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Book online «The Risks of Dead Reckoning Felicia Watson (books for 9th graders .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Felicia Watson

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that heraunts, Jackie Bastié, Lindstrom, and Clemente were already present.Jackie, Damiana, and Carmela were catching up in the small galleykitchen while the others were in the living room.

Lozen immediately ran overto her grandfather, exclaiming, “Poppy, Poppy, I’m here!” Naicheand Tal followed their daughter, warmly greeting first Matt, thenClemente and Lindstrom.

Lozen held her hands uptowards Matt, commanding, “Pick me up!”

He obliged, then gave her ahug and kiss. “You’re getting so big – before long Poppy won’t beable to hold you like this.”

“Yes, I’m getting verybig. I am three years old.” Lozen held up three chubby fingers andthen looked at Nils Lindstrom with awe – even in her grandfather’sarms he still towered over her. “How old are you?”

“Too old to answer thatquestion.” Most of the listeners laughed but his response earnedhim an exasperated head shake from Rita Clemente.

Naiche and Tal went off toprocure refreshments and greet the other guests, leaving Lozenbehind telling Matt about her trip to Chiricahua territory. Theymade it back to the group in time to hear her say, “I telledPokni andMafo that you aregetting to be a admiral. They said they was sorry.”

Matt set the squirmingchild down, chuckling at her pronouncement. “Yeah, a lot of peoplein the UDC feel the same way.”

Handing his daughter asmall cup of cactus-pear juice, Tal corrected her, “Yourgrandparents said to tell Poppy that they’re sorry theycouldn’t be here.”

Lozen chattered inagreement, then gulped her juice before twirling around to show offher rainbow-colored dress. “Shimááhelped me pick it out. It’s like Poppy’s partydress – see!” She pointed at her grandfather’s wrist, newly adornedwith admirals’ braid which incorporated all of the insignia colors,mixing red, white, silver and gold.

“Party dress?” Rita lookedat Matt with a grin. “Are you going to change now or is thisfor after thedinner?”

Shaking her head, Naicheexplained, “I told her that the admiral’s braid is called‘parti-colored’ and she’s been calling his uniform his ‘partydress’ ever since.”

At Lozen’s request, Matttook her over to see Jackie, leaving conversational room for therest of them. Rita noted Naiche’s advancing pregnancy and asked howfar along she was.

Naiche nestled more snugglyinto the arm Tal had draped around her, answering, “Nearlytwenty-four weeks.”

“Your father told usyou’re having a boy. What does Lozen think about getting a littlebrother?”

“She seems prettyambivalent,” Tal admitted. “Some days she’s excited – but on theway home last night she told me that she doesn’t need anotherbrother
.” He paused to point at the dog sitting next to them.“
since she already has Kayatennae.”

Lindstrom asked, “And whatis the corpsman up to these days?”

“We do Search and Rescuedemos every few weeks,” Naiche said, “but other than that, he’sjust enjoying his retirement. Are you?”

Rita and Nils answeredenthusiastically and spoke of their fulfilling life in Columbia.When Lindstrom mentioned spending a lot of time on his writing,Naiche asked when they could expect to see his memoirs published.“These things can’t be rushed, Decker. Are you wondering what it isI’ve said about you?”

She laughed and shook herhead. “Not really. I’m pretty sure I can guess what you’re writingabout me.” Beforehe could respond, the door chimed and Naiche went to answerit.

Upon opening the door, shewas delighted to find Commanders Lateef and Kennedy beaming at her.While being swept into a hug first by Con and then Aqila, Lozenspotted them. She ran over, calling out, “Uncle Con! Aunt Aqila!”Naiche was relieved that her daughter didn’t tack on her customaryaddition: “What did you bring me?” Apparently, the lessons from herparents in basic manners were starting to sink in.

After the new arrivals hadlavishly admired Lozen’s dress and secured some champagne, theyoffered their congratulations to the freshly commissioned AdmiralRicci. Aqila said, “We’re so happy for you, sir, but I’m sorry wewon’t be seeing you aboard Lovelaceevery now and then. That’s true, isn’tit?”

“I’m afraid so. Admiralsare pretty much Earth-bound these days.” When Con offeredcondolences on that fact, Matt shrugged. “I don’t mind. Inrecompense, I was able to volunteer for a very important dailymission here at The Rock.”

“Oh, that soundsinteresting. Is it something you can talk about?” Conasked.

Rolling her eyes, Naichesaid, “Since he’s referring to him walking his granddaughter topre-school every morning, I would say so.” She glanced briefly overat Lozen and Tal, who were busy chatting with her aunts. “Pop, it’sreally not necessary. You’re spoiling Lozen.”

Matt declared, “Yes, Iam,” a mischievous smile lighting up his face. “Ialso consider that mymission.”

“Speaking of missions
.”Lindstrom said, pointing at the silver braid on Con’s uniform. “Itrust you’re keeping up the high standards for Lovelace first officers which Iestablished, Commander?”

“Captain Ramsey has nocomplaints.”

“Yes. Carla always was thestoic type. Is she coming to the party?”

Laughing, Con replied,“It’s good to see you haven’t changed a bit,” before assuring himthat both Ramsey and her wife would be at the dinner. He and Aqilawent on to describe some of Lovelace’smost recent adventures.

Jackie BastiĂ© broke in withgreetings and apologies, before pulling Matt away to welcome therecently arrived Fleet Admiral Grace Stein. Rita took theopportunity to whisper to Naiche, “Now that your father’s stationedat The Rock, is BastiĂ© finally going to move in?”

“She’s here a lot, but asfar as I know, she doesn’t have any plans to move in withhim.”

Nils asked, “What are theywaiting for? That’s longer than we took.”

The arrival of BlytheBrodie interrupted Naiche’s full opinion on the subject. Shesettled for saying with a shrug, “The relationship they have
itworks for them.”

While Bly was describingher work running the UDC’s Astrophysics Division, Con, Naiche, andKayatennae drifted apart from the rest of the group. He said,“You’ll never guess who recently posted into theLovelace as auxiliarypilot.”

“Ensign MoiraFinnegan.”

Con chuckled and shook hishead at his own stupidity. “Right. She told you – of course.” Theroom became more crowded when Zache, Nik, and the twins arrived soNaiche and Con took up residence in a quiet corner. He glancedaround, apparently looking for potential eavesdroppers. Afterseeing the coast was clear, he said, in a low voice, “You know
Ihad my service evaluation last week and Ramsey told me she’slooking to muster out in the next five years or so.”

“And then we’ll haveCaptain Kennedy of the Command ship Lovelace,” Naiche quietly crowed.“Just like Pop always predicted.”

“Shh, it’s bad luck to sayit before it happens.” He couldn’t

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