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Book online «David Bishop and the Mystic of Creation T.C. Crawford (icecream ebook reader txt) 📖». Author T.C. Crawford

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us past Eldergate. How do you expect to get past the Defiant One and his armies unnoticed?” asked General Ryan, always the strategist.

“There might be another way…” replied Rex, running his fingers through his beard – something he tended to do when he was deep in thought. “Long ago, before Ravenfell was founded, there was a great battle within this valley between the Northern and Southern Kingdoms. The Southern King had brought his forces up the southern slopes of the Draconian Mountains through a tunnel leading into the valley. That tunnel still exists today, only it hasn’t been kept up with much and the entrance has been blocked by some fallen debris. We could clear the entrance and they could use that tunnel to get around Eldergate and the Defiant One’s watchful gaze unnoticed.” he said.

“That seems to be a much safer route” replied General Ryan. “Where does it come out at?” he asked Rex.

“It leads to the foothills just south of the Draconian Mountains. In it’s prime, there was a bustling mountain village at its mouth that served as a trading post between the Northern and Southern Kingdoms. Now, I’m not too sure – our people don’t travel through the tunnel, and we haven’t seen any travelers from those parts in years.”

“Well, anything can be better than going past Eldergate – we can’t risk David being caught by the enemy without having access to his powers. He is our only hope, we must keep him safe until he is ready.” replied the General. “The Southern Tunnel may take us the more roundabout route, but it should be much safer and gives us the advantage of secrecy that traveling North wouldn’t provide. Do you have any maps from when the tunnel was operational?” he asked.

“Yeah, I think we still have some lying around here somewhere,” replied Rex, “Holzer, do you think you can find ‘em?”

“Leave it to me, sir!” he replied, and quickly rushed out of the room carrying what remained of his plate of food in one hand and a mug of ale in the other.

“Okay, so that leaves the clearing of the tunnel entrance. Reingard – take some men to the Southern Tunnel entrance and make sure it gets cleared by nightfall. Time is against us, my friend!” said Rex, patting his childhood friend, and now Lieutenant in his army, on the back.

“You got it, boss!” said Reingard, and he too left immediately to carry out his orders, carrying his food and drink with him, its contents sloshing over the rim of his mug as he rushed from the room.

“Right, so who’s all going with David on this adventure?” asked Rex, “I would love to go, you know I enjoyed our last one, but my duty lies with my people now. I must stay here to ensure our defenses are ready for when the enemy comes.”

“I kind of figured that,” said David frowning. He was sorry to hear his friend wouldn’t be coming but understood and respected his decision to stay and look after his people. “As it stands now, it will be Tyrius, Erin, and I – we can’t risk sending a big party, as that will draw some attention and our success really depends on secrecy. If General Krauss or the Defiant One were to find out we had left Ravenfell and were out in the wild, they would surely send out the Wolf Guard, or worse, to track us down.” said David.

“Yes…that makes sense” said Orin, finally chiming in. “I regret to say, that I, too, will not be going. I think my expertise would best be served here, helping the men prepare their magical defenses. These demons…they aren’t just ruthless; they are powerful, and some are gifted with magical powers unlike anything any of you have seen before. I am the only one who has witnessed it firsthand.”

With this news, David felt his stomach sink a bit. He had come to rely heavily on Orin and his wisdom over the course of their time together and wasn’t sure he was ready to part from the old mage.

He understood why he wanted to stay, but in this moment, he wanted to be selfish and ask him to come along despite his better judgement.

Sensing his internal struggle, Erin grabbed David’s hand beneath the table and squeezed before looking him in the eyes. She smiled and David could feel his tension release. He returned the smile in kind, thankful for her understanding and support.

Rex sat across the table, thinking it over for a moment before responding. “I want to send Reingard and Holzer with you. I trust those two with my life, and I would feel better knowing they were by your side on this journey.”

“We would be honored” said David, looking at Erin and Tyrius who both nodded in agreement.

“What about you, Ryan” asked Erin, hopeful for her friend and lifelong protector to join their party as well.

He stood behind King Eldergate with a somber expression, silent for a while before he finally responded. “Erin…I’ve looked after you since you were a young child and have taken a keen interest in your training. You have surprised me in many ways, and I have been honored to be able to play such an integral role in your life. But, this time, I have to let you go without me. I am responsible for my men and their safety now. In the coming days, my men will be looking to me as their leader, to give them hope and direction in their time of need. I can’t abandon them now…no matter how much I want to go with you.”

Erin could tell those words weighed heavily on the General’s heart, and she respected him even more for having the courage to do what he felt was right, over what he wanted.

“I understand” she said, smiling at her friend. “You have always been there for me, looking out for me. Now it is my turn to return the favor. We

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