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Then he leaned in and kissed her, tightening his arms around her.

The car horn sounded, making them both jump about a foot.

They turned to see Charlie laughing from the passenger seat.

“I have to go.”

“All right. You drive safe.”

“I will.”

He watched her walk to the car and open the driver’s door.

“Hey, Jada?”


“I love you too.”

The wickedly wild smile that lit up her face was quickly tempered and wrestled into submission, and Pete loved the way she tried to pretend she wasn’t just as crazy about him as he was about her.

She blew him a kiss and slid behind the wheel. He watched them drive off and then went back inside the house.

“Well, what did you think?” he asked when he joined his mom and Mateo in the living room.

“Jada is a very nice girl, mijo. And Charlie’s Spanish is excellent. We had an entire conversation over dinner while you all were talking about something else.”

Pete chuckled at her.

“Oh, and I love your partner. I meant what I said. He’s a good man.”

“Great, I’ll tell him you said so. Again.”

“He and Sidney make a lovely couple. She’s funny, that one. I like her. She invited me to their wedding.”

“That’s great. We’ll all go together. What’d you think of Jada, mamá?”

“I said she’s a very nice girl.”

“That’s it? Just very nice?”

“What do you want me to say, Pedro?”

“I want to know what you think of her.”

Julieta sighed.

“She’s beautiful. She’s smart. She’s a good mother. She is obviously completely in love with my son. I approve.”

Hearing the words lifted a ten ton weight off his chest, and Pete took a deep breath. He turned to Mateo with a smile.

“What about you? What did you think?”

“I think your partner is kinda cool. He’s definitely weird, but in a cool way. Those light grey eyes of his are creepy as heck though, especially when he stares right at you! They make the whole psychic thing much more believable, and kinda scary at the same time.”

The kid sounded fascinated, and Pete couldn’t believe it when he kept going on and on about it.

“And you know, it’s strange, but did you notice that his fiancée has weird eyes too? Maybe they’re, like telepathic or something. I think I might write something like that into my comic book. Two new heroes that have psychic powers that only work when they’re together, and their eyes glow!”

“Okay, that’s great. I’m glad they’ve inspired you. But what’d you think of Jada?”

“Oh.” Mateo shrugged a shoulder. “She’s pretty, I guess.”

Before Pete could respond to that, Mateo turned and left the room.

He headed upstairs without another word, and Pete let out a defeated sigh.


“This isn’t half bad, Dad.”

“What do you mean, not half bad? Man, this is gourmet food I cooked for you! Grilled salmon and garlic smashed potatoes, salad.”

Trey laughed out loud, and Gavin couldn’t help but smile. The one thing he was proudest of in life was the relationship he shared with his son. His only child.

But Trey wasn’t a child anymore, he was a grown man now, just like Ike Taylor had pointed out. A grown man who’d be starting his second year of college soon.

Gavin looked Trey over while they ate in silence.

“So, there’s um…”

Trey stopped talking and stuffed a forkful of potatoes into his mouth, and Gavin didn’t like the look of worry on the boy’s face.

“There’s what, Trey?”

“Well, there’s something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about, Dad.”

“Oh? Well, there’s something I’d like to talk to you about too. But you go first.”

“No! You go ahead.”

“Trey… what is it?”

Trey sighed and his shoulders fell a few inches. He moved the food around on his plate and Gavin got the feeling he was searching for the right words.

“Okay, you’re making me nervous now, Trey. What’s up?”

“Well… what would you say if I told you I wasn’t sure I wanted to stay on the pre-law track at school?”

Gavin let out the breath he’d been holding and chuckled.

“Why is that funny?” Trey frowned at him.

“It’s not funny, and I’m not laughing at you. But it’s nowhere near as upsetting as what I thought you were about to say.”

“Why? What did you think I was going to say?”

“Something worse.”

“Worse like what, Dad?”

“I don’t know. Worse like you’d gotten some girl pregnant.”

Trey made a raspberry sound with his lips.

“No chance of that. The girls at Ohio State don’t seem to be feeling my charms,” Trey joked.

Gavin grinned. “Oh, no?”


Something about the way he said that gave Gavin pause, and he studied his son.

“Any, um… any guys feeling you? Maybe?”

Trey looked at him with wide eyes.


“I’m just asking.”

“No. You know I’m not gay, Dad. I told you the first time I had sex! You gave me the whole condom lecture beforehand.”

“I know, but kids are experimenting a lot these days. I just thought I’d ask.”

“Any experimenting I do will be with girls, okay? I’m way too big a fan of boobs to go play for the other team.”

“All right. Good to know.”

Trey shook his head like he couldn’t believe they were having this conversation. Then he took another bite of his food.

“Man, I thought you were going to be really upset.”

“Trey, if you want to change your major at school, that decision is up to you. I want you to study to be whatever you want to be. The only thing that would truly upset me is if you said you were dropping out of school altogether.”

“No, I’m not dropping out.”

“Okay, good.” Gavin grinned and took a bite of salmon. “So, tell me what you’re thinking of switching to. Is it political science itself that you’re not liking? Because, you know, you can major in something else like criminal justice or even history and still have a good foundation to go to law school.”

“I know that.”

“Or maybe it’s law school that’s lost its appeal for you?”

“Sort of. I was actually thinking about switching to psychology.”


“Yeah. I really enjoyed the two psych classes I had this year. And I’ve been looking into

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