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so powerful?”

“They’re demon worshipers, priests who gain power from serving one of the nine lords of Hell. We didn’t fear their power and Amet, on occasion, had dealings with the forces of Hell. They had an understanding that we wouldn’t meddle in their business and they wouldn’t trouble our lands. The easiest way to accomplish that was to avoid them altogether. Frankly, I have no idea what they might do if you sailed into one of their ports and I recommend you avoid doing so.”

That was exactly Otto’s plan, but if worst came to worst and he had no choice, it helped to have some idea what they might run into.

Otto stood and bowed. “Thank you, Master.”

He started to become one with the ether, stopped, and asked, “Is all well? You seem a bit… out of sorts.”

“I am perfectly fine considering I’m a disembodied spirit trapped in the netherworld. Now, if you have no more questions, leave me in peace.”

Otto couldn’t remember ever seeing his master in a self-pitying mood. Angry certainly. Amused or annoyed at his ignorance, all the time. Still, a certain amount of depression was probably unavoidable given her circumstances.

Discretion being the better part of valor, Otto vanished into the ether and reappeared in the courtyard of Castle Shenk. There was no sign of violence outside and no pacing Graves. He took both of these things as a good sign.

A hard rap on the door brought a guard who hastened to let him in. The man wore no mail, another good sign.

“Welcome, Lord Shenk.” The guard closed the door, sealing out the worst of the cold.

“How fare things between my father and brother?”

“Better, my lord. The baroness’s return did wonders for the mood.”

“Splendid. Where is my mother now?”

“I believe she’s up in her sewing room.”

“And Father?”

“We caught a thief two days ago in the village. The baron is… punishing him.”

“Thank you.” Otto left the guard and trotted upstairs.

He paused in front of the door to his old room. It seemed a lifetime ago that he had lived here. Certainly he had been a different person. Weak and afraid of everything, he cowered before his father and brother. When he thought back on it, he couldn’t help the disgust that filled him. No wonder Father never respected him. He’d never respected himself.

Otto left the memories as well as his room behind and continued down the hall to Mother’s sewing room. The door was open a crack, but he knocked anyway before pushing it open. She sat in the sun, a modest pile of socks at her feet waiting to be fixed. Her embroidery frame didn’t have a new project in it yet, but knowing Mother, that would change as soon as she finished with the socks.

She looked away from her work as he closed the door and smiled. “This is a nice surprise. What brings you here?”

Otto crossed the room and kissed her cheek. “I came to count the bodies. Happily, I came up with zero.”

She snorted a laugh. “Your father mentioned you paying them a visit before I got back. Did you really think one of them might hurt me?”

“You know how Stephan gets. Besides, I promised Axel I’d have a talk with everyone. Since all’s quiet, I assume you worked some magic of your own.”

“Hardly. I just suggested a few changes. Your father gave Stephan some of the double eagles as well as more day-to-day responsibility for running the barony. The truth is, he should have done that years ago. But you know how stubborn he can be.”

Otto did know. “And how is Stephan handling his duties?”

“He hasn’t killed or maimed anyone, so that’s a start. I fear he’s finding that being baron is a good deal less exciting than he imagined. And how are things in Garen?”

“Quiet for the moment. Abby’s sleeping more and crying less which pleases everyone. There appear to be no major plots against the government, which frees me up to prepare for my next journey.”

“Where to this time?”

“The Celestial Empire.”

Her eyes widened. “That’s an even longer trip than your last.”

Otto nodded. “Nearly twice as long in fact. It may be over a year, round trip. I can’t say I’m looking forward to it, but that’s where I need to go regardless.”

“Are you staying for dinner?”

“Sorry, I’ve got to get back. I just wanted to check in and see if you needed anything.”

“No, we’re good here. I do appreciate your concern though.”

Some of the tension left him. Knowing she was safe made it easier to do what he had to. “Goodbye, Mother. Be well.”

He became one with the ether and vanished.

Chapter 6

A day or two after visiting Lord Karonin and his family, Otto found himself back at the warehouse. At the rear of the building, Ulf busied himself filling vials with his latest alchemical concoction. Given the lack of stinking, he assumed this one was neither explosive nor flammable.

Otto expected a report from Allen and Sin today, but what he got was Hans, Corina, and the rest of the squad seated around a table playing cards. He didn’t bother getting annoyed with them. With nothing to do, it was as good a way to pass the time as any.

They hurried to stand, but Otto motioned them back to their seats. “Where are Sin and Allen? I expected them to be awaiting my arrival.”

“Allen’s meeting one of the St. Croy serving girls for breakfast,” Hans said. “He should be here before long.”

“Sin mentioned running down a last-minute lead as well,” Corina added. “Do we have time for a lesson?”

“Have you mastered extending all your senses?” Otto asked.

“All but smell. For some reason I can’t connect to my nose the way I want to.”

“You need to connect to the smell receptors in your brain then create a construct that looks like a nose to collect the scent. No new lessons until you master that.”

She pouted but didn’t complain.

Otto strode back to Ulf’s workbench. “Since we have time, tell me again about the

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