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Book online «The Godsend Backfire: The Beginning Harold Straugh (bearly read books TXT) 📖». Author Harold Straugh

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of the pine trees with his mouth, took off running, stopped and flung the log towards the shoreline.

“Do you think you can help me?” he asked in my head.

I shrugged and walked over to one of the cut pine trees.  I figured out where the center was at and tried getting my arms around it. I couldn’t, but my fingers dug in a little to the bark.  It took all that I had to lift the twenty-foot long log, but I got it up on my shoulder. I took off running, I stopped and shoved the log off my shoulders and into the air.  It didn’t go as far as Mylicious’s, but it went far enough.

After we got all the logs tossed, we only had to toss them one more time before were at the shoreline.  I gave Mylicious his clothes back and he got dressed.  Mylicious then produced some rope that I hadn’t notice before, from the boat.  He quickly put the logs, side-by-side, then asked me to help push them into the water.

“It’s going to be late before we get back, would be nice if the women would have a bath drawn for us. I wish I could talk to them in their minds, like we can brother.  Seems Derium is the only one able to communicate like that.”

“A warm bath sounds nice,” I said, realizing I hadn’t bathed in a long time.

“Warm? We make our water hot, almost like we are cooking,” he laughed.

“That sounds even better.”

“Get in the boat, let’s get heading back, remember, it’s you, guiding me.  If you get off course, I will let you know,”

“Hopefully there aren’t any storms.”

“Never seen one over on this side.”

After that was said, I got in the boat and started to paddle.  It didn’t make much sense to me, a smaller boat, pulling a larger one, but it was working.  I paddled hard and fast, as did Mylicious, but he had to take steps to get from one side to the other.

It wasn’t long before the sun was setting and the moon was rising, it wasn’t full yet, it was the night before the full moon, but the moon was just as beautiful. I kept up pace and with guidance from Mylicious, made it to the shore about an hour or so after dark.  Mylicious transformed again and took off, telling me to untie the wood, which I did.  About twenty minutes later, Kallik and Tarkik showed up and started to carry the wood, Mylicious told me to let them do it and for me to get back to his home, he had instructed Yura to have a bath ready for me. I told him I was fully capable of getting my own bath ready.

I knew the way somewhat, so I was able to use my speed to get there faster.  I did get lost for a moment, I had to focus and find the torch lighting the way to the tunnel. The place was immediately warm, was welcomed by Mila, Tapeesa and Yura.  There was some fish ready, which I ate graciously and then Yura told me my bath was ready.

“I could have gotten that ready myself,” I said and tried not to sound rude.

“It’s just the way it is,” Yura said and smiled.

“Thank you!”

Her eyes sparkled a little bit when I said that, then I walked down to where the bath was at.  The room was steamy, a fire was roaring under the big stone basin. There was a set of clothes and a three-foot long, rectangle cut, piece of fur next to the clothes.  The fur was beige in color and short-haired instead of fluffy. I walked around to the steps of the basin, took off my clothes for the first time in a long time and stepped in. The warmth was immense and relaxing. The basin was deeper than I expected, I was leaned up against the edge and water was up to my chest.  I let my legs and feet float to the surface.  I shut my eyes, I relaxed and in deep thought, when I felt something soft on my chest. Naturally, I jumped and grabbed whatever was touching me. I looked up and Yura was leaning over me, a concerned look on her face.  She had a washrag of sorts and I think, was attempting to wash me.

“I’m sorry, is it custom for the females to wash the males?” I asked.

“No, it was more of a want, than a custom,” Yura said, catching me off guard.

I released my grip on her hand and she slowly dipped the cloth into the water and began washing my chest and shoulders.  She pressed on the nape of my neck with one hand and tilted my head back with the other. My head rested on the edge of the basin as she carefully poured the hot water into my hair.  She then used some of the soap to wash my hair. It was one of the best feelings I had felt in a long time.  She used her nails to gently scratch my scalp and scrub.  Once again, I shut my eyes and started to relax.  After she washed my hair, she started washing my chest again, then she moved down to my ribs. She rubbed back and forth above where Lucifer’s horn was at.

“That feels different?”

“Remember when I told you I killed Lilith?”

“Yes I do.”

“That’s Lucifer’s horn, that’s what I killed Lilith with.”

Her hand slightly moved away from it and moved down. She washed my stomach and then grazed my groin, I tensed up as she brought the washcloth back up. I didn’t realize it, but her breasts were resting on my shoulders. Yura picked up on my distress.

“Calm down dear, I’m just washing you off, that’s all. I know you don’t like me that way, I’m not

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