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when Clarke’s fistconnected, clipping Shane’s temple. Overcome by a wave ofdizziness, he protected his head as his opponent fired severalpunches to his arms and upper torso. Shane dug in, refusing to bebacked into the ropes. Through the assault, the crowd’sscreams filtered into his conscience as did the bell. Giving up hisdefensive stance, Shane pushed his way past Clarke.

“Way to dig in, kid,”Ollie said, setting out a stool. Shane opened his mouth for the waterbottle. “Stay focused and you got this. After tonight, no moresideshow carny spectacles only arenas and stadiums.”

After swishing his mouth,Shane spat blood in the bucket at his feet. He mulled over tellingOllie his recently made plans now or after he packed up the PaddyWagon. He decided on now, he owed his coach that much.

“I’m throwing inthe towel after tonight.”

Hands greasy with petroleumjelly, Ollie paused mid-routine. Eyes narrowed, head cocked per hishabit whenever he attempted to understand something of import. Shaneblinked. Were those tears in the old man’s eyes?

“What do you meanyou’re done?”

“I’m retiring.”

Slowly, Ollie swept hisfingers over Shane’s brow, down his cheeks and chin. “Howare you going to feed and clothe yourself?”

“Ihave more than a quarter of a million stashed away.” Followingin the footsteps of his idol Young Stribling, a heavyweight contenderwho never gained a title before his premature death at the age oftwenty-eight, Shane had also hoped to amass a million dollars beforehe called it quits.

Ollie’s head jerkedup, his mouth open in shock. “I put away every purse, stayedaway from the banks, the market and only used what I needed,”Shane explained.

The bell for round twoclanged and Shane charged forward. Not holding anything back, hecracked his right fist into Clarke’s jaw, spraying sweat in alldirections, spattering the canvas. Shane pivoted and hit him with aleft hook followed by piston-like rights to the head.

The skin above Clarke’sleft eye split open, leaving a quarter size gash. Blood ran down hischeek and he squinted. Shane took advantage of his handicap, notgiving the other man any room to score any cheap shots or points.

“That round was allyours!” Ollie crowed when Shane sat down after round two. Heremoved the towel from his shoulder and wiped sweat from Shane’sface and upper shoulders. “Just maintain the momentum.”

For the remainder of theresting period Ollie spewed words of encouragement peppered withheavy doses of strategy. He might as well have been talking to atree stump. Shane’s head remained outside the ring, his eyesrepeatedly drifting to the second row.

Did she worry for him? Orwas she repulsed by what he did for a living? The thought notsitting well with him, Shane stood before the bell. He rolled hisshoulders and moved his feet, feeding off his adrenaline.

Per Ollie’s advice,Shane sought to reestablish the rhythm. Better to lead, than be led.

Clarke had other ideas.

He remained just out ofShane’s seventy-inch reach. Even his feet seemed leaden. Heslowed things down, pacing himself and Shane despite his attempts toincrease the momentum.

Impatient and throwingcaution to the wind, Shane stepped forward crowding Clarke. He firedseveral punches at his arms followed by a stiff jab to the face, anuppercut to his nose, spewing blood. Clarke stumbled back and hungon the ropes. Blood, dark and thick dripped over his lip and ontohis chin.

Shane stalked him, preparingto finish him off. Chest rising and falling with exhausted breath,Clarke slumped and Shane’s gaze moved beyond the ring to Gouldand his two cronies sitting in the front row. Like a blow to thegut, the man’s presence reminded Shane of their one-sided deal.

Time to pay the piper, Shanemused inwardly laughing at the wise guy’s ashen countenancelike he was about to puke the contents of his stomach.

Shane didn’t see thefist slam into his midsection. The planted fist knocked the breathout of him, doubling him over.

Not for long.

Clarke set him back uprightwith a sly upper cut. Shane pitched backward almost falling flat ifit weren’t for a quick balancing act. He swayed for a momentovercome by a bout of dizziness. Clarke seemed to split into three.Unsure of his opponent, Shane lifted his gloves, protecting his head.

As blood dripped down hisface, Clarke pitched forward wildly swinging. Some remained airborne, others landed true. Not enough to produce a KO, but enough toadd more points to his card and stun Shane into immobility.

Shane almost laughed at hischange in fortunes. He might as well have been against the ropes.Unable to find an opening, he simply stood there taking Clarke’srepeated blows. Shane didn’t get the chance to ponder howmany. He lost count at six.

Thankfully, the end of theround bell rang and he hobbled to his corner.

Blood and sweat splatteredthe ring’s canvas floor. Combine that with an unhealthy dose ofanxiety and Celeste wished she’d skipped dinner.

And yet, she couldn’tturn away.

Thebout unfolded like a scene from a movie with Shane starring as thegallant hero. Tall and handsome, he moved with the grace of adancer—a deadly one with heavy hands that made mincemeat of hisopponent.

Bythe fifth round, Mountain Man Clarke turned into a human punchingbag. He sported a nasty gash over his right eye, a split lip and hisnose had been plugged with so much cotton it was a wonder he couldbreathe.

So,of course by the sixth round Celeste thought she’d become numbto the carnage. Clarke quickly dispelled her of that notion when heattacked Shane at the opening bell. One strike after another untilShane hung on the ropes.

Eye rapidly swelling, hismouth fell open and he appeared to be laboring for breath. Celestewilled him to move before the count.

Too late. The refereescuttled forward and shoved his hand in Shane’s face.


The ropes jiggled as Shanestruggled to move.

Fromher vantage point, the feat seemed impossible, but he succeeded in atleast standing on his own. When he moved to rejoin the fray, thereferee grabbed his gloves, deterring him.

Callthe fight! Celeste wanted to scream. Instead, she held her tongue asthe referee dropped Shane’s hands, giving him the okay tocontinue.

Gloves up and arms tucked,Shane moved toward Clarke. Celeste checked

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