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Book online «The Heart of Alchemy James Wisher (book recommendations TXT) 📖». Author James Wisher

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area was unknown, anything he decided would simply be a guess.

“We have two choices,” Wainwright said, breaking into his thoughts. He stabbed a large island about the same size as Markane. “That is the Island of Giant Beasts. According to the logbook, there’s fresh water and good hunting. There are also predatory birds big enough to carry off a horse, some sort of giant lizard with a poisonous bite, and heaven only knows what else.”

“Charming. The second option?”

Wainwright stabbed a second spot, a peninsula jutting into the sea. “That is the Land of the Demon Binders. The logbook said little about it and its author had no desire to learn more. I recommend we try the island.”

Otto nodded. He knew nothing about demons save that avoiding them seemed prudent. A visit to Lord Karonin was called for. If anyone could advise him on this matter, she could. It wouldn’t hurt to drop in on Castle Shenk as well. Hopefully things had settled down.

“We’ll check in again, Captain, hopefully on a nicer day. If there are any problems, send me a message at once.”

“Aye, my lord. We’ll keep on keeping on. No need to worry.”

Every time someone told him that, his concern only went up. Maybe he was a glutton for punishment, but he worried most when things seemed to be going well.

Chapter 4

Wolfric paced in the dining room, his uncomfortable, too-tight formal tunic threatening to strangle him. Two days had passed since the gala and he’d finally sent an invitation to Jade and her uncle to join him at the palace for dinner. The cook had spared no effort to prepare a fine meal, the mouthwatering scent of which filled the air. Now he just needed his guests to show up.

He finally forced himself to stop and sit down. He needed to make a good impression and having them find him nervous and sweaty wouldn’t do that. They’d arrive here when they got here and no amount of pacing would speed the process up.

Five minutes later the dining room door opened and the herald announced, “Baron Martinique St. Croy and his niece, Jade.”

They stepped through the door which promptly closed behind them. Wolfric stood and stared at Jade. She had on a pale blue gown that hugged her curves and was just low cut enough to give a hint of treasures within.

Not wanting to be impolite, he forced his gaze away from her to her uncle and held out his hand. “I’m pleased you could join me.”

The baron hesitated then shook his hand. “It was our honor to receive your invitation.”

He turned to Jade and bowed over her hand. “A pleasure to see you again, my lady.”

She blushed and batted her eyelashes. “You’re too kind, Your Majesty.”

He released her hand with great reluctance and directed them to their seats. Neither actually sat before Wolfric. He rang a silver bell and a trio of servants entered through another door, each laden with a silver tray bearing a steaming bowl of soup and a roll. The food was placed in front of each diner, the servants bowed, and the three of them retreated to the kitchen to await Wolfric’s summons.

After a couple spoonfuls of the rich broth, Wolfric peeked over to see if Jade was enjoying her meal. When he did their eyes met and she smiled.

His heart skipped a beat. By all the angels, she was beautiful.

“This is wonderful, Your Majesty,” the baron said, breaking the moment.

“I’ll be sure to share your compliments with the cook. Why don’t you tell me a little more about St. Croy Barony?”

“Oh, it’s a typical backwater barony. St. Croy Castle is built on a cliff overlooking the plains of Rolan. We raise cattle mostly and thanks to you we no longer lose them to Rolan rustlers.”

“Happy to be of service.” Wolfric turned back to Jade. “What do you like about the barony? Any secret places worth mentioning?”

She got a wistful look on her lovely face. “Not in the barony, but before the war I used to go to Rolan, a little town by the sea called Blue Cove. It was the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. I made another visit just before we came here, hence my tan.”

Wolfric looked at her smooth skin and pictured it glistening as she emerged from the sea. What a sight that must have been.

The main course came next followed by dessert. They chatted about inconsequential things. Jade had a taste for a crystal carver from Lux and Wolfric stored the name away for later. One of his designs would make a fine gift for their next visit.

Finally the baron yawned and said, “It’s been a wonderful visit, Your Majesty, but I’m about to fall asleep on your table. Perhaps we should call it a night.”

“Of course.” He rose and they joined him. “We’ll have to do this again soon.”

“I’d like that very much,” Jade said.

“Indeed,” her uncle agreed. “Though if we eat like this every time, I’ll get fat.”

Wolfric offered a polite chuckle at the poor joke and rang for the servants to guide them out. His gaze followed Jade until they were out of sight. He very much looked forward to a private meeting with her.

Chapter 5

When Otto appeared in his master’s tower, he was greeted by her frowning face. That, more than the cold, sent a chill up his spine. What could have happened in the netherworld to put her in a sour mood?

“I hadn’t expected to see you again so soon,” she said.

“I was hoping for some advice, Master. I’m in the process of planning the trip to the Celestial Empire and given the distance it will be necessary to make a stop somewhere for supplies. Unfortunately, we know next to nothing about our two best options, the Island of Giant Beasts and the Land of the Demon Binders.”

“Stick to the island,” she said. “Even the Arcane Lords avoided the Demon Binders.”

More curious than ever Otto asked, “Why? Is their magic

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