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don’t mind you walkingwith Toemeka, as long as you don’t try to kiss her.”

“I vote we shoot the rapids,”Toemeka said. “Jake’s familiar with it. He can direct, Michio canpaddle and look for rocks from the front, and I can watch for rockson the sides while Erling steers.” She paused, aware that theroaring, she’d heard only dimly before now grew louder. Her heartstarted racing in anticipation.

“I don’t know, Toe,” Jakesaid. “If the canoe tips, it’s not much fun bumping around thoserocks, being pulled under by that current.”

“We don’t have a lot ofchoice. We’re running out of time and I don’t think you’restrong enough to walk with that blaster wound, even with my help,”Toemeka said.

“We’ll look at the rapidsfrom the shore, then decide what to do,” Michio said.

After Erling steered the canoe tothe bank, Michio climbed out and held the canoe steady so everyoneelse could get out. Then he and Erling disappeared into the woods.Toemeka helped Jake limp over to a boulder.

“I’m weaker than I realized,”Jake said. “We’re in trouble. We lost our water, food andsupplies. Michio and Erling were forced to abandon their backpackswhen they jumped off the cliff and I dumped mine after I got shot.”

“I still have mine.”

“That’ll help, but I alsolost my communicator in the river. If Erling or Michio still havetheirs, they were probably ruined by the water. The dunking didn’tdo the blasters any good either.”

Toemeka noticed Jake’s head wasbleeding from where he’d hit it on the rocks.

“Oh, Jake, your head must hurtterribly. Why didn’t you tell me you had a head injury?”

“We’ll be lucky if we get outof this alive. A head wound doesn’t seem too significant inrelationship to that.”

“It’s all my fault.”

Jake took her hand and drew herto the boulder next to him.

“What you did was really braveand may have saved the rest of the group. Not everyone would’ve setaside their fears and risked their life so others might live. I knowhow scared you must have been, alone in the woods. It’s becomeobvious that Cadmus wasafter you. I don’t understand it, but I think you’re right:Cadmus has a way of inwardly tracking you.”

“Then you’re not angry withme?”

“I’m furious. You could’vebeen killed or taken captive. Besides that, you forced me to leave mymen, Breezy and her family on their own. Don’t ever strike off likethat again.”

She looked down, feelingmiserable. Nothing she did seemed to turn out right and now Michio,Jake and Erling were in a dangerous situation.

“Hey, you’re not going to letme get by with yelling at you, are you?” Jake asked. “You’resupposed to tell me off.”

“But you’re right; I didn’tthink things through clearly. I shouldn’t have come to Alandra.”

“Perhaps not, but your reasonsfor coming were good. You have one of the purest hearts I know. Youalways act out of love for other people and never out of anger, greedor power.”

She looked up at him as hereached out, touching her cheek. “I was a fool not to commit toyou. It never occurred to me that you’d find someone else and getmarried. I did love you; I was just afraid of commitment. I alwaysfigured if I spent all my time with one woman, I’d get tired ofher, but I don’t think I would’ve with you. You’re too full ofsurprises.”

“Do you love Breezy?”

Jake sighed. “When I’m withher, but I don’t give her much thought when we’re apart. Itwasn’t like that with you. I missed you when we were on separatemissions.” He looked out at the river. “Breezy loves me and iskind, thoughtful, understanding… but I’m not especially fond ofnice, sweet women. I like them spunkier, like you.”

“Thanks a lot!” Toemekaexclaimed sarcastically.

“You know what I mean. She’san intelligent woman, but she always defers to me when there’s adifference of opinion or decision to make. I’d like her to expressher ideas and beliefs. I’d like her to take more initiative and notbe afraid of displeasing me or making mistakes. I like being withBreezy, but I have no intention of marrying her. I feel guiltysometimes, knowing I’ll probably end up hurting her. She’d bebetter off without me.”

“Maybe she would, but I’venever seen her so happy. When she talks about you, she almost glows.She’s loved you since she was a little girl.” Toemeka swallowedand squeezed his hand. “Jake, if Cadmus catches up to us and itlooks inevitable that we’ll be taken captive, will you shoot me?Neither Erling or Michio will do it.”

Jake’s mouth gaped open. “Areyou afraid of being burned alive in a sacrificial ceremony?”

She nodded.

“I don’t blame you. Mysoldiers sometimes kill themselves when being taken captive, ratherthan be tortured for information.” His expression was sad andsolemn as he replied, “I’ll do it; I give you my word.”

She hugged him, kissing him onthe cheek. “Thank you!”

“Give your word to do what?”asked Michio, walking up to them, Erling was right behind him.

Jake and Toemeka both jumped,startled, and Toemeka quickly scrambled to her feet. “How are therapids?”

“Agree to do what?” Michiodemanded a second time.

“Shoot her if Cadmus capturesus.”

“What?” Michio said, movingthreateningly toward Jake. “If she’s captured, I’ll free her!”

Erling grabbed Michio’s arm.“We don’t have time for this. We’ve got to shoot the rapidsbecause the brush is too dense to carry a canoe and the rapids looknegotiable. If the canoe turns over, let’s head for this side ofthe river, so we all end up together.”

Michio and Erling went back tothe canoe and Michio held it steady as Erling walked forward to thefront seat. Jake rose unsteadily to his feet. Toemeka helped bykeeping an arm around him as they walked to the canoe.

“You’re a strange woman,”Jake said. “When I kissed you for saving my life, you get mad, butwhen I agree to kill you, you kiss me.”

“Just don’t get impulsive andkill me unnecessarily.”

“I’ll try not to,” hereplied, grinning. He leaned down and whispered softly into her earso only she could hear. “I’ll stick to kissing you impulsively.”

She scowled at him. “You betternot.”

Once again, they got back on theriver with Michio steering this time. He leaned forward towardToemeka, who sat in front of him. “What’s going on between youand Jake?” His words were drowned out by the

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