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Book online «David Bishop and the Mystic of Creation T.C. Crawford (icecream ebook reader txt) 📖». Author T.C. Crawford

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Guard who had those long, curved blades that would easily cut through the wooden handles of such tools, that was a different story, not to mention the short swords used by the Guild.

“Pardon my concern, but fishhooks and harpoons and shovels are not weapons, they are tools. The Wolf Guard and Guild members have real blades that are designed for war. These are poor substitutes…” said Tyrius, concern in his voice.

“I saw the people fight in the streets when they ambushed the Wolf Guard. These people are brave and determined. Even with such inferior weapons, they will pose a formidable threat to the establishment.” replied David, nodding towards the others in the room, who all stood up straighter as they heard his praises.

They clearly all admired David and took his words to heart, something David knew he would have to use to his advantage if needing to rally the people behind him.

“Their sheer numbers and determination will be their greatest weapon. The most important thing will be making sure they don’t lose their resolve once they get into the action and start to see their friends and family fall beside them in battle. Morale will be the key deciding factor if we are going to come out of this on top” said Erin, chiming in.

“Have any of your people been in combat, Natan?” she asked.

“Yes, many. Many have had to live in constant threat of the Wolf Guard and the Guild, many times having to fight their way out of dangerous situations before running away. These are the ones who come to us for protection. Once you run away from the Wolves or the Guild, you can never show your face again or they will take you. Those who survive are lucky, many do not survive, and many more still are taken away.” he said, clenching his teeth in anger.

“Our numbers have grown recently. People are angry, and people are fighting back more and more, knowing that to give up is to die. The people know that when the Wolf Guard or the Guild take you away, you are a dead man. This has caused many to stand up and fight, instead of giving up easily. Now our numbers have more than doubled in the past month alone. And with David here, our ranks will grow even faster.” he said, looking to David with admiration.

David was not used to this kind of attention, but he sympathized for Natan and the others and wanted more than anything to help them achieve their goals.

After hearing David’s account of the ambush, and seeing Natan’s determination, Tyrius seemed to relax a bit on his stance and instead focused on the task at hand.

“So, once we get the numbers and everyone is in position, how will you start the attack? We have to make sure we have the element of surprise, and we can’t risk word spreading too quickly of the rebellion or the enemy will have time to mobilize and respond in a coordinated attack.” said Tyrius.

“Yes, this we have thought of too.” said Natan. “We wait until the market hour, where the Guild and Wolf Guard send many of their soldiers to the markets to see that they get their first picks. When they are looking over the shipments, we catch fires around the market, closing them off and keeping their soldiers blocked off from the rest of the city.

“This is when we rush all three groups toward the central headquarters and take them by force. If we take the central building and take out their leaders before the main forces return from the markets, we can free Riyan and the others.”

David suddenly chimed in with an idea, “The central barracks, the pyramid shaped structure. That’s where I was being held and it had a heavy presence within its walls. I bet you that’s where they are storing their weapons stash too! If we can take that, we can get their weapons from within, giving us a greater chance to take the rest of the city.” he said, to which everyone nodded eagerly.

“If we do this, the rest of the people will see we have won and will fight back, but if we don’t show them our strength by taking the main building, they will not join us. I know this – it was where my parents failed before. They had gotten to the steps of the main fortress, only to fail in taking out the leader of the Wolf Guard. The rebellion died soon after, and the members were all beheaded in a public execution for all to see what punishment awaits those who resist.” said Natan.

“Their leader’s name is Bloodvayne,” said David, “he’s much bigger than the Wolves we came across in Eldergate and the Great Plains. That’s who was going to take me to Eldergate, and he would have, had I not been rescued. I think we will also need to make sure Jakob Zander is taken out too – he is the leader of the Guild. So long as he lives, your people will not be victorious.”

“This is true, we must eliminate both leaders to cause the most confusion to the enemy. But their building is not in the central pyramid with the Wolves. They are further east. They take shelter in a compound made of large timbers. It surrounds their main building like a great wall.” replied Natan.

He looked over to a woman who was standing off to the side and waved his hand for her to come over.

She was tall and skinny with long black hair that flowed down the length of her back. She wore shabby clothes like most of the others consisting of plain trousers and a light, flowing robe that covered her head and was customary for the women in the area to wear, as it allowed the air to flow through the fabric and cool the skin while protecting them from the intense sun.

“This is Anita, she will show you the compound so

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