kas nodded.

“How do we get through the gate?” Asta asked.

“I’m not sure,” Kas said as she glanced around. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to try and open it.”

“It’s probably locked somehow,” Eira said.

“Right,” the strawberry-blonde agreed. “And knowing these dealers, they can definitely afford a sorcerer to enchant it.”

“You’re right.” Preyna nodded. “They’d probably know the second we removed the lock.”

“What do you suggest?” I asked the sorceress. She was with us for the day, so I figured I might as well use her talents while I could.

“Hm.” Preyna pursed her lips and thought. “I have a spell that will allow us to walk through the brick wall.”

“That would be amazing.” Kas nodded fervently.

“I’ll teach you later,” the beautiful blonde assured her, and then she walked over to the wall. “Now, everyone, come line up over here. We can only go one by one, otherwise it gets a little messy.”

“What about the dragons?” Eira asked, and her hand instinctively reached up to pet Svass.

“It should be alright for them to stay on your shoulders,” Preyna answered.

“Okay, good.” Eira nodded, and I had to smile at the redhead. She’d always seemed so battle hardened to me, but now that she had a small dragon of her own to care for, she wasn’t afraid to show a much softer, caring side.

As much as I thought Eira’s warband leader attitude was sexy as hell, I had to admit I found her soft side incredibly endearing, too.

We all lined up by the wall, and Preyna closed her eyes, placed her hand on the brick, and muttered something in the old language.

“Give me your hand,” she told Asta, but she kept her other hand placed firmly on the wall.

The white-haired elf girl took Preyna’s hand and allowed the sorceress to guide her through the brick. It was incredible to see her disappear into the wall, but I knew she’d come out the other side just fine.

“You next,” Preyna told Eira, and the redhead grabbed her hand.

Svass curled up against Eira’s neck, and I could clearly see her shaking with fear.

“It’s okay,” the redhead assured her, and she reached her hand up to stroke the small reptile’s back.

Svass seemed to calm down some, though she didn’t move from where she was wrapped tightly around Eira’s neck.

Preyna smiled at the small dragon and then closed her eyes and led Eira through the wall. The redhead disappeared just as Asta had, and I was once again astounded at Preyna’s abilities.

Kas and Uffe were next, and the little dragon seemed almost excited, which was odd because he was usually the most timid.

Uffe had a smile on his reptilian lips, and he leaned toward the wall as Kas took Preyna’s hand and stepped through the stone.

I shook my head and laughed before I turned to Blar.

“Ready?” I asked him, and he nodded and laid his head on my shoulder. He didn’t seem to care either way, and I figured traveling through a wall wasn’t very exciting for him since he was able to teleport on his own.

I took Preyna’s hand, and the sorceress smiled at me as a jolt of electricity worked its way from where her flesh touched mine, all the way up my arm.

“We’ll go together,” she told me.

“Okay.” I nodded.

Preyna turned toward the wall but kept her hand on it, and then she stepped forward and pulled me along with her.

The stone seemed to melt away as we stepped directly into it, and before I knew it, we were on the other side of the wall.

“Whoa,” I breathed as I looked around.

The yard we were in was magnificent. Bright green grass covered the ground, and there were huge fruit trees planted strategically around the area, along with berry bushes, flowers of all shapes, sizes, and colors, and even a small pond with several wooden chairs beside it.

A huge fountain sat right outside of the front of the house, though it looked more like a small castle than any home I’d seen before. The entire building was made of the same white stone as the fence, and it was at least three stories tall, with balconies and large doors and windows everywhere.

I was suddenly extremely glad Preyna and Kas

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