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her watch. He needed tooutlast Clarke another minute or so and then he could rest.

Clarke had other ideas. Theminute Shane was in arm’s reach he struck. Instead of taking adefensive stance, Shane gave tit for tat. With every punch Clarkedished out, he retaliated.

What should’ve been along shot, Shane shifted the odds back into his favor. He threw punchafter punch, shot after shot. Now on the defensive, Clarke stoppedswinging in order to protect his head.

Undeterred, Shane batteredhis opponent’s arms until they tired and gave up their post. Although she didn’t know boxing strategy, Celeste knew theexact moment when Shane found an opening. He drew his arm back andthen rocketed a solid right hook, followed by a nasty upper cut toClarke’s chin.

Clarke’supper torso twisted, while his feet remained planted. He swayedslightly and then pitched forward. During his descent, light bulbslit up the arena and the crowd roared, half of them leaving theirseats.

“Timber!”the guy next to her shouted, his expression tainted with blood lust.

“1…2…3….” Each count reverberated through the Garden. Celeste didn’tjoin the chorus, she was too busy praying.



As the dutiful wife, sheshould have shouldered her way into the ring, claiming her maritalrights, but she doubted anyone would have believed her. Instead sheremained outside the ring, tears streaming down her face as thereferee hoisted Shane’s arm.

Escapingthe pandemonium, Celeste hurried through the tunnel to the dressingrooms. What she found was more chaos just on a smaller scale.Groupies huddled in perfumed circles. The media formed a tightknitcontingent akin to a small militia. And a handful of staff flittedback and forth trying to wrangle them all.

A man belonging to neithergroup barreled past her. “I’m gonna kill him.”

“Calm down, boss.”One of the two goons shadowing him, tried to calm him down.

The man whirled around andCeleste was surprised to find she recognized him. “Don’tyou fucking tell me to calm down,” Abraham Gould hissed. “I’mruined.”

Instead of adding to thetraffic in the tunnel, Gould and his two cohorts kept walking,heading toward the exit. Relieved, Celeste relaxed. Something aboutGould made her flesh crawl.

A calamity echoed off thetunnel’s walls, and Celeste put Gould behind her. Her futureand what seemed like half of the Garden stormed toward her.

Bruised and battered, Shanehad been swept up and carried by the crowd’s momentum. Withoutthem, he would have probably crawled back to his dressing room.

Celeste’sheart lurched. A greenish bruise ran the length of his torso. Mostof his face, still greasy with petroleum jelly, had started to swelland darken to a grisly bluish-black. He even sported a large gooseegg over his left eye.

And yet, in spite of hiswoeful physical appearance, he still did a number on her. All thetimes he’d made love to her came to the forefront. Her heartbeat erratically and her fingers itched to touch him, make sure hewas okay.

“Lady, you better getbehind me or get trampled.”

Celeste moved, heeding thepolice officer’s advice. She’d witnessed a stampede ortwo, during nightclub raids, and the results were never pretty.

“Celeste.”Shane’s guttural growling of name, impeded her progress. He’dstopped as well, as did the crowd moving around him in a semicircle.

Their gazes locked, and hernerve endings sizzled as she drank him in. He’d taken a beatingand all she wanted were his hands and tongue on her.

“Come here andcongratulate me.” Even with his hair plastered to his head andalmost bruised beyond recognition, he still made her think about allthe wicked things he could do to her body.

A lump filled her throat asshe took a step toward him. Two more steps then she ran the rest ofthe way, practically barreling into him.

“Why didn’t youcome into the ring?”

“I…ah…I,”she stuttered, no longer finding weight in her earlier reasoning.

“Shut up,” hesaid, right before his lips crashed into. His wicked tongue pushedpast her lips, his fingers tangled in her hair and her body went upin flames. Celeste melted into him. The faint scent of cologneintermingled with sweat and salt tickled her nose. His taste was raw,exotic and highly addictive.

“Who’s thischamp?” someone asked and then another. Celeste ignored them,despising the interruption. She wanted more kisses.

To her regret, Shane brokeoff their kiss, but he didn’t let her go. With his handsgripping her waist, his gaze slid over her mouth. So much desireblazed from him, she ached for a private place where they could bealone.

“Sowhat gives, Brennan? Who’s the mystery lady?”

He ran his tongue over hislips as if her taste still lingered there. “This here,gentlemen, is my beautiful wife.”

Shaneopened a floodgate of flashing light bulbs and questions, which herefused to address. He grabbed her hand and hauled her into thedressing room.

Kissing her nearly killedhim, but he couldn’t help touching her, loving her. His womanmade him happier than a rat in a trash heap.

“Shane, are yousmelling my hair?”

“Mmm…hmm,”he murmured. Her body, her scent, everything about her had carriedhim through the bout.

“You were great outthere, baby. I’m so proud of you,” she said, pushing upagainst him and wrapping her arms around him. Still tender from thefight, Shane winced.

“I’m hurtingyou,” she gasped, jerking back.

“Yeah, but it’sa good hurt.” He tried pulling her back in his arms, but Olliewedged between them, splitting them apart.

“Quit will, ya! Letthe doc do his job.” Ollie pointed to a stool in the corner. “You can go sit over there.”

Celeste moved, but Shanegrabbed her hand. “Stay with me.” It wasn’t aquestion, but she nodded and his heart swelled as if she’dgiven him the world.

While the doc saw to hisbattle wounds, Shane played with her fingers. He couldn’t helphimself. He was on top of the world. He was the light heavyweightchampion and he had his woman by his side.

“How is he, Doc?”

“He’ll live.”The doctor handed Shane two bottles. “One’s for pain,the other is for the swelling. If you

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