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Book online «Condition Evolution 4 Kevin Sinclair (top 100 novels of all time TXT) 📖». Author Kevin Sinclair

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I think not. And for those who have issues with your decision, I might remind them that we are not Fystr and we do not control our peers. We tried that path very recently, and it backfired rather spectacularly.

“Ialos, you are among the wisest of us. Do as your heart commands, with my blessing. But please be careful.” His smile was full of warmth for her. He turned to me with a far sterner expression. “You must look after her.”

“We will, do not doubt it. We would be blessed to have a physician of half her quality.”

Jezai beamed at the compliment to his daughter, before he resumed a more serious expression. “How do you feel about the plan to entice the Fystr into battle then, Shaun?”

“Entice? You mean how would we like to go and bait the bastards?” I replied. “I feel like a piece of cheese.”

“Sorry, would you care to elaborate?” Jezai asked.

“Just ignore him, Jezai,” Ember said. “First of all, we need to discuss this amongst our crew. The plan is risky, and we’re currently still coming to terms with all that’s happened.”

“That is fair. Today we are happy just to welcome you back and set out our intentions. Please take all the time you need,” Jezai replied. I saw Herial about to speak, but Jezai hushed him. I had a feeling I knew what he was thinking.

“I imagine time will be of the essence,” I said. “We don’t want the Fystr scouts suddenly leaving the area. I assure you we’ll have an answer tomorrow. We don’t want the assholes disappearing on us, either.”

“Agreed, and by tomorrow you will have your new ship in your possession. It will be quite the day.”

The meeting drew to a close with everyone but Ember and I leaving with Melik to the arranged quarters. We headed in a different direction, going down the main street and onto the country lane.

The sun had almost set, but there were intermittent lights that illuminated the lane with a soft glow. I was feeling slightly nervous as we walked along arm in arm. It was like a first date all over again. She broke what I considered to be an uncomfortable silence, remarking on how pretty my little lane was, and how much better it was than the space station she’d been forced to live on. I just laughed, thinking about all the things we were going to do together once we got into the house.

I opened the door, gesturing to her to enter. “Honey, we’re home! For a night, anyway.”

“Ooh, cozy. Where's the bedroom then?” She eyed me seductively.

“When I said I never want to be parted again, I may have been too hasty,” Havok said. “Please leave me outside of the bedroom.”

“Definitely, pal. Find yourself somewhere nice to relax.” He left my back and my gaze met Ember’s. “Follow me,” I said, grabbing her hand eagerly. Once through the door we quickly stripped from our suits and dove onto the bed, lost in the heat of passion. She took hold of my…

Chapter 21

It Fit In So Easily!

Manhood had certainly been interesting for me, I mused, as I walked toward the Apochros hall the next morning with Ember. Fighter, roofer, fat-ass and finally one of the leaders in a cross-galaxy war between superpowered aliens—maybe even a God one day, if I lived long enough. Where would I even live if I was a God? Somewhere sunny, I hoped. Spaceships were cool, but they lacked a certain something that my body and mind craved.

On entering the hall, I was happy to see it filled with the members of Uprising who had stayed on the surface. They were seated around the long table, chatting and eating a breakfast of wild variety. Fruits, meat, bread, a huge steaming bowl of what appeared to be porridge, and that’s where my knowledge failed me. I didn’t know what any of the other stuff was. A number of council members also sat at the table. I acknowledged Jezai with a smile. “Sorry, guys, did we sleep in?” I asked as we took seats.

“Nah, we’ve only just arrived,” Mick replied in the seat next to me. “Nice spread, huh?”

“Yeah, looks incredible. Did you all sleep okay?” The answering nods were unanimous. “Anything we need to know?”

Jezai replied this time. “I thought we would enjoy a nice, peaceful breakfast before we discuss anything else.” I wholeheartedly agreed and began tucking into the meat and fruits.

The chatter over breakfast continued for around an hour, before Jezai addressed the table again. “This morning I have only one piece of news, and that is, your new ship has arrived!”

“Awesome,” I said, stretching back in the chair. “Can’t wait to see how it stacks up against the Uprising. Good to have somewhere for all our crew, too. Hey Acclo,” I shouted down the table to our six P’s officer. “Any idea how we're gonna split everyone? Shit, we’re gonna need to pick a captain too,” I said, turning to Ember. Her face darkened notably.

“Stop, please, Shaun. All of that can be arranged after you visit the ship,” Jezai suggested. “Perhaps we should make our way there now?”

“Sure thing. We’ll use the opportunity to split the crew, while we have everyone in one place.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Jezai said, before making his way to the door.

Ember and I walked alongside him on the way to the docks. “By the way, Jezai, I probably should have mentioned it yesterday, but we’ve left some people on the station. I wasn’t just leaving it to you, only I hadn’t decided what to do with them at the time and it felt too risky to have them with us.”

“What would you like to do? Pick them up once you're settled in your new ship, or would you like me to arrange a ship for them to leave?”

“If you don’t mind giving them a ship? There’s only eleven of them. We can pay for the ship you send, too, but just make

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