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Book online «Rayna's Sacrifice (The Katori Chronicles Book 3) A. Lombardo (best smutty novels txt) 📖». Author A. Lombardo

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coughed, if one could call it a cough, and fire billowed out his mouth. His enhanced vision had a sharpness beyond anything he had ever experienced.

He soared back towards the Katori mountain range and flew over the summits. The setting sun turned the sky a deep orange to dark purple. When it finally sank from view, the stars twinkled above him. From his left, a silver dragon joined him: Benmar. Kai followed his grandfather down the mountain, and they soared above the treetops.

Baden Lake came into view. They hovered over the water’s surface, and his dragon reflection rippled across the lazy waves. With his newfound freedom, he rolled and twisted, spun and flipped through the air. He felt his new body flex, and his mind turned wild.

Lost in the chase, he stayed close behind the other dragon. The lead dragon swooped skyward. Kai followed. Higher and higher they flew. The moon shone above. Kai felt his core temperature rise, and he belched fire. He warbled and screeched with delight at the other dragon. The other dragon answered back.

Kai relished the freedom and flew in front of the lead dragon. They played in the sky. Each roll of their flight thrilled him to his core. They banked hard left and curved around the lake. Their erratic pattern became a game, one trying to outmaneuver the other.

When the lead dragon landed on a flat mountain ridge, Kai followed. The peaceful night washed over him, and he wanted to fly more. A tiny light caught his attention. The lead dragon changed into a man. Kai lowered his beastly head. He knew this man. He felt the warmth of the man’s hand press into his scale-covered cheek. “Remember who you are, Kai. Let the golden thread go. Reach for the white light.”

Kai felt the urges of the wild beast within his heart. The joy of flight and freedom. He wanted to fly. “Remember those you love. Rayna, Haygan, and Simone. Let’s go home, Kai,” the man called.

Rayna’s laughter echoed in his ears. Kai released the golden thread and clung to the white light. He felt edges of his crystal warm his hand. He felt his body slough off the massive beast. His natural body returned. The unused energy floated back into nature. His knees felt weak. He stepped forward and everything went black.


Hours later, he awoke. His grandfather had carried him back to their hidden cave on the mountain. “You will be alright,” he said softly. “Changing takes practice, but you must not lose yourself to the nature of the beast. Always cling to a memory or a person here in this life. If you embrace the creature—you could be lost forever. Do you understand?”

The thought of his mother panged in his heart. Had she lost her way in her own dragon? Trapped for ten years, she kept their secret, but would her memories be enough to save her mind? He had to keep faith in Alenga.

His personal experience filled his senses. “While we were flying, I felt free. Wild. In those moments, I was a dragon, through and through. If you had not landed, I would still be circling the skies. Every sensation felt new and powerful.” Kai sighed heavily at the idea.

Benmar nodded with understanding. “I am fortunate to be your guide. Alenga has blessed us both with this time together. Now I will make us a pot of tea.”

They sat by the fire, resting and reminiscing about the evening. Their late-night talks had become a highlight at the end of each day, an opportunity for Kai to learn more about his family history and connect with his grandfather.

“You know, the first time I saw a dragon up close, I was fourteen. I was traveling to Town Hope—well, at the time, it was called Hamrin. In fact, I saw a silver dragon that night. Was that you?”

“It was me,” Benmar admitted. “The look on your face as we swept over the trees overwhelmed me. I belched fire, laughing at your expression.”

“So, it is your fault I fell that night?” Kai snapped.

“Hardly, your fear made you step back. Carelessness let you fall.”

“I could have died from that fall.”

Benmar shook his head. “No, I knew you would not die.”

Kai eyed his grandfather. “How did you know some other creature would not devour me as I searched for a way back—or while I slept?”

“Grandson, I was never more than a breath away from your side. Your focus was on the cliff wall and your wolf. And in case you've forgotten, I can turn invisible. You weren't looking for me. But I was there with you.”

Benmar paused and Kai let the concept settle.

“Kai, you needed that moment. That night changed you fundamentally. At your core, you began to grow. Iver sent you out, the little prince out to prove himself. You went because you wanted an adventure. The palace, the city, they were confines.” He shook his head. “No. You needed to be more. Stronger. Alone in the forest, were you afraid?”

“No, not really. Smoke was with me, and I did what was needed.”

“When you stepped into the cave and found a pack of wolves, were you afraid?”

For the first time in years, he really thought about that night and the three wolves that kept him warm when he intruded on their den. After walking for hours trying to find his way back to his campsite, he had collapsed and the alpha and his pack protected him while he slept. They sacrificed their own lives to come to his aid during the fight with the Guardians.

“I should have been very afraid, but no. I knew what to do. Instinct told me to stay calm. Not to mention, I was exhausted by the time I came across the alpha. I pushed my thoughts to him.”

“Control is an illusion.” Benmar handed Kai a cup of hot tea. “Everyone wants it. Keegan wanted it. Lucca wanted it. But you cannot control much in this life. It is better to

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