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Book online «Strawberry Kisses Phavy Prieto (bookstand for reading TXT) 📖». Author Phavy Prieto

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in Rome.

"If I am in town, I usually hang out with some friends in the afternoon. Obviously I couldn't join them today," he added with his captivating smile that made me melt like snow in the sun. "It is likely that you will have to accompany me next Sunday."

"To meet your friends?" I asked thinking that his friends were the ones we had met at Michael's wedding. Though, thinking again, he had to have friends here as well.

It was admirable that Damian could find the time for an active social life, considering that the company had to absorb a significant part of his time due to his position, even though his father was the president of the company.

"Of course. They want to meet my fiancée," he replied calmly.

At that moment I gulped trying to digest that information. Where was the limit of that game? How far should we keep going?

Damian didn't seem to care about the consequences. He was going to live those two weeks as if we were a couple in love that would soon get married. He probably got into character so much that he really believed it too. In two weeks something would click in his head and everything would go to hell.

"Sure," I said taking a deep breath. "And you will have to come to my hometown to meet my family," I added, playing along with him.

"Of course. Whenever you want," he replied confidently.

Whenever I want? Damian would be the first boyfriend I would introduce to my parents and, whether they liked him or not, at least my mother would calm down knowing that her daughter was not a lesbian.

Not all evil comes to harm.

"I'm sure my mother will be happy to meet you. Shall we go next weekend?"

"It would be better to go the one after," he said without looking at me. "It's her birthday. She'll surely be waiting for you."

How the hell could Damian know it was my mother's birthday?

Actually my mother did not celebrate her birthday in style. If it fell on the weekend I usually went home to celebrate it with them, otherwise I looked for an available date as close as possible to her birthday. At that moment I had no idea of when I had planned to go. Maybe I should have gone that weekend instead of going to Rome, but Damian had upset my plans, even though everything was duly marked in my planner. My planner... Of course! That was why he knew about my mother’s birthday!

You should really be ashamed that your non-boyfriend remembers your mother’s birthday and you don't, Maria!

"You remember about my mother's birthday?" I asked amazed.

You are a bad daughter, Maria! I felt guilty, even though I had written down in my planner that I had to send a bouquet of flowers to my mother and buy a gift before I go home next time.

"You marked it in red. It caught my eye. "

That man would really be the perfect son-in-law.

"Then it's decided," I said, thinking how happy my mother would be if I went to the village not simply with someone other than Nerea but with a boyfriend. I just had to be ready for all the questions that would come later and that I would promptly dodge. "We'll go in two weeks," I added with an amused smile.

Let’s see how long you hold out at my parents'.

When we got home, I took a shower first and put on a comfortable nightgown. I took my planner and started crossing out all the things that I was supposed to do in the past few days and then wrote them down again in the upcoming week. I was so focused on those lists that I completely lost track of time and space. All of a sudden I felt the chair rising from the floor, and I started screaming in panic because I didn't know what was happening.

"What are you doing? Put me down!" I yelled amidst laughter and the fear to fall down.

"You've been writing in your damn planner for over an hour! Are you going to pay attention to me?" Damian asked, still holding me in the air.

How strong this man is!

"Yes, yes, alright," I agreed just to get off there. He could have asked me for anything.

"Perfect," he said, putting me and the chair down. "I'll keep this for you in a place you won't have access to," he added taking away the planner.

After hearing those words and staring at him like a perfect idiot, I saw him heading towards the bedroom. It took me almost one minute to react. I got up and went after him. As I entered the bedroom, I saw him closing the safe.

What the hell did he just do?

"Did you put my planner in a safe?" I yelled, stressing the possessive adjective to highlight that he had no permission to do so.

"You will have your planner only for work. But not before or after work," he replied so firmly that I thought he had every right to give orders that way.

"Based on what? Why can't I keep something that is mine?" I asked trying to breathe calmly in order not to make a scene.

Damian slowly approached me. I felt my whole existence was in danger, as well as my beliefs.

"Because in the next two weeks I’m going to teach you how to really live, and not according to lists in a planner. There will be no specific plans, no set times and, least of all, scheduled durations. During the time you spend here, everything will be unpredictable."


How long hasn't that word been part of my life? For a long time. Too long. From time immemorial.

I was certainly not an unpredictable person. On the contrary, I was super predictable because everything had to

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