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Book online «The Godsend Backfire: The Beginning Harold Straugh (bearly read books TXT) 📖». Author Harold Straugh

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for an angry, soft, little boy like you in my life,” Yura got up in his face and a look of fear came to his eyes, “and if you don’t leave me alone about it, I will let Mylicious know you’re bothering me again and out you go!” she said with a little growl.  I was impressed.

Kallik stormed off and Yura turned around, she looked at me, then walked over and sat down next to the fire, she patted the empty spot next to her.  I didn’t want to sit next to her, but I didn’t want to offend her, so I made my way over and sat down.  She leaned her head up against my shoulder, her scent filling my nose.  She put her beige hand on my, pale, marble hand.

“Thank you!”


“Being here, if you weren’t, something bad could have happened.”

“I think you handled it fine yourself,” I said, then something sparked in us, but I immediately pulled away and looked at her, she looked upset, I could feel her heart racing.

 With a quick movement, she threw her legs over me, then dug her nails into my shoulders and forced me back in my seat.  She was strong, I liked it, but I wasn’t there for that. I tried to get up and she forced me back down again, her eyes raged purple as her breathing took on more of a growl.  She dug in harder with her nails.  I winced in pleasurable pain, as she broke through my shirt and skin.  She kissed me again, with much more force this time and this time I kissed her back.

Then, I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and looked.  Mylicious was leaning up against the wall, naked, a big grin on his face.  Yura’s eyes caught Mylicious as well, she had a scared look on her face and then took off past Mylicious, who started laughing. Then he walked over to me and sat down.

“It appears she likes you, which is odd, Yura doesn’t like any men around here, I was starting to think she wasn’t into men.”

“Ahhh, Lilith’s free love exists even over here,” I said.

“It’s nature brother, I’m sure over time it will be more accepted, but people have such and issue with it now.  You’re going to hurt her when you leave you know?”

“It’s not my fault she likes me,” I said, not wanting to think about Yura.

“I think it is, you have a charm about you, Jehovah took to you, Lucifer took to you, even that demon Lilith took to you and now Yura.  This saddens me because I was hoping she would have found someone, and she found you and you don’t want to stay here.”

“I’m sorry brother!” I said, feeling like a total piece of shit.

He patted my leg and got up, “So am I brother, so am I.”

I was left alone for the rest of the night.  At one point, I swear I heard sobbing coming from the middle tunnel. I wanted to get up and go console Yura, but I didn’t want to give the wrong message.  I didn’t know what was wrong with me, why I was afraid to love? I thought about how Lilith, still after all these years, had me messed up.  I was afraid that night, that Lilith was going to be my only ever sexual experience and that was out of forcefulness and hate.

I kept the fire up for them, leaving at one point to get more wood.  The Northern Lights were out and about, the moon almost full, the stars brighter than I have ever seen them before and all I could think about was heading back to the cliff where Mylicious found me. I felt miserable and, on my way back down with the wood, I slipped and fell.  The wood I was carrying landed on my face and I slid down the rest of the steps.  I laid there for a good thirty-minutes before even attempting to move.  I finally, got up and picked up the wood. I was glad no one was around to see it; my pride was destroyed.

It didn’t seem like that much longer that the den, so to speak, started to stir.  Amka, Mila and Amaruq were the first ones up.  They cooked up some meat, for the rest of the pack, offering me some, which I declined.  The rest of the pack, minus Yura, came out.  They seemed different, they had a different look in their eyes, they were glassy, almost if high on a drug, except for Amka and Amaruq, they just had smiles on their faces as they helped.

Mylicious had a large grin on his face, larger than with his human face, almost as if just his mouth had taken on the transformation. He would stare at Mila and sometimes at Tapeesa, but the stare he gave Mila was the same stare I’d seen on the faces back in Gomorrah, on the bright side, he wasn’t looking at me.

They are more like beasts as usual, nastily slopping the food around in their mouths.  They made slurping noises, I was disgusted by the actions, but they were, in fact, beasts after all.

I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and when I looked over, Yura sat down beside me, her scent stronger than ever.  I looked over at her for a second and when I looked back at the rest of the pack, Kallik was glaring at us.  Then, Yura leaned over, put her head on my shoulder, glared back at Kallik, then suddenly, grabbed my crotch.

“What are doing?” I asked as she laughed.  Kallik got up from his eating area and stormed off.

“It’s so enjoyable making him mad.  He’s even more upset because no one from the mainland will come back to mate with him this time,” she explained, keeping

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