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bend rather than break. Flow with the current, grandson, but remember you are not alone.”

“The dragon told me the same thing today. I wish I would have grown up here, with you.”

“Never wish your life away. Our trials shape us. Life’s mysteries define our character and surround you with the people you need most. You were meant to live this life. Enjoy the adventure.”

“So, speaking of adventure, your book, The Invisible Thief… Did you really do all those things? Travel to all those places? Sail the Caprizian Sea? Steal the crown jewels of Bangloo, then return them as a wedding gift to his daughter? I have studied many history books, but that story is not among them.”

“It wouldn’t be. Theft of those jewels would have been an embarrassment to a very proud nation.” Benmar smirked, “But it happened. Now off to bed with you. It’s been a long day. No more talking tonight.”

Exhausted from becoming a dragon, Kai collapsed on the bed in his alcove. He stared at the starry crystals embedded in the ceiling. His life had changed drastically over these many months. He’d gone from living in a palace to living in trees and caves. And if he was honest with himself, he was happier.

If only he could blend his old life with his new one. But they were two separate worlds unwilling to live together. Duty commanded he become king—like it or not, he was next in line, now that he was no longer betrothed to Amelia of Milnos.

All his life he thought he wanted adventure. Now, all he wanted was peace and quiet. The opportunity to live a tranquil life with Rayna. He thought of her face, her sweeping brown hair, and her soft eyes. Around him he felt the pulse of energy that typically preceded a vision. Quietly, he let go of the day and slipped off into a dream.


Darkness expanded into a sunshine-filled glade. Wildflowers swayed in the breeze. Rayna stepped through the flowers. Her delicate fingers tickled the flower petals. New blooms popped at her touch. She smiled, pleased with her work.

Three girls approached. Senina, Ciera, and Linnea. They encircled Rayna. Kai watched, but he could not hear their words. They each spoke in turn. Rayna’s expression changed. Hands on her hips, her posture showed determination. The girls stepped back and laughed. Still, Kai could not hear their words. He couldn’t hear anything.

Rayna shook her head at the girls. Her fingers stretched outward. She pulled at the ground, coaxing the earth up around her feet. Roots burst across the glade. Startled, the sisters stepped away. Shock contorted their faces and Senina covered her mouth. Fear washed over her expression. Senina waved at Rayna to stop; her mouth was wide with screams.

Bark crept up Rayna’s legs. Craggy gray bark swelled around her and pushed her skyward. The trunk thickened. Rayna lifted her hands, and branches sprouted from her arms and fingers. As the tree engulfed her body, the look in Rayna’s eyes turned to fear. Her hair turned woody. Her mouth curled into a scream.

The advancing bark did not stop. What remained of Rayna struggled. Tears ran down her face. She was afraid. The final bit of her face swelled into woody bark and disappeared. Kai gasped for air and burst from his dream. Anger pierced his heart. The love of his life was in trouble.

Kai didn’t bother to wake Benmar, he stomped around the cavern, collecting his belongings. His lack of subtlety woke his grandfather. “Kai. Where are you off to in such a rage?”

“Rayna is in trouble. I need to help her. Those stupid girls. They tricked her into turning herself into a tree.”

“Hold on. How do you know this? Did you have a vision of her as a tree?”

“Visions, I’ve learned, come in one of two ways. Sometimes they come in flashes that lack detail, but they show glimpses into the future. Or they come in slow, detail-filled scenes, which usually means I have little time, if any. The vision I just had seemed to be of the past.” Kai shook his head, trying to pinpoint how the vision made him feel. “I need to find Rayna.” Kai seethed. “Those sisters need to pay for tricking her.”

“Grandson, please...” Benmar tried to calm Kai.

Kai ignored his grandfather. “When did Rayna learn how to become a tree?” He stumbled out of the cave. “She looked terrified.”

“Be careful, Kai. Half-knowledge is dangerous. You may not yet know the full truth.”

“Dangerous? They have no idea. I will show the sisters dangerous.”

Benmar placed his hand on Kai’s shoulder. “Breathe. You are angry. Anger is our enemy. To find Rayna, you must be your best self. Anger will not help her; it may even prevent you from finding her.”

Kai wrestled with his thoughts. “What would you have me do?”

“Revenge only leads to disaster. It will not mend your heart or Rayna’s. Before you speak, let your emotions settle. Keep a watch over your words—words can mold others. Rayna must forgive. If she is a tree, it can be reversed. Use your relationship with Rayna to call her back. Just as I called to you, ask her to remember who she was. You will need to find a strong Kodama. Someone Rayna knows. You said Imani claims to be her sister in blood. Find her.”

“I don’t know if that will work. When I left, I suggested that Rayna meet with Imani, but she was not ready to confront her family.”

Benmar rushed to follow Kai. “Trust me, Kai. Her sister will be the best person to help. She is from the Matoku tribe, if memory serves me.” Benmar took Kai’s bag. “You won’t need any of this where you’re going.”

Chapter 19

The Oak Sisters

The morning dew covered the grasses. Tiny beads of water glistened in the sunshine. Rayna followed her friend Jayla to a small flowerbed, one they had planted a few days earlier as seeds. Being a Kodama for Rayna felt very

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