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Book online «David Bishop and the Mystic of Creation T.C. Crawford (icecream ebook reader txt) 📖». Author T.C. Crawford

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and nimble, easily maneuvering around his heavy blows, and finally, after rolling under his legs, she plunged her sword into his back before he fell to the ground defeated.

Quickly moving on to her next opponent, she fell into a trance-like battle rhythm, weaving in and out between swings from her opponents, ducking and dodging and spinning around like a dancer, hacking, and slashing in a mindless frenzy.

Wolves fell behind her, one after another, in a bloodbath of ferocious attacks.

Meanwhile, Tyrius was just as busy swinging his staff with strength and precision to knock his opponents backward or to the ground for others to take down with their swords, harpoons, and fishhooks.

In a matter of just a few minutes, the majority of the wolves were either dead or severely wounded, while only a handful of the rebel forces had been taken out.

David, having dispatched the final opponent between him and Bloodvayne with ease, began walking towards the giant beast, prepared to take him on.

Just then, another sizeable force of Wolf Guard came rushing from one of the interior hallways, breaking the fight into renewed frenzy. The rebel forces charged into the incoming Wolves, keeping them occupied while David and Bloodvayne locked their swords in a powerful show of force.

Another group of rebels came rushing from the hallways to their left with Riyan and a few other men at their side, armed to the teeth and ready for battle. The fighting that ensured was vicious and bloody.

Meanwhile, David and Bloodvayne had locked in combat. The wolf tried using his superior size and strength to his advantage, sending powerful, man-crushing blows at his opponent one after another, but David, being smaller and nimbler, simply dodged and deflected the attacks, causing Bloodvayne to roar in frustration and renewed rage. He rushed at David in a flurry of brutal attacks, causing David to second-guess his sudden confidence of his newly kindled connection to the orb, putting him on the defensive.

He raised his sword time and time again, trying to block the powerful blows aimed at his face, his midsection, his legs, just to barely get his blade up in time to keep from being gutted by the wolf’s curved blade.

David didn’t know how much longer he could keep up this level of assault, as his arms were growing weak from the constant barrage of attacks. He glanced to his side to see Erin still fighting with the other forces, holding the wolves at bay, but completely unaware of his dire situation.

It seemed he was on his own.

Desperately trying to figure out a way to keep from being killed, David felt deep within for the presence of the orb. He could almost sense its presence, far away, pulsing faintly within a deep recess of his being, ready to be released.

If he could just get to it, he would be able to access his powers and take out Bloodvayne once and for all.

He could see the look in Bloodvayne’s eyes as he continued his relentless attack. His confidence was building, and a smirk was growing on the corner of his black, glossy lips, revealing his yellowed fangs and plump, red tongue.

He knew he was winning.

In a last-ditch effort for survival, David gave up on his attempt to reach his powers and lunged out of the way of a deadly thrust, causing Bloodvayne to stumble beneath the weight of his own blow. He had overcompensated, anticipating a resistance that never came.

Seeing his opening, David rolled out of the dive and onto his feet, spinning quickly as he landed on his feet before hurling his blade with both hands and putting all of his weight into the lunge towards the back of the big wolf.

He watched as the blade twirled over and over, blade over hilt, as it soared gracefully through the air.

Bloodvayne, seeing the flash of metal from the corner of his eye as it flew through the air, had little time to react as he tried to turn to avoid the attack. But he was too late.

The tip of the blade pierced into his side, gouging his lungs, and rendering them useless as the edge cut into his flesh and between his ribs.

The beast reared up in pain, howling and clutching at his side, until the cry was abruptly silenced with a loud gurgling as the blood filled his lungs and throat, cutting off the sound.

The great beast fell to the floor, panting heavily as his lifeblood spilled across the floor.

The rest of the rebel forces, having finally dispatched the last of the enemy wolves, quickly ran to David’s aid, checking to make sure he was okay before cheering loudly for their victory.

Natan, seeing Bloodvayne lying lifeless on the floor, walked over to him, and cut off his head before carrying it out to the front entrance and holding it high into the air for all to see.

“Your leader is dead! Surrender now or face a similar fate!” he screamed, to which everyone stopped their fighting and turned to see the poor orphan turned rebel holding up the decapitated head of the great leader of the Southern Wolf Guard.

One by one the wolves dropped their weapons and bowed their heads in defeat. The surviving rebel forces bound their hands and round up their weapons before they all lifted their hands into the air and cheered, elated in victory.

Suddenly, the roar of tens of thousands of men, women, and children could be heard echoing through the streets. A large procession of citizens came marching through the streets from all directions, headed towards the central courtyard before the pyramid shaped headquarters. They were holding weapons of all kinds, mostly tools, and were chasing the last remaining forces of men and wolves towards the central district.

When the enemy forces reached the main gates and saw their brethren and leaders were defeated here as well, they stopped running and simply dropped their weapons, allowing the crowd to push them into the center and round up their weapons and bind their hands

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