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will get David to these Crystal Caverns safely, and we will restore his connection with the orb so that he can fulfil his destiny and defeat the Defiant One once and for all! You just focus on keeping your men and the King alive, we will take care of the rest!” she said confidently.

They all stood up, feeling the decision was made.

“While my men are clearing the tunnel entrance and getting you the maps, take this time to gather what supplies you need for the coming journey” said Rex, “I will make sure you have whatever you need.”

“Thank you, Rex,” said David, “I promise I will do everything I can to get back my powers and defeat this threat to your people. You did your part, now it is up to me to do mine.”

“May the Creator God be with us in the coming days!” said Orin, to which they all silently nodded and agreed, each wondering within their hearts what chances they truly had of surviving the coming storm.

Chapter III

Octavian Krauss stood silently in the King’s chambers of the Royal Palace. He was looking through the outer window and out from the high tower at the shattered earth below, still pouring out an endless supply of demons for his ever-increasing army. An army he would use to expand his kingdom throughout Hurea, exerting his control and dominance on anyone and anything that stood in his way.

His plan had worked marvelously. He had succeeded in luring David right into his trap, giving him the opportunity to turn his Mystic power and its energy into the power source for his spell, unleashing the Defiant One and his endless army of demons into the world of the living.

What a gullible hero theyhave, he thought to himself.

He turned to leave and nearly jumped in surprise. The Defiant One had appeared behind him and stood silent and expressionless, leaving him with a sense of uneasiness that never seemed to fade, even after having spent several days now working with him, going over their plans for absolute domination.

He was an imposing figure and stark naked, taking the form of a large man. The only indication of his gender was the masculine features of his muscular body. He had no hair on his head or his body, but instead had smooth, flawless skin that seemed to defy the toll of time – appearing to still be in his prime despite being as ancient as the world itself.

His eyes were a milky white, without pupils and devoid of all expression. Despite this, Octavian always knew when those empty eyes were focused intently on him.

“My lord…” said Octavian, bowing low in respect.

“I have been pleased with your loyalty” came the voice of the Defiant One. It rang through the air, seemingly from everywhere at once, or was it just in his mind? He could never tell. One thing he knew for sure, it left him extremely uneasy, even after the past week. Octavian didn’t think he would ever get used to it.

“Thank you, my lord. I am your humble servant, as always.” he said, still in a bow.

“You may rise” came the voice again. “Tell me, Octavian, what is it that you hope to accomplish?” he asked.

“Only to please you, my lord.” replied Octavian.

“Do not make the mistake of taking me for a fool.” responded the Defiant One, “I know your deepest desires, I have seen them in my mind. You would be wise to speak plainly, or your usefulness might expire sooner than you might think.” he said, threatening Octavian in a calm, collected manner - a manner that left the tyrant king even more uneasy.

“I apologize, my lord. I only meant that your will is my number one priority, but it is as you say…I desire power. The power to seek revenge on those who have humiliated me!” replied Octavian.

“You speak of your former king?” asked the Defiant One.

“Yes…he took me for a fool, and lied to me, keeping my heritage a secret, forcing me to serve the very man who murdered my family. I cannot rest while he lives.” said Octavian, rage rising in his chest.

“You will have your revenge. Tell me, how are the raids coming?” asked the Defiant One calmly.

“I am pleased to say that the Outer Woods are finally under our control. The last of the resistance has been squashed. The Northern Kingdom is now yours, my lord.” said Octavian proudly.

“Yes…it would seem it is. And how do you think we should proceed now?” asked the Mystic, still keenly focused on the man before him.

“I believe we should send our forces up the mountain pass to Ravenfell, my lord. That is where the remaining forces are gathered, barricading themselves within the mountain valley in a futile effort to stand against your indomitable might.” said Octavian, hoping to get approval to begin their expansion South.

“Ahh…but your anger and hatred cloud your vision.” replied the Defiant One.

“My lord?” asked Octavian, not following his logic.

“Your hatred of the king is preventing you from seeing the whole picture. The King of Eldergate and the King of Ravenfell, they are not our only enemies. In fact, they are but a fraction of the forces that stand in our way.” he replied.

“Do you speak of the Elves, my lord?” asked Octavian, trying to follow along.

“Yes…the Elves, and their brethren, the Dwarves. Do not underestimate the Dwarves. They may be a reclusive people, content to mine away their lives in their hidden chambers but make no mistake – they are a formidable foe once incited to action. You would do well to remember this”

“Yes, my lord.” replied Octavian, “What is it that you think we should do, then?” he asked.

“You will order the advance forces to split in two. We will send half to the South to besiege Ravenfell. The other half we will send to the East towards the White City. We will pass by the halls of the Dwarves and leave them be

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