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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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said, trying to pry his muscular blue arm off her. “I’llride with Michio.” She pointed to her husband.

Michio rode over to them. Jakesaid a few sharp words to Kumaroo, gesturing to Michio. Kumaroo’seyes narrowed, but he let Michio swing Toemeka onto his axterdon.Perched in front of her husband, Toemeka sat tensely on thecreature’s back as it started to lumber through the rapidlydarkening woods. She expected to get thrown off at any moment.

“Try and relax.” Michio drewher closer. “I know you’re tired.”

“I don’t dare relax.”Despite her words she leaned back against him, exhaustion sweepingover her. “I’m sorry for taking off while you were sleeping.Thank you for coming after me.”

He kissed the top of her head. “Ididn’t come all the way to Alandra to risk your recapture. Though Iwish you hadn’t left without talking to me first.”

“You didn’t want to leave thegroup and I was afraid Najetta would die of pneumonia.”

“I know, sweetheart,” hesaid. “Promise me you won’t take off on your own again.”

She turned in his arms and kissedhim. “I won’t.”

Toemeka snuggled into Michio’sarms, grateful for the warmth of his body. Gradually she relaxed,lulled to sleep by the axterdon’s uneven gait.


As the hours passed, Michio feltthe strain of the last few days beginning to take its toll. Fatiguecrept through him, but he didn’t dare relax while riding theunpredictable axterdon.

Much later, they finally reachedcamp. In the dark Michio couldn’t see much except for a few conicaltents. He woke Toemeka.“We’re here, love.”

“Sorry I fell asleep.” Sheyawned and sat up straighter. He dismounted, then lifted her off theaxterdon. The creature had become more docile during their hours ofriding. Stiff and sore, Michio stretched, looking forward to a goodnight’s sleep.

A native led the axterdons awayas Erling and Jake walked over. Kumaroo spoke to Jake, pointed to atent, then left. Jake relayed what he said. “Some of Kumaroo’smen arrived before us and arranged for us to use this teepee.”Erling helped Jake over to the teepee Kumaroo had indicated.

When Toemeka started to hobbleafter them, Michio lifted her into his arms and carried her to theteepee. He knew her hip must hurt from her fall when the axterdon hadthrown her.

The teepee was made oftanned-skins wrapped around branches. Four furs were spread on theground encircling a blazing fire in the center. Jake and Erling tooktwo of the furs and Michio set Toemeka down on a third one. Hestripped off his still damp clothes and set them by the fire to dry.Toemeka did the same and they crawled between the furs. Michio’shead felt thick with fatigue. He was grateful to be in a camp ofwarriors who would keep guard so he could sleep through the night.

He felt himself drifting off whenErling said, “Michio, I’m worried about Jake. He’s running afever.”

Michio lay there a few moments,trying to fight off his bone-deep weariness, before replying, “I’lltake a look at him.” He put his attention on the Sound Currenthumming softly in his inner ears. The cosmic energy filled his everypore until gradually he felt a warm glow flowing through him,renewing his life force. Restored, he pulled on clothes and went overto Jake.

“He’s sleeping. Try not towake him,” Erling said. “His wound looks inflamed.”

Michio peeled back the fur andlooked at the blaster wound. The fire gave off enough light for himto see it was red and swollen.

“And he could have aconcussion,” Erling added. “His head slammed into a boulder whenhe was underwater.”

“He took quite a beating in theriver and was shot, but there’s not much we can do for him withoutmedical supplies.”

Right outside their teepee, a manstarted chanting in a low, melodious voice.

“I wonder what’s going on,”Michio said. “I’ll check; you stay with Jake and Toemeka.”

“Okay, but don’t be surprisedif I’m asleep when you get back.”

When Michio stepped outside hesaw a large fire had been lit and a white-haired man was dancing neartheir teepee. The leaping flames revealed he had a large flared nose,a bulging forehead, full lips and tattoos on his face that made itlook like a bird mask. He wore only a loincloth and had tattoos allover his body. Michio felt power surrounding him and realized he wasa medicine man.

Michio started to walk toward themedicine man, but two warriors grabbed him and pulled him back.“What’s he doing?” Michio asked.

One warrior put a finger to hislips, and then looked back at the medicine man. Michio understoodthey wanted him to be quiet.

As the medicine man danced aroundtheir teepee sprinkling a fine power, Michio felt the energy aroundtheir teepee being altered. At last the dance ended and the warriorsquietly slipped into their teepees, leaving the medicine man andMichio alone.

The medicine man went to thefire, motioning for Michio to join him. Once seated, the medicine mandrank from a mug, then handed it to Michio. He knew he was expectedto drink; to do otherwise would cause offense. He breathed in thepotent smell of the drink, before taking a sip and handing it back.Warmth traveled through his body and he realized it was a drug.Michio closed his eyes, focused within and neutralized its effect.

Telepathically the medicine mansaid, Isee you don’t need the drink to communicate. You’re strong withthe wind, thunder, lightning and the river. You come seeking answers.I changed the energy around your teepee because the vibrations fromthe woman spoke loudly, drawing death to our camp. I made sure ourcamp stays hidden from the white conqueror. They won’t find it whenthey search the woods and they will not see it if they fly overhead.Owayan magic is strong.

Thewhite conqueror is evil, themedicine man continued.His heart is black. The woman’s heart is filled with light. Hewants her radiance and is drawn to her, but his nature is coarse. Hewants to draw her down, rather than be uplifted by her.

Yousee clearly,Michio communicated telepathically, knowing the elder referred toCadmus.

Yourheart and the woman’s heart are one. Your Soul journey and thewoman’s are one. Your life and the woman’s life are one.

Theways of our village are different, theholy man continued, his words flowing directly into Michio’s mind.Ourmen do not yet understand a woman’s important role in theirspiritual growth. Women are not valued the way

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