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Book online «David Bishop and the Mystic of Creation T.C. Crawford (icecream ebook reader txt) 📖». Author T.C. Crawford

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class than the wolves David had encountered in Eldergate, who sported higher quality garments and weapons, or if there was another reason for their appearance.

They walked up to David’s cell, baring their teeth in warning as they unlocked his door and opened it, indicating for him to follow but not try anything stupid or suffer the consequences.

He took their warning seriously and cautiously followed their directions as they led him out of the hallway and into a large open chamber with high vaulted ceilings. The walls, floors and roof were all made of the same sandstone blocks as his cell. They were tannish with a rough, grainy texture and were much larger towards the base of the walls, some as large as small buildings, growing smaller as they rose up to the ceiling.

The room he was in reminded him of the great pyramids of Egypt, their ceilings sloping upward in a diagonal fashion before leveling off and flattening in a high point at the center of the structure.

This left the majority of the building as a single, wide open room where he was being led to.

As he followed the beasts through the center of the structure, he could see they were taking him to a set of great stairs leading to a second and third level within the great chamber. The stairs had several landings and were lined with thick, blocky rails that supported a large bronze brazier on each side of the landings, each blazing hot with a bonfire that provided lighting for the surrounding area.

As they reached the third and final floor, the ground leveled off to a long, smooth walkway leading up to a great stone doorway that was open, as if inviting them inside. Through the doorway was a smaller chamber filled with wolves standing at attention, each holding their large, curved scythe-like blades in front of them and decked out in elaborate bronze-colored chest plates and headgear that David hadn’t seen on the wolves’ before.

As he was led between the row of guards, the surrounding wolves watched him with their great yellow eyes as if he were a piece of meat ready to be devoured. He could feel their gaze upon him, leaving a trail of sweat trickling down his back that was from more than just the sweltering heat.

As he entered through the final doorway, he found himself standing before a great stone throne and the largest wolf he had ever seen sitting casually upon it.

When the wolf saw his expression, his lips curled up in a grotesque smile, baring his great fangs and his blood red tongue.

“Hello, boy” said the wolf in a deep, snarling voice. “My name is Bloodvayne, and I’ve been expecting you.”

“And why is that?” asked David defiantly, although he felt about as small as a bug before the great wolf.

“Oh, feisty, this one?” said Bloodvayne to the other wolves, laughing in what sounded more like a dog panting. “No bother, we will break that spirit soon enough.” he said coldly. “You are here because our master demands it, and that is reason enough.” he said, finally.

“So, even the great Bloodvayne answers to someone else? You sit on that great thrown, but you’re just as much of a pawn as the others, doing your master’s bidding without question. How pathetic.” said David, taunting the great wolf.

“I do what my master says because I know what’s best for me, boy. Just like you will find out soon enough!” spat Bloodvayne angrily before he calmed himself and continued. “But I admit…I brought you here today to see what was so special about you, and sadly, I see nothing. Nothing special at all.”

With that, David slowly hid his orb hand behind his back to keep it out of view, but Bloodvayne’s eyes were too keen and David saw them flick to his hand immediately as he silently cursed himself for being so stupid.

“Ahh…what is that you’re hiding behind your back, boy?” asked the wolf, growling as he spoke. He got up from his throne and began stepping towards David in great big strides, licking his lips instinctively as he neared.

“Nothing…” lied David, gritting his teeth.

Bloodvayne quickly reached out surprisingly fast and grabbed David’s hand before he could pull it away, twisting it painfully towards him so he could get a good look. His sharp claws dug painfully into David’s flesh, little droplets of blood oozing out slowly from the tiny wounds as David grimaced with the pain.

When he saw the orb pulsing dimly in David’s hand, his eyes lit up with recognition.

“Ahhh…It all makes sense now why my master would have been so interested in some boy from the Northern Kingdom. He will be most pleased when he finds out that I, Bloodvayne, have captured the warrior of legend!” said the wolf.

He let go of David’s hand, and David pulled it away quickly, rubbing his hand where Bloodvayne’s rough, calloused paws had rubbed his skin raw and doing his best to wipe away the blood with his sleeve. The wounds were shallow, but they stung like fire.

“Take him away and send our fastest messenger at once to Eldergate. Tell the master that I have captured the warrior of legend and will be bringing him to Eldergate within the coming week. We will leave in the morning.”

“Yes, your highness.” said one of the wolves who had been escorting David.

Then the two wolves quickly turned around and grabbed David by the arms before leading him back to his cell once again.

When they reached the door to his cell, they threw him roughly to the floor and slammed the door shut behind him, locking it securely before exiting the room.

“Ouch, you okay David?” asked Riyan, having woke from a light nap when the guards had brought him in.

“Yeah…just a few scrapes and bruises, nothing major” replied David, rubbing his skinned knees and bruised elbows.

“What did they want with you?” he asked.

“They are going to take me away to Eldergate…” said David, giving up on any attempts

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