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Book online «Summer of Love Marie Ferrarella (easy books to read in english TXT) 📖». Author Marie Ferrarella

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around the waiting room. ‘Is Ruth not in tonight?’ she asked, neatly changing the subject to spare Claire’s blushes.

‘Yes, but she might be a bit late. A filling fell out of one of her teeth and the dentist could only fit her in this afternoon as he’s on holiday for the rest of the week,’ Claire explained. ‘She asked me if I’d hold the fort until she gets here. I hope that’s all right.’

‘Of course it is.’ Emma smiled at her. ‘If you have any problems, give me a buzz. I used to work on the reception desk when I was a student and I might be able to help.’

‘Thanks. That’s really kind of you.’ Claire beamed at her. ‘Daniel told me the same thing, to buzz him if I got stuck. It’s the first time I’ve manned the desk on my own, so it’s a relief to know that I can call on you two.’

‘No problem.’

Emma drummed up a smile, although she could feel her hackles rising. Trust Daniel to try and worm his way into the receptionist’s good books, she thought sourly, then realised how two-faced that sounded when it would appear she had done the same thing. However, her offer had been a genuine one, she assured herself as she made her way to the consulting room, aimed at making life simpler for all of them. Whereas Daniel’s had undoubtedly been a way to curry favour.

She sat down at the desk, refusing to admit that she was being unfair to him. Maybe she didn’t have any proof, but everything Daniel did, he did for a reason. Look at the way he had pursued her five years ago. At the time, it had seemed that their feelings had arisen so spontaneously that she had never questioned if his were genuine. Even after they’d parted she had clung to the belief that he had genuinely felt something for her, although obviously not enough to put her before his precious career. It had taken a while before she had accepted that he had merely used her feelings for him to get her into his bed.

Emma bit her lip. It might have happened a long time ago, but it still hurt to know that she had been nothing more to him than a convenient and willing bedmate.


THE week came to an end and Saturday arrived. As Daniel made his way downstairs, he couldn’t help wishing there was a morning surgery that day. At least if he was working, he could stay out of Emma’s way.

He sighed as he went into the kitchen. To say that relations between him and Emma were strained was an understatement. She only spoke to him when it was absolutely necessary and even then it was hard to get more than a dozen words out of her. He had hoped that her attitude towards him might be softening after he’d been to visit her uncle, but obviously not. He wished he could think of a way to ease the situation but it was impossible when every time he tried to talk to her, she cut him dead.

He filled the kettle with water and popped some bread into the toaster, wondering for the umpteenth time how he could gain her trust. He wasn’t a threat to her, yet she insisted on treating him like some kind of pariah, and it was very hard to take. He knew that he had hurt her but he’d been hurt too; it didn’t seem fair that he should have to suffer when he had been trying to do what was right.

Daniel gave himself a brisk mental shake. Feeling sorry for himself wouldn’t help. What he needed was something to take his mind off the situation and put him in a more positive frame of mind. It was a glorious day and a good long walk in the hills should blow away a lot of cobwebs.

He made himself a pot of coffee then sat down at the table to eat his breakfast. He had almost finished when Emma appeared and he sighed when he saw her stop as soon as she spotted him sitting at the table. Even the local axe murderer would receive a warmer welcome than him! He dropped the last piece of toast back onto his plate and stood up.

‘Just give me a couple of seconds to wash my dishes and I’ll get out of your way.’

‘There’s no need,’ she said sharply. ‘You’re perfectly entitled to finish your breakfast.’

‘Thank you.’ It was impossible to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. ‘However, I seem to have lost my appetite all of a sudden.’

He carried his dishes over to the sink. He knew that Emma was still standing in the doorway and felt pain stab through him. Had it reached the point now where she couldn’t even bear to be in the same room as him?

The thought seemed to set light to his temper and he turned on the tap with far more force than was necessary. A jet of water hit the edge of his cup and bounced back up, soaking the front of his T-shirt. Daniel cursed under his breath as he hastily turned off the water. That was all he needed!


A hand suddenly appeared, offering him a towel. Daniel took it, trying to hide his surprise at such a conciliatory gesture. He mopped the front of his T-shirt then glanced round. Emma was standing beside him and for the first time in days she wasn’t giving off the usual icy vibes. She looked up and his breath caught when he saw that her lips were twitching.

‘That tap’s always been a nuisance. I’ve had the odd soaking over the years,’ she told him, struggling to contain her amusement.

‘I doubt if you’ve been as wet as I am,’ he replied drolly, shaking his head so that beads of water flew out of his hair.

‘No, I haven’t.’ She gave a choked little gurgle. ‘I know I shouldn’t laugh,

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