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Book online «David Bishop and the Mystic of Creation T.C. Crawford (icecream ebook reader txt) 📖». Author T.C. Crawford

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sudden onslaught, but his voice still resounded in their minds – there was no escaping it.

“All who oppose me will fall like a wave against the shore. To resist is futile. You may have had the strength to fend off the first wave of my army, but you will not survive the next. Find me the boy, bring him to me, and I will be a merciful ruler. If you fail, you and your people will suffer the likes of which you have never seen before.”

With this, he rose high into the sky and jetted across the mountain pass once again, creating a shockwave through the skies that shook the air and ground around them as he headed back to his fortress atop the mighty rock where Eldergate once stood.


When they recovered from their shock and awe at the immense power of the Defiant One, the leaders all stood together discussing their options.

“We don’t stand a chance against that kind of power, not without David.” said Rex calmly, looking around at the others as they stood in a makeshift command tent. They had been going over various plans to confront their enemy, and so far, nothing was looking promising.

Reingard and Holzer had informed Rex and the others of their journey with David, Tyrius, and Erin and of David’s eventual capture by Jakob Zander of the Southern Kingdom’s Guild. They said Tyrius and Erin had gone after him, but that they suspected he was somehow taken by magic to Brineport where he would be under the mercy of the bandits and their leader, whoever that was.

“They rode South on the morning of the battle of Draco’s Pass just three days past,” said Gilric. “They were on the backs of two of our fastest horses. With luck and the Creator’s grace, they should be in Brineport by now. What they will find there, only time will tell.” he said.

“What do you suggest we do? We can’t wait here until the next wave of enemies come. They will surely destroy us where we stand!” said Tybrin Hammerclaw, clearly still shaken by the show of force he had just witnessed.

“He’s right. Our defenses are all but destroyed, our fortress is obliterated, and we have less than half the numbers we had. We can’t withstand another direct assault.” said King Eldergate, shaking his head.

The situation was dire indeed, and they all knew it.

“Well, he’s giving us a chance to get David to him, right?” asked Orin, wincing from the pain in his side as he tried to stand up. Rex quickly helped him to his feet, giving him the support needed to address the others.

“That must mean he doesn’t yet know that David is captured in the South! If he did, he wouldn’t have asked us to bring David to him, because his minions in the South would be doing it for him.” he said, looking around the room. Everyone nodded in agreement, suddenly a glimpse of hope on their faces.

“It also tells us, for some reason, the Defiant One is not traveling too far from Eldergate to search for David himself. Why do you think that is?” he asked, searching the eyes of everyone at the table.

When no one seemed to have an answer, Orin spoke up again, “I believe, and I may be wrong…but I believe it’s because he can’t!”

With that, everyone looked up, shock and confusion on their faces.

“What do you mean, old man?” asked Gilric, his expression for the first time showing a rare hint of emotion.

“What I mean is, maybe he can’t travel too far from Eldergate because the spell that once banished him to the Dark Abyss still has a hold on him, however slightly. What if he is bound to the area until David is defeated, thereby destroying the last remnants of the power that sealed him away and freeing him at last – the power of the Mystics of Creation. The power that, although dormant it seems, David now possesses and keeps a part of this world.”

Everyone looked around the room, each judging the merits of the information Orin was proposing. Could the Defiant One truly still be in chains?

Orin, seeing that his message was making an impact, decided to reveal his final bit of information.

“Did anyone else notice that when the Defiant One first arrived, after his initial display of power, that his aura had dimmed significantly? When he was on his way, his light was as bright as a star, but when he was leaving, it was barely noticeable at all. He merely glowed the way the orb now glows in David’s hand – as if it is sleeping, dormant. I believe this is because he had expended his stored energy in that powerful blast. Had he continued so far from his source of power, the Dark Abyss where he is still bound, he would have run out of strength. That is why he has been staying in Eldergate instead of leading his armies like he once did so many years ago.” said Orin.

With this, the light seemed to turn on with Gilric and Tybrin, both of whom had fought in the Mystic Wars and had seen first-hand the might and power of the Defiant One.

“He’s right!” said Tybrin, eyes wide with recollection. “Before, the Defiant One always glowed bright and he took pride in personally leading his armies. It didn’t matter where he went, he was always fighting alongside them!”

“Indeed, it is true.” said Gilric pitching in. “The Defiant One was never one to shy away from a battle. After all, he was bred for destruction as a means of balancing the creations of the other Mystics. It seems now he has a reason to remain hidden away, at least until he has David in his grasp. What you suggest, Orin, may have some merit.” said Gilric, nodding his head in agreement.

“So, what does that mean for us?” asked Rex, looking to Orin for guidance. “Do you suggest we go into hiding until David

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