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Book online «The Godsend Backfire: The Beginning Harold Straugh (bearly read books TXT) 📖». Author Harold Straugh

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never bothered me before.  I think I had the fact he still wanted to get Derium’s head hurt my feelings and I was finding everything annoying at the time.

The sun was high before got to another cliff, there was a steep trail that led down the side of it.  The smell of the ocean filled my nose, I heard birds squawking and saw them flying around, their shadows blocking out the sun here and there. I could feel blades of grass poke my feet at times, then started to pick up more of a sand like dirt under them.

I followed Mylicious down the side of the cliff. There was a time we had to press our backs against the wall and had no more than the heels of our feet to keep us from falling.  The waves were crashing down below us and as we got closer, a mist would hit us in the face and make the rocky trail slippery.  He acted like it wasn’t a big deal if he fell, granted he was an immortal like me, but I still didn’t like the feeling of dying and avoided it at all cost.

We finally came to a small shoreline and a long, roughly made, boat.  I looked out into ocean and could not see land as far as I could see.  I didn’t like the feeling I was getting but Mylicious made it there, he could make it back, I had hoped.

I didn’t like the looks of the boat, the boat was splintered on the side, there looked to be water on the bottom of the boat, algae along the side. There were two oars that looked like they had been broken and were held together with metal supports and twine.  There were three half logs, notched out in the middle, one in front, one in the middle and one in back, I assumed they were for support and sitting. The more I looked at the boat, the more I was having second thoughts.

“You get in first and sit in the back, I’ll be in middle, do you know how to guide a boat?” he asked.

“No, I’ve never needed to,” I responded.

“You’ve been wasting your life brother killing off vampires, instead of living,” he chuckled.

He pushed the boat in the water a little bit, then pointed at me to get in. I got in and immediately felt my weight shift when I reached the part of the boat that was in the water. I got close to falling in.  Mylicious just laughed and told me to be careful.  I turned around and sat down and he spoke.

“Now I will paddle on this side and you paddle on that side, keep in stride with me,” he said, tossing a rope in the boat and then pushed the boat further into the ocean.

He turned around quickly and grabbed an oar, I copied him.  He stuck his oar in on one side and I put mine on the other. I watched him as he paddled, keeping the oar in the water a total five seconds, pushing, then pulling it out and repeating. I followed his motions and soon the boat was moving at an exceptional speed.

“Hell, we might make it there by tomorrow with this speed,” he yelled out.

We paddled late into the day before Mylicious said he needed a break, I wasn’t tired though, but stopped anyways. We just kind of coasted for a little bit.  There was a warm, gentle breeze. I was admiring the beauty and trying not to be fearful of the massive amount of water, when something erupted to the right of the boat.  A massive group of tails shot out of the water, towering ten feet high above the water, then came crashing back down, splashing water inside the boat.

Mylicious laughed, “I hope I never get tired of seeing that.”

“What are those?” I asked, I was terrified, I didn’t see how he was enjoying it.

“Whales my brother, trust me though, the least of our worries out here.  There are things out here that will eat us, I’ve seen it before.”

I started to paddle harder than before, on both sides of the boat, so Mylicious didn’t have to.  It was clear into the night when I actually started to get sore, for the first time in my life, I started to feel exhaustion.  I was soon done paddling the boat, I took a deep breath and looked at Mylicious who was sound asleep.

I nudged him with the oar and woke him up, “Where are we headed, I can keep going for a little bit longer, but I can’t see anymore.”

“You see that bright, red flashing star?” he asked and pointed. I followed his finger and saw where he was pointing, “You keep that, and the front of the boat, in line. I’ve rested, so I can paddle for a little bit.”

He picked up his oar and started to paddle, while I stopped, the burning sensation in my arms and chest were intense, but within twenty-minutes it all went away, and my strength was back. I started to help paddle again.  We picked up speed again and paddled like that until the sun came up.  Now, I didn’t care too much for the ocean, but watching the sunrise while you’re in the middle of it, was really amazing and beautiful to see.  There was land on both sides of us, a snow-covered land to the right and smaller, snow covered islands to the left of us.

“I need to rest again, brother. Have you not slept?” he asked suddenly.

“I never have, never needed too. I died once, even then I was just floating in darkness above here, somewhere between Paradise and here” I said.

It was midway through the day, when I heard a clap of thunder off in the distance and looked.  On the horizon, dark, stormy

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