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Book online «Jezebel Koko Brown (best books to read non fiction txt) 📖». Author Koko Brown

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said sucking on his tooth.

“Whatdo expect from an AWOL sailor on the loose for five years.”

Theguard looked at him sharply, but thankfully for Shane held his tongueand his Billy club. Shane had gained unwelcome notoriety in the brigfor having remained one step ahead of the Navy’s Master ofArms.

HisHoudini act also got him singled out more than once by the guards andstaff.

Unprovoked,his stay at the Portsmouth Naval Station would’ve been easysailing. But with every guard and sailor wanting to take down theworld’s lightweight heavy champion, he’d landed in thehole more than once.

“Wait here, while I goinside and tell the doc you’re here,” the guardinstructed, pointing to a bench outside the medic lab. A secondlater, he came back out and told him to go in.

“Happy for your lastphysical?” the doctor asked.

“HappyI can fly this place and finally fight some Nazis.”

“FightNazis?” The doctor’s eyebrows lifted above his blackspectacles. “That’s a different tune for a man who didn’treport to his ship for five years.”

Shane shrugged. “TheNavy was in the way of my true calling. I’d always planned onreturning. Now that I have the title and learned the error of myways, I’m ready to fight for my country.”

“Well,let’s check you out then,” The doctor patted theexamination table. “Go ahead and strip down to yourunderwear.”

Besides checking his vitals,the doctor poked and prodded, asked him a ton of questions, even madehim touch his noise over and over. By the time the examination wasover, Shane was slightly disoriented and happy to put his clothes on.

“Whendo I ship out?” Shane slipped his crackerjack over his head.

“I’m sorry totell you this, son. I’m going to recommend discharge.”

The wind knocked out of hissails, Shane leaned back against the examination table. “Why,I’m fit as a horse. I can go eight rounds with the best.”

“That’sthe thing. You’ve gone too many rounds. I can’tdefinitively diagnose you, but I see signs of dementiapugilistica.Your hand-to-eye coordination is off. You lumber when you walk and onoccasion your speech is slurred.”

“And here I thought Iwas just choosing my words carefully.” Even though his bloodhad run cold, clogging his veins, Shane laughed, tried to make lightof things. “I’m just punch drunk.”

The doctor smiled at Shane’sjoke. “I’m glad you’re taking this pretty well.”

“My coach, Ollie,suspected it.” Shane dropped his gaze, his hand reaching up toscratch the back of his head. “So did I…I guess I justdidn’t’ want to face it.” Shane couldn’t denythe prognosis made his knees knock. “Is there any cure?”

“I’m not awareof any. But you can slow the disease’s progress by not boxinganymore. I’ve also heard you can keep the mind nimble withmoderate exercise and therapy.”

Great. Not only was hisbody deteriorating. He was also losing his mind.


Twomonths later

Celeste high-tailed it backto her dressing room.

Finished with the last oftwo numbers, which fulfilled her contract as one of Club DeLisa’sheadliners, she was free to fraternize with the club’s patronsor go home.

Tonight, like most nights,Celeste choose the latter. Not because she sought the soft comfortsof her bed, but because her past had come back to haunt her.

Still breathing hard fromexertion, she paced the length of her large dressing room. Alongwith a generous salary and top billing it was one of the perks shedemanded from the club’s owner.

Thatcouldn’t be him! Not after all these years. Sure he’dsent letters, dozens of them, but he’d never shown up at herdoorstep. Why now when she’d finally learned how to livewithout him? When her bed no longer felt so cold and empty? And shehadn’t touched a bottle in over three years.

Preoccupied, Celeste barelyacknowledged the knock on her dressing room door. It was probablyMaybelline, another contractual perk, coming to help her undress.

“Hey beautiful.”

Celeste froze. His voiceflowed over her like warm honey. Each syllable made her thighs feelwarm and sticky. Weak in resolve, she found his reflection in themirror.

Entirely at ease, Shaneleaned against the only exit. Attired for the evening in a black andwhite tuxedo, he was more handsome than her constant daydreams. Histan was more pronounced. His eyes greener like a bottle of absinthe.And like that strong elixir, she was becoming intoxicated.

“Miss me?”

Hestraightened up from the wall like a sleek panther, a pleased smilecurving his sensual lips. He ambled toward her and she tensedbecause if he touched her, she wasn’t sure of her reaction. Apart of her wanted to melt at his feet. The other half needed toplant a fist in his throat.

Celeste gathered her resolvearound her like a shield. “What are you doing here?” sheasked her tone flat and surprisingly even.

She was rewarded when hiseyes widened and his cocky expression slipped. “I wanted toapologize.”

“Accepted, but notforgiven.”

Celeste gave him her back. As if he wasn’t there and affecting her equilibrium, she wentabout her post show routine. She removed her top hat and hung itwith the other hats in her wardrobe.

“I’ve come tobring you home,” Shane stepped closer. “If you need helpwith gathering your things….”

Celeste couldn’tbelieve his audacity. Did he actually think she would forget whathe’d done and go skipping down the road happily ever after? Remotely ecstatic, she bit out, “I’m already home.”

A muscle worked in his jaw. Good! Let him get angry. Until recently, she and the emotion hadbeen bedfellows.

“Yourhome is with meyourhusband.”

“Finetime to start acting like one.” Snorting loudly, Celeste tossedher silk bow tie aside. “I’ve slept with plenty of men inmy day, but I’ve never slept with the enemy.”

“Iwas never your enemy, baby.”

Withthe endearment ringing her ears, Celeste swung around to face him.“Enemyconmanyou’reyour pick.”

“Inever conned you, Celeste. I fell in love with you when I should’vekept my distance.”

Celeste hated how hisdeclaration made her heart accelerate. Maybe if he knew how muchhe’d hurt her, he wouldn’t be so keen on forcing areconciliation.

“Do you know the hellyou’ve put me through? You’re not even blood, yet,you’ve given me more grief and heartache than I’veexperienced my whole life.”

Celestegripped the dressing table so tightly, her knuckles hurt. “Evennow you’re hurting me, punishing me by just being here

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