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Book online «Dragons of Asgard 3 Logan Jacobs (book recommendations for teens .TXT) 📖». Author Logan Jacobs

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about us killing his brother. If that was the case, he was more of a threat than I thought. I couldn’t have him, or the man who worked for the King, letting any of the other dealers in the area know about what we’d done.

If word got out we were killing dealers, they’d take extra precautions to make sure they weren’t caught, and I wanted them to think they were as safe as they’d always been.

I glanced over to the girls, and Eira’s green eyes locked on mine. She narrowed them to slits and then flashed them over to the orange-haired elf.

I nodded before I looked at the rest of the girls. Asta, Kas, and Preyna each nodded back, and I turned to face our opponent.

It was time to take out these sorry arseholes.

I was sure as soon as we attacked, whatever guards were in the area would be called down to assist, but there were five of us, plus the dragons, so I knew we could take whatever came our way.

Blar’s grip tightened on my shoulder and hip as I pulled out my sword and stepped forward.

It was strange to know my opponent wasn’t able to see me, but I took full advantage of that and made my way over to the tall, lanky elf. I readied my sword, but just as I reared back, he ducked down.

The orange-haired man threw his hand out toward me, and tangerine-colored sparkles flew all around. I didn’t know much about magic, but I knew he’d just removed my invisibility spell.

It didn’t matter, I still had my blade at the ready, and I quickly swung low to try and get the man’s shins, since most enemies didn’t expect a swing like that.

This elf was prepared, though, and he jumped back and rolled out of the way. When he got back on his feet, he had his sword out, and he held it up to me before he cocked a lopsided smile my way.

“You must be one of those dragon loving arseholes,” he sneered.

“That’s me.” I grinned mockingly and adjusted my stance. It seemed this guy was going to actually be a worthy opponent.

“It was those bastards who killed my brother,” he said, and he dove forward to swing at me, but I blocked his blow and pushed him away with my sword. “Know anything about that?”

“I do, actually,” I said, and I gestured to Blar on my shoulder.

The little blue dragon let out a massive fire blast right at the man, but the orange-haired sonofabitch was quick, and he used his magic to throw up an invisible shield.

“I thought you might,” he said as he attempted to cast some sort of spell in my direction, but he wasn’t the only one who was quick.

I tucked and rolled to the side, and then I sprang up a few feet away from him while Blar hovered just overhead.

I glanced to the stairs, only to realize I couldn’t see the girls any longer, probably because I’d been removed from the spell.

“Enough of this,” the dark-haired elf said, and he walked toward me with his blade at the ready. “I can’t be late to the palace.”

The elf took another step, only to fall flat on his face. His sword clamored to the ground in front of him, and I quickly kicked it out of his way before he could raise himself up onto all fours.

“What the fuck,” he growled, and he looked around with narrowed black eyes.

“You should be more careful, Keelan,” the orange-haired man sneered without looking away from me. “You’re not much help in battle, are you?”

“Fuck off,” the dark-haired elf spat, and he stood up and wiped the blood from his mouth. “Someone tripped me.”

“Tripped you?” the sorcerer asked, and his dark-blue eyes narrowed on his customer.

I stepped forward to stab at the elf, but before I could, he spun around and cast orange sparkles all around.

Suddenly, the girls came into sight.

Eira stood just behind the orange-haired man, while Kas and Asta were on either side and just behind the dark-haired elf.

Preyna was still over by the staircase, but from her stance with her arms held up, it was clear she was in the middle of casting some sort of spell.

“I see,” the orange-haired man scoffed. “I thought this would be a quick fight, but it seems you were trying to rely on little girls to do your bidding. No matter, I’ll have my guards handle them while I slice you to pieces. Guards!”

“I wouldn’t underestimate them if I were you.” I smiled and lowered my stance so I could take whatever he threw at me.

“I don’t underestimate them,” he chuckled darkly. “But I know my own strength, and I know they’re no match for me.”

“You don’t know a damn thing,” Preyna said, and she walked up behind me.

“Mmm, so you do have a sorcerer,” he said, and the way he looked Preyna up and down made me want to skin him right there. “This should be more interesting than I thought.”

Ten guards came barreling down the steps then, but I nodded to Eira, and the redhead brought her sword down toward the boss while I rushed toward him.

The orange-haired elf spun around to catch Eira’s sword with his own, which left his back exposed, just as I’d planned, but as soon as I reached him, he vanished.

“Looking for me?” his voice asked from behind, but Blar let out a massive fire blast, and I heard the elf curse before he disappeared and reappeared near the other elf’s cart.

“Your teleportation is weak,” Preyna laughed, and suddenly the elf began to swirl with her golden magic sparkles.

“And you’re better than I anticipated,” he snickered.

“He can’t teleport any longer,” Preyna told me. “He’s all yours now.”


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