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Book online «Summer of Love Marie Ferrarella (easy books to read in english TXT) 📖». Author Marie Ferrarella

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what had happened. She wanted to blame Daniel for it but she was too honest to claim that she hadn’t been partly at fault. She had wanted him to kiss her, wanted it so much that her cheeks burned with shame. Hadn’t she learned anything from past experiences? Did she really want to find herself right back where she’d been five years ago, her life in tatters, her heart broken?

She pressed her fist against her mouth to stem the sob that threatened to escape it. She refused to cry, refused to risk her hard-won composure by breaking down. So what if she had been tempted for a moment? She had come to her senses in time, hadn’t she? If anything, it proved that she could handle this situation. Daniel’s kiss may have been tempting but she had realised the risks, assessed the damage it could cause, and taken steps to stop what was happening. She should be proud of herself for what she had done.

The thought steadied her. She quickly undressed and got into bed, pulling the quilt up to her chin. It was gone midnight and she needed to get some sleep if she hoped to be fit enough to help out at morning surgery.

The sound of footsteps climbing the stairs made her eyes fly open. She hadn’t thought to ask Daniel which room he was using and found herself holding her breath as she waited for him to reach the landing. The house was large and there were a number of empty bedrooms, including the room next to hers.

Her breath whooshed out in relief when she heard his footsteps fade. He was obviously using the guest room, which was on the opposite side of the house. For some reason, she felt safer knowing that he wasn’t sleeping in the room next to hers. She had resisted temptation once tonight and she didn’t intend to put herself to the test again. She might not like the idea, but she had to face the fact that she might not have the strength to hold out a second time.


‘THAT’S excellent news. Thank you for letting me know. Yes, of course. I’ll pass on your message.’

Daniel replaced the phone and leant back in his chair. Morning surgery had ended and he’d been getting ready to go out to some house calls when Harry Groves had phoned to tell him that Sarah and baby Thomas had been given a clean bill of health by the consultant at the hospital. Harry had asked him to pass on the news to Emma, which he would do, but he needed a few minutes’ breathing space before he sought her out.

He sighed as he tipped back his chair and stared at the ceiling. The memory of what had happened the previous night had continued to haunt him. He kept remembering that kiss and how sweet it had been, even though he knew how stupid it was. He had made a mistake by kissing her and he had no intention of repeating it, so it would be better if he put it out of his mind; however, it was proving to be easier said than done. Every time his thoughts wandered, he could feel Emma’s mouth under his and it was driving him mad!

‘Ruth said there’s quite a lot of calls to do today, so do you want me to help?’

The sound of Emma’s voice almost made him tip over the chair. Daniel hurriedly returned it to all four legs as he turned towards the door. He’d made a point of leaving the house extra early that morning so it was the first time he’d seen her that day. Now he found his senses running riot as he took stock of her slender figure encased in a neat grey skirt and a crisp white blouse. It may not have been the sexiest of outfits, granted, but it definitely did something for him.

‘No, it’s fine.’ Daniel dragged his unruly thoughts back into line again and prayed they would stay there. That sort of thinking wasn’t going to help one jot. ‘I imagine you want to visit your uncle this afternoon, so I’ll do the calls.’

‘Well, if you’re sure?’ She gave him a moment to reconsider then shrugged. ‘I’ll do them tomorrow, then. OK?’

‘Fine, although don’t feel that you have to. After all, Jim asked me to cover for him.’

He’d only meant to point out that she wasn’t under any obligation to work in the surgery. Although he appreciated the offer, she had come home for a holiday and it seemed a shame that her plans should be scuppered. However, that obviously wasn’t how she took it. Daniel’s heart sank when he saw the mutinous set to her mouth.

‘I’m very much aware of that, thank you. Don’t worry, Daniel, I don’t intend to step on your toes. So far as my aunt and uncle are concerned, you’re the knight in shining armour who’s come to rescue them. Let’s just hope they still feel the same way in a few weeks’ time.’

‘Meaning what precisely?’ he demanded, stung by the comment.

She shrugged. ‘That I still find it hard to believe it was purely altruism that brought you here. There has to be something in it for you, personally or professionally, otherwise why would you give up so much of your free time to work in the back of beyond?’

‘I see. So what do you think I’m hoping to gain from it?’ he asked, refusing to let her see how much it hurt to hear her judge him so harshly. Maybe it was his own fault that she had such a low opinion of him, but if she had loved him—as she’d once claimed—surely she shouldn’t have been so willing to believe the worst?

‘I don’t know. I haven’t worked that out yet.’ She gave him a cool smile. ‘But when I do, you’ll be the first to know.’

She left the room, leaving the door wide open. Daniel listened to the

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