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Book online «The Risks of Dead Reckoning Felicia Watson (books for 9th graders .TXT) 📖». Author Felicia Watson

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that it would take a fewminutes before Lateef could accept Decker’s abundant thanks. Shethen looked for Brodie but saw that she was engrossed withBayer.

Tal swung an arm aroundher shoulder. “Soon there’ll be another married couple onLovelace –yes?”

“Assuming you mean us –yes. Bly started dating Kaplita last month, so she and Evelyn arejust friends.”

“Of course,I meant us.” Tal laughed, “I’m not thatinterested in Brodie’s love life.” He moved so they wereface-to-face and took her hands. “I want you to know – I neverdoubted your love for a moment. Something that strong couldnever behidden.”

She leaned towards himuntil their foreheads were touching, whispering, “I’mglad.”

After they broke apart, Talsaid, “Naiche, I’m pretty sure I knew that you loved me before youdid.”

“Probably – I’m not greatabout acknowledging my emotions.”

Ricci had moved nearenough to overhear that last statement. “She gets that from me,” hesaid to Jacoway. “Along with half of her reckless and cocky genes.”

Naiche clapped a hand overher mouth in shock. “Oh, shit! You heard that.”

“I certainly did. Asdid everybody else.”

She stiffened her spine asshe faced her father head on. “When is thecourt-martial?”

“There won’t be one.Consider yourself lucky.”

“That you’re soforgiving?”

“That I’d nevercourt-martial someone for telling the truth.” While Naiche and Talwere laughing, Ricci said, “Come on, now. Doctor Clemente wants toexamine you and Kennedy. Then the two of you need to get cleaned up– Captain Maddox is throwing a celebratory dinner in yourhonor.”

“Oh, no,” Decker quietlygroaned. “I’ve tasted their food. It is not….”

“Good?” Talsuggested.

“Not really food. I’drather eat ash-mice.” She looked at Ricci. “Do I have toattend?”

“Yes. Consider it yourpunishment for shooting your mouth off. Or would you rather becourt-martialed?” When she didn’t respond, he said,“Well?”

“General court-martial orspecial?”

Ricci didn’t answer butgently propelled Decker towards her fate, with Tal and Kayatennaefollowing close behind.


The next night the Featayand Maykure got together to throw a much more satisfactory banquetin honor of the departing humans. For the honorees, the feast,while much appreciated, wasn’t the highlight of the evening; thelong-overdue reunion of the two Tolu communities was their greatestsource of happiness and satisfaction.

Dozens of long tables wereplaced in the fields near the Aurora and the food spread upon thembountiful – the best of what Tolu had to offer in that season. Forthe first time in Tolutay memory, there was no worry about peerazu,thanks to the Aurora broadcasting Brodie’s infrasound frequency. There were plansin place to use the signal to humanely execute the remainingpeerazu as soon as possible.

The Featay and Maykureleaders, Ixnea Rijal and Kinlea Cassay, informed Ricci that theyhad jointly seized the current store of kiatilium and wanted togift a significant portion of it to him in gratitude for what hiscrew had done.

With Lindstrom by his side,he said, “I assure you, this is not necessary. However, if you’relooking to sell it – that’s another matter.”

Displaying patient goodhumor, Ixnea insisted, “This same hour, our gift you keeppossession of. Some portion next, you pay. And paymuch.”

Matt laughed heartilybefore agreeing, “In that case, I gratefully accept – and thank youon behalf of the Uniterrae Defense Corps.” He then asked abouttheir plans for dealing with the Intabet – especially after theleader, Purt Cassay, returned to Tolu.

Kinlea informed him thatdiscussions on that subject were on-going. At present they werestill grappling with the extreme shock of learning that all their suffering had been engineered by theother Tolutay community – the gravest betrayal imaginable. Kinleasaid, “In seasons past, the Intabet kept use as the miners of Tolu.Tievas Galloo pelted we with words of grievances ancient, thatIntabet worth was marked as small and lowly by Maykure andFeatay.”

“Is that true?” Lindstromasked.

“It is so, I hold fear,”Ixnea admitted. “Wrongs from seasons past, cast shadows of lengthmighty.”

Ricci said, “Still – not anexcuse for what they’ve done.” He rocked his head back and forth afew times before acknowledging, “Even if their scheme started withvengeance, it certainly ended in greed.”

Matt was then free to jointhe banquet and took a seat near Naiche and Tal. Their attention,along with the rest of that end of the table, was completelyabsorbed by a short, red-headed teenager who made up for her lackof stature by her extreme volubility. Ricci was quickly to learnthat her name was Moira Finnegan when she introduced herself andspoke at some length on – well, everything. The topics ranged fromher admiration for his crew, her experiences on Tolu, her feelingsabout leaving Jileesa behind, and her plans for the future,including a reunion with her parents. At last, she was called awayby Sanaa Jallow to join a group at another table and silencereigned for a moment.

Kennedy looked at hiscaptain. “In answer to your unspoken question – yes, she alwaystalks that much.”

“Is she serious aboutjoining the UDC?”

After swallowing a mouthfulof grilled vegetables, Decker answered, “Yes, she is. She’s hopingto join this year’s class.”

“I should give Lieu aheads-up,” Ricci mused, referring to the commander in charge ofcadet admissions.

“I wouldn’t worry, sir,”Brodie offered. “I’m sure he’ll hear her coming a kilometeraway.”

Lateef said, “I thinkadmissions for this year are closed, anyway.”

“Well,” Naiche drawled.“I’ve been thinking about that. I plan to offer Commander Lieu adeal. I’ll do a belated intro session for cadets from theIndependent Communities, ifhe’ll give Moira a chance at late admission. Ialready promised to coach her for the entrance exams.”

Tal asked, “You’re gonnahave time to do all of that – andhelp me plan two weddings?”

“Two?” Ricci said. “Whoelse is getting married?”

Decker smiled and put herhands on the table near her father. “No one. We’re getting marriedtwice.” Before Matt could ask why, she added, “I want to getmarried in Chiricahua territory and Tal wants to get married in TheRock’s chapel.” She winked at Con. “So, we’re gonna compromise. Doboth.”

Tal explained, “We’d haveto petition to have the Chiricahua marriage recognized by Uniterraeanyway – why not just get married again?”

Kennedy beamed at thehappy couple. “As long as I get to be the Man of Honor forboth ceremonies, thatsounds like a great idea.”

“Of course!” Naichesaid.

Matt leaned back in hischair and gave his daughter an indulgent smile. “When are youplanning to throw these dual festivities?”

Laughing, she answered,“Don’t worry – you don’t need to save up any money. We’re payingfor

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