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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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such great intensity that she was forced tostop. She sat down, crippled by pain, and focused within. Sheimmediately sensed Cadmus searching for her and was alarmed that herinner shield might not be strong enough to guard against his spells.She hadn’t fully realized how much she needed Michio’s protectionto safeguard her. Alone, she was an easy target.

Her headache became worse and shecurled up on the ground in agony, immobilized by Cadmus’ attack anddreading being recaptured. Terror pulsed through her as she inwardlyre-experienced the sacrificial ceremony, smelling the smoke from thefiery pit and hearing the sorcerers’ chants.

“No!” she gasped, stoppingthe dreadful memories. Her inner shield would protect her if shedidn’t allow any fear-driven cracks in her armor. If she focused onthose she loved, she’d have the strength to block any psychicattacks.

Toemeka shifted her attention toher love for Michio and Baymond. At first, she inwardly saw onlydarkness, then a flash of blue Light appeared. The Light graduallyexpanded as she thought of the first time Michio kissed her, of themoment she realized she was in love with him, and of the day theirson was born. As her heart opened, waves of colored Light beganswirling around her. The brilliant Light of love filled her being,burning away fears and, with it, her headache.

She lay on the ground recoveringas precious minutes went by, cautiously pleased that she’dsucceeded in blocking Cadmus. She’d done it on her own. No, notquite alone. Michio’s love enveloped her like a protective cloak.He’snever left her.It was her fear that blocked her from tuning into the powerful flowof energy and love that came from him.

Once she felt strong enough, sherose. Unsteady on her feet, she swayed and grabbed a branch to stayupright. As she began walking, slivers of light broke through theclouds and shone on the mountain, revealing its raw beauty.

Toemeka stopped at a precipiceand studied the terrain, then checked her GPS. She was heading in theright direction and would probably reach the farm before Jake and hisgroup. They were traveling the long route around the mountain, sincethe terrain was easier for Erling’s parents to traverse.

Despite the rugged wildness ofthe Bvundo Mountains, she felt at home. They reminded her of themountains where she was raised. As she began hiking upwards, thegrade grew steeper. Soon she was climbing a rock face. The rocks wereslippery from the rain and she was forced to move slowly to keep fromfalling. Finally she reached the top, cold and gasping for breath.Grateful she’d made it, Toemeka walked forward into a wooded area.Thorns grabbed her robe and scratched her skin as she pushed throughthe thick brush.

The sky clouded over and rainstarted again. Toemeka put on her poncho and continued hiking.Gradually the terrain changed and she was exposed once more to therocky side of the mountain.

Toemeka wondered what Michio haddone when he discovered she was gone. Had he started after her orstayed with the others? It troubled her that she hadn’t been ableto write a note, explaining why she left and the route she took. Ifhe came after her, he might head in the wrong direction as the rainwould’ve washed away her footprints. Moreover, he was at risk ofmeeting with Cadmus and his men or getting lost in the wilderness.She considered contacting him inwardly, but rejected the idea. Hemight insist she rejoin the group where she’d still endangereveryone. She quickened her pace, hoping she could see Kossel fromthe top of the mountain.

The rain gradually let up asToemeka continued climbing. Soon she was soaked as wet pine branchesand plants brushed against her. She stopped and scanned the landscapebehind her. From this high elevation and expansive view, she saw nosigns of Rochambeau and his men.

Though exhausted from the steepclimb and thin air, Toemeka adjusted the straps of her heavy backpackand trudged on. At last she found a path that looked as if it hadbeen made by animals. She followed and discovered it led to a naturaltunnel formation at the top of the mountain. At the mouth of thetunnel, she looked back at where she had come.

The blue-colored mountain peaksjutted up in relief through a bed of clouds and foggy mist. On theother side of the tunnel, a dense fog made it impossible to seeKossel. Toemeka started down the animal trail, grateful for itsexistence. The path became a streambed, pregnant with rainwaterrushing down the mountain. Her feet soon became icy-cold from walkingthrough the ankle-deep water.

After awhile the trail faded awayand Toemeka had to search for it. She finally found it again, butbefore long it disappeared altogether and she had to struggle throughbrush. She was becoming confused and light-headed from fatigue andthe high altitude.

On the edge of her consciousness,she was vaguely aware of an inner warning to stop and take care ofherself. The first rule of survival is to make shelter, then findwater. She ignored the warning and kept moving, afraid Cadmus wouldfind her if she stopped to make shelter.

Toemeka lost track of time. Shewas tired and everything began to look the same. Disorientated, shekept checking the GPS to be sure she was heading in the rightdirection. She tripped over a tree root and fell. She didn’t havethe energy to keep going and realized she needed rest. Discouraged,she opened the gold locket hanging around her neck and looked at thepicture of Michio. She couldn’t deny it any longer; she needed helpand must contact him. She closed her eyes and relaxed, then chantedshonu,a word she and Michio had received from Master Bakka to connect witheach other. Almost immediately she felt his energy, as if he waswaiting for her inwardly. She slipped deeper into contemplation.

A noise in the woods startledher; some creature or person was out there. She sprang to her feetand began to run.

“Toemeka!” RecognizingMichio’s voice, she stopped and turned in his direction, pantingfor breath. Michio broke through the bushes. Love and concern shonein his eyes as he drew her into his arms. “Thank God, you’resafe.” He kissed her with a touch of desperation that communicatedhis concern for her.

She pressed herself into hisarms, savoring his strength and presence. “I’m… I’m sorry. Iknow I shouldn’t have left without

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