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job prospects for psych majors. Did you know that just as many psych majors get admitted into medical school as biology and chemistry majors?”

“No, I did not know that.”

“And psychology is a perfect field of study for not only psychiatry, but also for neurology and even pediatrics!”

Gavin stared at Trey and slowly smiled.

“My son, the doctor? You’re switching from pre-law to pre-med. Is that what you’re telling me?”

Trey stabbed at his salad with his fork and smiled.

“I’m thinking about it. But I wanted your opinion.”

Words failed him for a full minute. Finally, he looked at his son and smiled.

“Trey, I think it’s wonderful! And I believe that you can do absolutely anything you set your mind to. So, if this is what you want, I’m behind you every step of the way.”

Trey beamed from ear to ear.

“Thanks, Dad!”

He shoveled the forkful of salad into his mouth, and Gavin laughed and turned back to his own plate.

“Your turn.”


“You said that you had something to talk to me about too. What was it?”


Gavin’s stomach seized, and he forced down his mouthful. He set his fork down. To stall for time, he took a long slow sip of his wine. Then he quietly cleared his throat.

He could do this.

He had to.

He looked Trey in the eyes and took a deep breath.

“So, I was wondering, um…”

How should he word this?

“Well, how embarrassing would it be for you if your old man started dating again?”

Trey made a face that Gavin couldn’t place.


“Yeah, seriously. I want you to be honest with me.”

“It wouldn’t be embarrassing at all, Dad.”

Gavin stared at him.

“Not at all?”

“No. Not at all. Honestly? I feel like you deserve to be happy after everything that Mom put you through.”

Trey’s words touched a place in Gavin’s heart that he knew only his son could reach. He looked down at the table for a few seconds before he met Trey’s gaze again.

“I appreciate that. But what if I was dating a much younger woman. A woman actually closer to your age than to mine?”

Trey’s eye brows lifted up like they were attached to helium balloons. Then they quickly crashed down like they’d fallen from the sky.

“How close to my age?”

“She’s 28. So she’s nine years older than you. But that makes her 16 years younger than me.”

His stomach did a funny flip floppy thing, and he watched Trey work that math out in his mind.

“Do you really like her? Do you have much in common? Is this just some fling for her? Or for you?” Trey stopped and gave him a sheepish grin. “I guess I have a lot of questions.”

Gavin nodded. “That’s all right. I understand. And yes, I do really like her. I like her very much. We have a lot in common actually. We see the world in a similar way, we both work at the precinct. And no… as far as I’m concerned this is not a fling.”

“What about her? Is it a fling for her?”

“I love you, Gavin. We have dangerous jobs, no matter what precautions we take; and I don’t want to miss my opportunity to tell you how I feel about you.”

Gerri’s words floated back to him on a sweet memory, and Gavin shook his head.

“No. It’s not a fling for either one of us.”

“Well, then… what I said earlier stands. You deserve to be happy, Dad. If she does that for you, I say go for it. You’re both adults so who cares about the age difference?”

Gavin’s heart took off like it was being carried away by an eagle.

“I’m really glad to hear you say that, Trey. Thank you.”

“You didn’t exactly need my permission.”

“No. And I wasn’t asking for it. But I’m glad to have your blessing.”

“So who is she? Do I get to meet her while I’m home?”

“Actually, you’ve already met her. Like I said, we both work at the PD.”

“Oh. Who is it then?”

“Gerri Miller.”

Trey’s eyes bugged out like a giant beetle.

“Hold up!”

He held up a hand, palm out, as if to say stop.

“You’re talking about all the right curves, dark brown skin, beautiful, super hot female detective. That Gerri Miller?”

Gavin laughed, but he couldn’t miss the swell of his own chest at his son’s description of her.

“Yeah, that’s her.”

“Wow!” Trey sounded more than impressed. “Way to go, Dad!”

Gavin laughed again.

“I had no idea that she’d caught your eye.”

“If she doesn’t catch a man’s eye, that man is either gay or dead. And now she’s with my dad. Ugh!” He balled his fists over his eyes. “I did not need that visual!

Gavin nearly doubled over in laughter.

He’d missed this while Trey was away at school — their easy playful rapport. When Trey was growing up, he’d kept Gavin laughing every day. It had been the one thing he looked forward to most when he’d come home after a long day of police work.

When dinner was finished, he helped Trey load the dishwasher and clean up. Then once Trey went upstairs to his room, Gavin pulled out his cellphone and placed a video call.

His stomach did that flip floppy thing again the instant her face filled his screen. Damn, she was beautiful.



“What’s going on?”

“I just had a very enlightening conversation with my son.”

“Oh? What about?”




“Should I be worried?”

“Nope. Not unless you take offense to being found beautiful by a young college man.”

“I take offense if all a man sees is my looks.”

“If all a man sees is your looks then he’s missing out on something truly special.”

Gerri’s lips turned up into a Mona Lisa smile.

“Did you just call to sweet talk me, Lieutenant?”

“No. I called to invite you to dinner with me and Trey sometime soon. I’d like for us to all get together before he goes back to collage.”

Gerri’s smile grew bigger. “I’d love to.”

Pete checked the time on his cellphone.

“Last time we did this it was just after midnight too.”

Isaac nodded at Pete’s comment, but he didn’t say anything. He kept his eyes on the house in question.

“Well, don’t you think it’s

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