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Book online «The Risks of Dead Reckoning Felicia Watson (books for 9th graders .TXT) 📖». Author Felicia Watson

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“Oh, I wasn’t offering.”With deceptive nonchalance, he said, “I just want to be sure mydress uniforms will be back from the tailor by then.”

Naiche looked him up anddown. “Why? Did you lose some weight?”

“No – but shortly after weget back, I will be sending them off to get another row of goldbraid added.” Ricci thoroughly enjoyed the looks of surprise aroundthe table. “Yes, I’ll be taking the commodore quals and acceptingthat promotion.”

Blythe Brodie was the firstto respond and did so with outsized gladness. She clapped her handstogether and bounced in her seat. “Congratulations, Captain. That’ssuch wonderful news, sir. I’m so happy for you!”

He turned to Jacoway with araised eyebrow. “I think I figured out who won thatpool.”

“You told him?!” Brodie glared atJacoway. “You big-mouth!”

Ricci bestowed a look ofmild disapproval on the science officer. “Exactly how much moneywill you be collecting, Lieutenant?”

“Not much, Captain. Just afew unnos. It was all in good fun.”

“Since it wasjust for fun – I’m sureyou won’t mind donating those winnings to the UDC War Orphans fund.Isn’t that right?”

Bly looked completelycrest-fallen but said with a reasonable amount of grace, “Ofcourse, sir. It would be my honor.”

Aqila put a comforting armaround Brodie’s shoulder. “Chin up, Bly. I’m still putting you infor a commendation for your work on this mission.” She looked up atRicci. “A very successful mission, wasn’t it, sir?”

“I should say so. We’reheading back to Uniterrae with an unimaginable haul of kiatilium –soon to be followed by thousands of humans, who are finally cominghome.”

Leaning forward, Lateefquietly asked, “Has the Auroracrew been informed about what happened onJileesa? In particular…do they now understand the truth of theirorigins?”

Ricci glanced around toensure the subjects of the discussion were not within earshot.“Clemente and Uddin have both advised against telling them thewhole story, especially about Millua’s plan, until we can get themto Uniterrae. The doctors want counselors available to help thesepeople deal with the inevitable emotional fallout.”

“I see their point,”Kennedy said. “It’ll be interesting, seeing the Children ofthe Valiant onUniterrae. They have so much to learn.”

“Especially about food,”Decker observed.

Recognizing the undeniabletruth of that statement, Matt chuckled and then turned hisattention to his own dinner, which had begun to grow cold. Whileeating, he surreptitiously watched Naiche and Tal chatting quietlyabout their bright future and glowing with happiness. It had been amost successful mission, indeed.


Some months later, Naicheglanced around the happy scene in her father’s quarters. It was theafternoon of her second wedding to Talako Jacoway, and she wasenjoying the expectant and celebratory atmosphere. She had cededthe quarters she shared with Tal to his private use for the day.The bridegroom, his parents, and brother were getting ready therewhile the entire bridal contingent was crowded into Ricci’s fewrooms.

Ricci had supplied agenerous amount of champagne for the occasion and the festive crowdwas partaking liberally of it. He was sitting between his motherand his best friend, Zache Charani, on the living room couch.Perched on chairs and stools nearby were his sisters,brother-in-law, and Zache’s husband, Nik Sinos.

Standing slightly apart,Naiche was chatting with Con and Aqila about the honeymoon thenewlyweds had planned. Aqila said, “I’m sorry but camping inChiricahua territory doesn’t sound all that romantic tome.”

“Especially not with yourin-laws tagging along,” Con added.

“Okay,” Naiche said, “inthe first place, this tent we’re using is so fancy, it has anactual bathroom. And in the second place, Tal’s parents aren’treally coming with us – they’ll be staying with my Great-AuntLoza.”

Aqila asked, “But why arethey going back so soon?”

“They fell in love withthe place when they came for our wedding – and they want to exploresome more. They’re looking to retire there.”

Con ran a finger under thecollar of his dress uniform tunic. “Kind of an odd choice forpeople used to the hustle and bustle of Geneva, isn’tit?”

“I think that’s the wholeappeal. And though it isn’t an immediate option, his mom isalso interested inrunning the Naomi Decker Memorial Health Center that I want to havebuilt.”

Straightening up insurprise, Aqila observed, “You’re going tohave the former Director of the Ministry of Health running yourmom’s memorial center?”

“I know – unbelievable,right?”

From her place on thecouch, Nonna Ricci called out, “Come over here, Naiche, so Zachecan get a better look at your dress.”

Naiche asked her friends toexcuse her and walked over to show off her attire. She had chosen adress by a Chiricahua artisan – it consisted of a simple white tankdress with a sheer silk overlay. The bell-sleeved overdress wasswirled with all of the colors of a desert sunset. The purples,pinks, golds, and rusts of the dress was set off by her moonstonenecklace – the only jewelry she had chosen to wear.

After Naiche twirled infront of them, Nonna said, “I like it much better this way.” Sheleaned past Matt to explain to Zache, “She almost gave me a heartattack this morning. Came out in that skimpy under-slip thing andtold me that’s what she was wearing.”

Hugging her grandmother,Naiche said, “I was teasing you, Nonna.”

Zache said, “I’m reallyglad you’re not getting married in your uniform.”

After pulling her long hairaway from her face, Naiche said, “I paid enough for this dress, Imight as well wear it twice.” She waved a hand at the room, whichwas a sea of robin’s-egg blue – the color of the UDC dress uniform.“Besides, we really didn’t need one more, did we?”

Laughing in agreement,Zache looked down at herself. “Our dress blues are kind ofeye-searing….” She paused to tap Matt’s uniform sleeve.“…especially with an extra row of gold braid.”

Matt’s older sister,Damiana, said, “Oh, but it was soworth it. Mama’s gotten to use the phrase, ‘myson, the commodore’, at least twenty times so far.”

At that moment, Ricci’shand-held buzzed with a message. Upon reading it, he announced,“Jackie’s finally arrived and is waiting at the chapel. I’m goingto head over and take my place.” He smiled warmly at Naiche. “Tomarry off my daughter.”

“It may not be recognizedby the Uniterraen government, but I’m already married,Pop.”

“I know – I was there.” Hestood up and clapped his hands, asking, “Who’s heading over withme?”

Damiana said to her sisterand mother, “Let’s go. We’ll finally get to meet thegirlfriend.”

Matt sighed, “I’ve toldyou, Jackie Bastié

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