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Book online «Summer of Love Marie Ferrarella (easy books to read in english TXT) 📖». Author Marie Ferrarella

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sound of her footsteps receding along the corridor and sighed. He could go after her and tell her that she was wrong, that his motives were of the very highest order, but she wouldn’t believe him. She wanted to think badly of him, wanted to bury any feelings she’d had for him under a blanket of mistrust. It shouldn’t be that difficult, not after what he had done. She must be ninety-nine per cent certain that he was a rat of the first order, but obviously she was keen to add that precious last one per cent to the score. And finding out that he had an ulterior motive for offering to cover for Jim would be the perfect way to round up the total, so help him.

Emma went back to the house and made herself a sandwich. She took it up to her room, unwilling to stick around in case Daniel decided to have his lunch before he did the calls. She was still smarting from their most recent confrontation and needed time to calm down before she saw him again.

She sighed as she took a bite of the bread. It would take more than a few hours to soothe her feelings where Daniel was concerned. Every time she spoke to him, she felt so churned up inside that it was hard to maintain an outward show of composure. Maybe it was always difficult to relax with someone you’d once been heavily involved with—she really didn’t know.

Although she’d been out with several different men in the last few years, she had never had a serious relationship with any of them. She had told herself that she was too busy with her career to worry about that side of her life but it wasn’t true. Her experiences with Daniel had put her off, made her wary of getting involved with anyone again. However, she couldn’t allow the past to continue influencing her or she would never be truly free of him. She had to put what had happened behind her. And mean it.

Emma finished her lunch, wondering if this might prove to be a turning point. Discovering that Daniel was working here had been a shock but it could turn out to be a good thing. Seeing him again had awoken a lot of feelings she’d thought were dead and now she would be able to dispatch them for ever. And if she did find out that he had his own agenda for agreeing to cover for her uncle then so much the better. It would put the final nail in the coffin of their relationship.

Daniel got through the house calls faster than he’d expected. He checked his watch after he left his final call and realised that he had time to drop into the hospital. It would only take him ten minutes or so to drive there and he would like to see how Jim was faring.

He started his car, refusing to speculate as to how Emma would feel about him joining her at her uncle’s bedside. She’d made it perfectly clear yesterday that she hadn’t wanted him there, but it was hard luck. He just wanted to reassure the older man that everything was going smoothly, or at least everything to do with the running of the practice. So far as his relationship with Emma, well, it would be better not to mention that.

He managed to find a parking space close to the main doors, which was a minor miracle. Hurrying inside, he made his way to the lift and pressed the button. It arrived promptly and he was about to step inside when he heard someone calling his name. Glancing round, he spotted Emma crossing the foyer, carrying two cardboard containers of coffee. She glared at him as she drew closer.

‘What are you doing here?’

‘I came to see how Jim was doing,’ he replied evenly, putting out his hand to stop the lift doors closing.

‘He’s fine,’ she said shortly, stepping inside. ‘I had a word with his consultant and he’s very happy with how things went.’

‘That’s good to hear.’ Daniel stepped into the lift. Pressing the button for their floor, he turned to her. ‘Your aunt must be very relieved.’

‘Of course.’ Her tone was clipped. ‘What Uncle Jim needs now is plenty of rest. What he doesn’t need is a lot of people visiting him.’

‘I agree. However, he’ll be able to rest more easily once he’s sure that everything is running smoothly at the surgery.’

‘I’ve already assured him that everything is fine.’ She tipped back her head, a hint of challenge in her eyes. ‘It doesn’t need both of us to give him a progress report, Daniel. I’m perfectly capable of doing that by myself.’

‘I’m sure you are, but knowing Jim he will still worry in case you’re keeping something from him.’ He shrugged. ‘Jim knows that I’ll tell him the truth.’

‘Tell the truth and shame the devil. Is that the maxim you live by, Daniel, or only when it suits you?’

‘I do my best to be truthful at all times,’ he said quietly.

A flash of hurt crossed her face. ‘Really? Then all I can say is that there must be more than one version of the truth in your world.’

The lift came to a halt and she got out before he could reply, although what he could have said was open to question. Daniel’s heart was heavy as he followed her because he knew what she was alluding to. Five years ago he had told her that he’d loved her, but he’d also told her that his career had meant more to him than she would ever do. No wonder she was so reluctant to believe him.

Jim Haynes was in the intensive care unit where his heart and other bodily functions were being closely monitored. He was awake and looked remarkably chirpy for someone who had undergone major surgery in the past twenty-four hours. He smiled with genuine pleasure when he saw Daniel. ‘Ah, good to

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