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Book online «Condition Evolution 4 Kevin Sinclair (top 100 novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kevin Sinclair

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our absence. When the door descended, we were greeted by the council led by Jezai. Again.

“I’m getting déjà vu, Jezai! I hope this time goes a little better than last!”

“Well met, Shaun. I give you my word that this time our intentions towards you are both well-formed and consistent with our previous discussions. You have our friendship and support going forward,” he said, and nods of assent from those with him followed.

“That’s bloody good to hear. I hope we’ll be of benefit to each other.”

“I believe so, Shaun. The first news I have for you is that we have arranged for your new ship to be brought here. It will arrive tomorrow. We have arranged sleeping quarters for all, though you have the Uprising too.”

“I think most of our people will choose the Uprising, particularly the original crew. Give me a moment.” I turned around, my eyes fell on Acclo immediately and I didn’t even have to say anything. They merely nodded and headed back onto the ship. I turned back to the council. “Okay, I should have numbers in short order. Ember and I will stay on Uprising.”

“Are you sure about that?” Jezai asked. “We made an awful mess of the doors. It may be a bit draughty.” He laughed.

“Ah shit, yeah, it slipped my mind. Uhm, is my old place still available? I think I’d like to spend a night or two in a real house with Ember.” I looked at her to gauge her response. “If you're okay with that?”

“It’ll be a welcome change.” She smiled back at me. “What happened to our door though?”

“Havok happened.” I chuckled.

“If I had more energy, I would have cut the entire ship to shreds to get out.” Havok growled in my head. I tried to ignore him, but he wasn’t finished. “Don’t forget about the hands Shaun, you need to ask these sly shit stains, to grow me some real hands.”

I laughed out loud before speaking to Ember again. “He messed the doors up so bad that we couldn’t get them open. Jezai had to bend them right back so we could enter.”

“Shaun and I bent them back,” Jezai corrected with a smile.

“While we’re talking about Havok, he’s just asked me, to ask if you can grow him some hands,” I chuckled. “Don’t worry, I don’t actually want you to, that would be too creepy.”

“Yes, even if we were able, I’m not sure that would be the best idea, aesthetically speaking.” Jezai replied.

“You set of bastards, it would make my life so much easier.” Havok grumbled, I had to ignore him to listen to Jezai.

“… and I must apologize for not having had the doors repaired. We have been rather preoccupied. You won’t need to stay in those quarters once your new ship arrives.”

“Nah,” I replied, “I’ll be sticking with the Uprising still, thanks.”

“Whatever you say, Shaun,” Jezai said with a knowing smile. Whatever he thought he knew, he was wrong. The Uprising was our baby. I wouldn’t be dumping her for a newer model anytime soon.

Acclo came back out from the ship, while I mused over flying in the Uprising again with my friends back by my side.

“Captain. Most had a preference to stay within the Uprising. There are 31 people we cannot fit on board,” Acclo said to me, but it was loud enough for Jezai to hear.

“If you would like to gather those in need of accommodation, Melik here will guide them to their residence.” Acclo gave a slight bow and hurried off to round everyone up. Jezai continued to talk to us. “Are you ready to meet with us? There is much we have to discuss.”

“Sure, we don’t have too many things planned at the moment, lead the way.” I gestured, and followed behind with the rest of the Alpha team. Ialos and Ogun also remained with us; I suppose they were part of the team now.

Once we were all settled in the hall, Jezai announced broadly, “To begin with, I understand that apologies will not fix what has been done to you all, however we all feel remorse over our actions and offer you our sincere apologies, nonetheless. We can only hope the knowledge that we have decided to invest our futures with yours will appease some of the residual anger you may all feel. I am sure in time we can rebuild the trust between us.”

I was pleased to see my crewmates all nodded in acceptance of his words. Despite still actually being furious myself, I did want this to work. We all listened with rapt attention to what Jezai had to say.

“After much deliberation, the Apochros Council of Elders across Accre have come to an agreement. We are not willing to commit to an assault on the Fystr Empire itself at present, but we have decided to fight them at our own borders.”

“After blowing our ships up to stop them finding you?” Ember asked dubiously. “I thought you guys were supposed to be smart.”

I managed to both inwardly cringe and laugh at her words; she had hit the nail on the head.

“Intelligent or not, we had two viewpoints in direct conflict. We have settled on the more aggressive route forward now.”

“Still though, that’s a bit flaky, if you know what I mean. You sure you’re not going to change your mind again?”

Galivea spoke up next. “I understand your reticence and you are right to ask these questions. I voted for the plan to control the Vakuna, which has put us at odds, and it brings me shame. Moreover that I did it out of fear. The Vakuna heralds a change in the galaxy, and some of us sought to control that change. We have paid a grave price with the deaths of Fiekela and Kirel. There are strong forces at play around Shaun, and it has been made clear that if we wish to play a positive part in the events to come, we must support him.”

“Okaaay… That was not the answer I

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